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品名(中)Dala’il al-Khayrat祈祷书
品名(英)Dala'il al-Khayrat Prayer Book
策展部门伊斯兰艺术Islamic Art
创作者Muhammad bin Ahmad bin 'Abd Al-Rahman Al-Riyahi【1600 至 1650】
创作年份公元 1605 - 公元 1655
创作地区可能来自: 阿尔及利亚或突尼斯(Probably from: Algeria or Tunisia)
尺寸Text: H: 5 3/4 英寸 (14.6 厘米) x W: 3 1/4 英寸 (8.2 厘米) Folio: H: 7 1/16 英寸 (18 厘米) x W: 4 3/8 英寸 (11.2 厘米)
介绍(中)这份手稿是著名的Dala'il al-Khayrat(善举证明)的最早日期和插图副本之一,这是一本阿拉伯语文本和祈祷集,旨在祝福先知穆罕默德。该文本由摩洛哥苏菲和神秘主义学者穆罕默德·b·苏莱曼·贾祖利(公元1465年)于15世纪中期在摩洛哥创作,从16世纪开始流行起来,并传播到北非和伊斯兰世界的其他地区,一直传播到中国。作为先知的虔诚手册,它成为继《古兰经》之后逊尼派伊斯兰教中复制最多的宗教和虔诚文本之一。携带手稿并背诵其中包含的祈祷被认为是提供祝福(baraka)、好运和保护。伊斯兰世界各地都存在着不同的文本变体和产生达拉伊勒手稿的不同艺术流派。这本法典的文本反映了北非传统的特殊性,采用黑色马格里比大字书写,每页十行,镶有金色和多色的边框;重要的单词是用黑色勾勒的金色,而其他单词是用红色、蓝色、粉色或绿色。长方形发光的卡通画,侧面有一个圆形的、像水滴一样的奖章,表示章节标题。最后的bifolio由一个双重的,充分照明的几何交织组成,唤起地毯的回忆。这本奢华的复制品是Dala'il的常见作品,包含四幅麦加的插图,包括对神圣的凯巴和麦地那的描绘,先知埋葬在那里,旁边是他的同伴和哈里发"奥马尔和阿布·巴克尔"。
介绍(英)This manuscript is one of the earliest dated and illustrated copies of the renowned Dala'il al-Khayrat (Proofs of Good Deeds), an Arabic text and collection of prayers meant as blessings for the Prophet Muhammad. Composed in Morocco in the mid-fifteenth century by the Moroccan Sufi and mystic scholar Muhammad b. Sulayman al-Jazuli (d. 1465), the text gained popularity from the sixteenth century onward and spread throughout northern Africa and other parts of the Islamic world, making its way as far east as China. As a manual of devotion for the Prophet, it became one of the most copied religious and devotional texts in Sunni Islam, after the Qur'an. Carrying the manuscript and reciting the prayers it contains is thought to provide blessing (baraka), good luck, and protection. Variations of the text and different artistic schools that produced Dala'il manuscripts existed across the Islamic world. The text of this codex, which reflects particularities of the North African tradition, is calligraphed in large black maghribi script, ten lines per page, framed by gold and polychrome rulings; important words are in gold outlined in black, while others are in red, blue, pink, or green. Rectangular illuminated cartouches with a round, drop-like medallion on the side indicate chapter headings. The final bifolio consists of a double, fully illuminated composition of geometric interlacing evocative of a carpet. Common for the Dala'il, this lavish copy contains four illustrations of Mecca, including depictions of the Holy Ka'ba, and Medina, where the Prophet is buried next to his companions and caliphs, 'Umar and Abu Bakr.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。