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策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Jacques du Broeucq【1500 至 1584】
创作年份公元 1530 - 公元 1565
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 高 54 3/4 x 宽 17 1/2 x 深 12 3/8 英寸 (139.1 x 44.5 x 31.4 厘米)
介绍(中)这个寓言式的慈善人物养育了三个孩子。其中一个爬上她的上衣,够到她的左胸;她用一只手臂固定在左髋上;老大站在她的脚边,扭着腰抬头看着他的弟弟。女人平静地站在她扭动的孩子中间,低头看了看,脸上带着一丝微笑。她长发上戴着月桂花环。她提起下摆饰有胭脂红边的长袍,露出饰有塞拉芬头的凉鞋。在其图像学中,该慈善机构与矗立在屏风顶上的阁楼或画廊中的雕像类型有关,屏风将教堂的祭坛与会众隔开,还支撑着十字架或十字架。慈善机构雕刻于1550年 – 多梅尼科·德尔·巴比尔(Domenico del Barbiere)为曾经矗立在特鲁瓦圣埃蒂安教堂(现在的圣潘塔伦教堂)的石壁屏风创作的《52》中,三个孩子被塞进了她宽大长袍的褶皱中。[1] 另一个例子是由佛兰德雕塑家兼建筑师雅克·杜·布鲁克于1535年至1548年间雕刻的,目前仍在蒙斯圣瓦德鲁的学院教堂里,陪伴她的是两个孩子,一个依偎在她的怀里,一个站在她的脚边。[2]

很可能,就像刚才描述的两件作品一样,博物馆的雕像曾经是教堂内建筑结构的一部分。鲁德屏风的雕刻程序复杂多样。在特鲁瓦,慈善与信仰在十字架两侧(除了圣母和圣约翰福音传道者);在蒙斯,围绕十字架的群体包括神学和世俗美德。这些石屏或木屏在法国被称为jubés,在16世纪初的欧洲教堂中经常出现,但在特伦特会议(1545年)之后 – 63)他们经常被拆除,作为俗人和神职人员之间新希望的接近的障碍。该慈善机构的精美雪花石膏带有镀金痕迹,其良好的状况表明,雕塑最初矗立在室内,并继续受到天气的保护

由于这种建筑雕像主要分布在法国北部和低地国家,因此该地区一直在寻找雕塑家。法国艺术家杰曼·皮隆(约1525年) – 1590)首次被认为是它的创造者。[3] 对于那些将其归因于Pilon的学者来说,慈善会似乎具有十六世纪中叶枫丹白露宫廷中与艺术相关的宫廷优雅和礼仪线条。有人将其与杜布罗克(约1505年)的雕塑进行了比较 –​ ​1584年),他经常在佛兰德斯丰富的雪花石膏材料中工作。他在蒙斯为圣瓦德鲁雕刻的庄严美德与博物馆的慈善机构有很多可比之处。他们直率的姿势因窗帘而变得生动起来,窗帘以许多精细的褶皱紧贴在躯干上,但以更宽的范围扫过腿部。博物馆的慈善机构没有蒙斯雕像特有的宽阔、尖锐的眉毛,她的孩子们的肌肉更粗,姿势也比圣瓦德鲁慈善机构优雅的病房更尴尬。但其精致的雕刻和敏锐的形式感表明,这是一位熟悉杜风格的有成就的艺术家的作品

第三位雕塑家,德国康拉德·迈特(1480年代) – 1550/51)。[4] Meit和Du Broeucq在同一地区工作,尤其是在布列斯布尔格附近的布鲁教堂,1532年他的Sybil或Virtude装饰了奥地利玛格丽特的陵墓。它甜美的举止让人想起我们的慈善事业。然而,迈特褶皱雕刻的精确性和几何图案似乎与慈善机构更宽松的布料流不太匹配

最近,延斯·伯克提出了第四位候选人,克劳迪乌斯·弗洛里斯(1548年后去世)。[5] 他是安特卫普圣路克公会(一个由画家、雕塑家和其他艺术家组成的专业组织)的主席,负责佛兰德斯通格罗修道院圣塔顶部的雕塑图像。这座50英尺高的建筑建于1536年至1547/48年间,支撑着大约500尊雕像和小雕像,直到1797年被摧毁。目前还不知道原始纪念碑的图像,只有少数雕塑装饰,包括迈特的一些作品幸存下来。1779年,汤尔洛诺伯丁修道院院长弗雷德里克斯·范·胡特描述了三尊相当高的雪花石膏雕像,分别是信仰、爱和希望,矗立在迈特雕像上方的一层。此外,一份1798年安特卫普Carmelite修道院的作品清单显示,有一尊雪花石膏雕像,上面写着"爱与三个孩子"("爱"是Caritas的直译,拉丁语中慈善的意思),暗示它可能在前一年躲过了拆除。尽管没有克劳迪乌斯·弗洛里斯的某些现存作品,但伯克的研究提供了间接证据,证明他可能是负责博物馆慈善事业的雕塑家。进一步的研究可能会证明这一假设


[Ian Wardropper,《欧洲雕塑》,1400–1900年,纽约大都会艺术博物馆,2011年,第24期,第77–79页。伊恩·沃德罗珀。"多梅尼科·德尔·巴比尔在特鲁瓦圣埃蒂安的朱贝的新归属",《美术公报》,第6页。,118(1991年10月),第111–28页。

2。蒙斯圣瓦德鲁学院(Robert Didier in Jacques Du Broeucq,文艺复兴时期的雕塑家和建筑师:纪念艺术家百年四重奏的公共研究回顾-
介绍(英)This allegorical figure of Charity nurtures three children. One clambers up her blouse to reach her left breast; one she pins with one arm to her left hip; the eldest stands at her feet, twisting to look up at his brother. Standing calmly amid her wriggling brood, the woman looks down with a trace of a smile. She wears a laurel wreath on her long hair. Lifting her robe, which is trimmed at the hem with a rinceau border, she reveals sandals decorated with seraphim heads. In its iconography, this Charity is related to the type of statue that stood in the loft or gallery atop the screen that separated the altar of a church from the congregation and also supported a crucifix, or rood. The Charity carved in 1550 – 52 by Domenico del Barbiere for the stone rood screen that once stood in the church of Saint-Étienne (now Saint-Pantaléon), Troyes, has three children tucked into the folds of her voluminous robe.[1] Another example, carved by the Flemish sculptor and architect Jacques Du Broeucq between 1535 and 1548 and still in the collegiate church of Sainte-Waudru, Mons, is accompanied by two children, one nestled in her arms, one standing at her feet.[2]

It seems probable that, like the two works just described, the Museum’s statue was once part of an architectural structure inside a church. The sculptural programs of rood screens varied in complexity. At Troyes, Charity and Faith flanked the crucifix (in addition to the Virgin and Saint John Evangelist); at Mons, the group around the crucifix included the theological and the temporal virtues. Called jubés in France, these stone or wood screens figured frequently in European churches early in the sixteenth century, but after the Council of Trent (1545 – 63) they were often torn down as obstacles to the newly desirable proximity between laity and clergy. This Charity’s fine alabaster with traces of gilding and its good condition suggest that the sculpture originally stood indoors and continued to be protected from the weather.

Since this type of architectural statue is predominantly found in northern France and the Low Countries, the sculptor has been sought in that region. Not unreasonably, the French artist Germain Pilon (ca. 1525 – 1590) was first considered its creator.[3] To those scholars who attributed it to Pilon, the Charity seemed to have the courtly grace and mannered line associated with art at the court of Fontainebleau in the middle of the sixteenth century. Comparisons have been made with the sculpture of Du Broeucq (ca. 1505 –​ ​1584), who often worked in alabaster, a material abundant in Flanders. The stately virtues he carved for Sainte-Waudru in Mons have many points of comparison with the Museum’s Charity. Their straightforward poses are enlivened by drapery that clings to the torso in many fine pleats but sweeps around the legs in broader swaths. The Museum’s Charity does not have the broad, sharp eyebrows characteristic of the Mons statues, and her children have lumpier muscles and more awkward poses than the graceful wards of the Sainte-Waudru Charity. But its refined carving and keen formal sense suggest the hand of an accomplished artist familiar with Du Broeucq’s style.

A third sculptor, the German Conrad Meit (1480s – 1550/51), has been mentioned in connection with this Charity.[4] Meit worked in the same region as Du Broeucq, particularly at the church of Brou, near Bourg-en-Bresse, where his Sybil, or Virtue, of 1532 decorates the tomb of Margaret of Austria. Its sweet demeanor is reminiscent of our Charity. The precision and geometric patterns in Meit’s carving of pleats, however, do not seem quite matched in the more relaxed flow of this Charity’s drapery.

Recently, Jens Burk proposed a fourth candidate, Claudius Floris (died after 1548).[5] Dean of the guild of Saint Luke (a professional organization of painters, sculptors, and other artists) in Antwerp, he was responsible for the sculptural images at the top of the sacramental tower in the abbey church of Tongerlo in Flanders. This fifty-foot-high structure executed between 1536 and 1547/48 supported some five hundred statues and statuettes until it was destroyed in 1797. No images of the original monument are known, and only a few of its sculptural decorations, including some of Meit’s work, survive. Fredericus van Houdt, prior of the Norbertine abbey of Tongerlo, in 1779 described three fairly tall alabaster statues of Faith, Love, and Hope standing on a level above Meit’s statues. Furthermore, a 1798 inventory of works in the Carmelite convent at Antwerp noted an alabaster statue of "Love with three children" ("Love" is the literal translation of Caritas, the Latin word for charity), a hint that it may have escaped the demolition the previous year. Although there are no certain extant works by Claudius Floris, Burk’s research establishes circumstantial evidence that he may have been the sculptor responsible for the Museum’s Charity. Further research may yield proof of this hypothesis.

Although the question of attribution remains open, it seems correct to say that this probably mid-sixteenth-century statue once stood on an architectural screen or tower at a church in northern France or southern Flanders. Whoever was the artist responsible, the sculpture, at once graceful and compelling, is perhaps the finest and most imposing alabaster carving of this period in an American museum.

[Ian Wardropper. European Sculpture, 1400–1900, In the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, 2011, no. 24, pp. 77–79.]


1. Ian Wardropper. "New Attributions for Domenico del Barbiere’s Jubé at Saint-Étienne, Troyes." Gazette des beaux-arts, 6th ser., 118 (October 1991), pp. 111–28.

2. Collégiale Sainte-Waudru, Mons (Robert Didier in Jacques Du Broeucq, sculpteur et architecte de la Renaissance: Recueil d’études publié en commemoration du quatrième centenaire du décès de l’artiste. Exh. cat. Collégiale Sainte-Warudru, Mons; 1985. Mons, 1985, p. 59, no. n9s, ill. p. 58).

3. "A Marble Statue by Germain Pilon." Burlington Magazine 2, no. 4 (June 1903), pp. 90–95, p. 95; Hans Vollmer. Jean Goujon und die französische Renaissanceskulptur. Bibliothek der Kunstgeschichte 53. Leipzig, 1923, fig. 19; "Pilon (Pillon), Germain." In Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, edited by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker, vol. 27, pp. 44–46. Leipzig, 1933, p. 45; John Goldsmith Phillips. "Reports of the Departments: Western European Arts." In "Ninety-fifth Annual Report of the Trustees for the Fiscal year 1964–1965," pp. 76–79. Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, n.s., 24, no. 2 (October 1965), pp. 76 – 77, 79.

4. Important Sculpture and Works of Art, including Reference Books and Neapolitan Crib Figures. Sale cat. Christie’s, London, April 21, 1982, p. 60, no. 149.

5. Jens Ludwig Burk. "Some Remarks on Conrat Meit and South Netherlandish Sculpture between 1533 and 1566." Paper delivered at the conference "Renaissance Sculpture of the Low Countries from the Century of Jacques Du Broeucq (c. 1505–84)," Held in Mons, March 7–10, 2008.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。