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品名(英)Bishop (Saint Augustine?)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Jacopo Sansovino (Jacopo Tatti)【1486 至 1570】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1550 - 公元 1600
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 6 1/2 × 2 × 1 5/8 英寸 (16.5 × 5.1 × 4.1 厘米)
介绍(中)1908年,W.R.Valentiner从慕尼黑艺术品经销商Julius Böhler手中购买了这两件文艺复兴时期的青铜器,这是第一批进入大都会博物馆的青铜器之一,这是一项大规模收购的一部分,其中包括一组庞大而异质的作品,主要是16世纪的意大利作品。[1] Valentiner最近才被任命为博物馆的装饰艺术策展人。这些青铜器属于亚历山德罗·维托里亚(Alessandro Vittoria),总金额为700马克,与同一交易中其他物品的价格相比相当高(例如,雅各波·桑索维诺(Jacobo Sansovino)的银匾价格为140马克)。[2]

Valentiner承认这些人物是两位"教会之父"。在重新考虑他们的作者身份时,他引用了威廉·冯·博德的观点,将他们与米开朗基罗的圈子联系起来,后者更喜欢大师的学生乔瓦尼·安吉洛·达·蒙托索利。[3] 1913年,约瑟夫·布雷克(Joseph Breck)将这两人更广泛地归类为"主教",并与米开朗基罗的轨道保持联系,并注意到J·皮尔庞特·摩根(J.Pierpont Morgan)收藏的青铜摩西的相似风格和姿势,这些摩西后来进入了大都会博物馆(第61期)

事实上,这三座小雕像之所以联系在一起,仅仅是因为它们粗糙的外表。前摩根青铜非常粗糙,主教的特点是未经精细铸造,没有冷加工。[4] 后者的背面是中空的(其中一个从前到后有一个钻孔),这表明它们可能是为安装在更大的结构中而设计的。他们的对位姿势表明,他们被认为是吊坠,在无声对话中并排放置。这样一个合奏团的明显背景是宗教背景。他们留着长胡子,斜接着,紧紧地抱着书,年事已高,大概代表了两位教会医生,但通用的肖像画阻碍了更具体的识别


1。例如,一个cassone(08.175.5)和三个斑块,分别归属于Moderno(08.175.14)、Valerio Belli(08.175.15)和Jacobo Sansovino的圆圈(08.175.13)。
2。Richard Winkler在慕尼黑的Bayerisches Wirtschaftsarchiv亲切地提供了与出售有关的文件
介绍(英)In 1908, W. R. Valentiner purchased these two sculptures—among the first Renaissance bronzes to enter The Met—from the Munich art dealer Julius Böhler as part of a bulk acquisition that included a substantial and heterogeneous group of works, primarily sixteenth-century Italian.[1] Valentiner had only recently been named the museum’s curator of decorative arts. The bronzes came with an attribution to Alessandro Vittoria and commanded the sum of 700 marcs, rather high compared to the price paid for other objects in the same transaction (for example, 140 marcs for a silver plaque ascribed to Jacopo Sansovino).[2]

Valentiner recognized the figures as two “Fathers of the Church.” In a reconsideration of their authorship, he aligned them with the circle of Michelangelo, citing the opinion of Wilhelm von Bode, who favored the master’s pupil Giovanni Angelo da Montorsoli.[3] In 1913, Joseph Breck catalogued the pair more broadly as “bishops,” maintained the association with Michelangelo’s orbit, and noted the analogous style and pose of a bronze Moses then in the collection of J. Pierpont Morgan that later come into The Met (cat. 61).

In fact, the three statuettes are linked only by virtue of their rough appearance. The ex-Morgan bronze is dramatically sketchy, the bishops marked by unrefined casting and the absence of cold work.[4] The latter have hollowed backs (one has a drillhole from front to back), indicating they were likely designed for installation in a larger structure. Their contrapposto poses suggest that they were conceived as pendants, to be placed side by side in silent dialogue. The obvious setting for such an ensemble would have been a religious one. With their long beards, miters, tightly clasped books, and venerable age, presumably they represent two Doctors of the Church, but the generic iconography prevents a more specific identification.

Regarding attribution, no decisive comparisons have surfaced. However, Valentiner’s theory of a Tuscan origin deserves a fresh look. Indeed, the figures’ expressive faces, the monumental construction of their heads, and their inordinately large hands point to an unmistakable Michelangelism. Even proposals in favor of Sansovino, which have arisen in curatorial discussions over the years, underline a “Florentine” and “Michelangelesque” inspiration in the overall design while linking the bronzes to the production of this artist active in Venice from 1527 until his death in 1570.

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. For instance, a cassone (08.175.5) and three plaques, attributed to Moderno (08.175.14), Valerio Belli (08.175.15), and the circle of Jacopo Sansovino (08.175.13).
2. The documents relating to the sale were kindly made available by Richard Winkler at the Bayerisches Wirtschaftsarchiv, Munich.
3. Valentiner 1908, p. 230.
4. Both appear to be directly cast using the same leaded tin alloy and pinkish ceramic core, and both bear traces of black Veneto-style patina. R. Stone/TR, November 18, 2010.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。