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品名(英)Cup from the Mackay Service
策展部门美国之翼The American Wing
创作者Tiffany & Co.【1837 至 现在】
创作年份公元 1878
创作地区制造于: 美国, 纽约, 纽约市(Made in: United States, New York, New York City)
尺寸2 1/4 × 2 × 2 5/8 英寸 (5.7 × 5.1 × 6.7 厘米)
介绍(中)这些镀金和搪瓷的杯子和茶托是美国有史以来最著名、最奢华的晚餐服务之一的一部分。1877年,约翰·W(1831-1902)和玛丽·路易斯·亨格福德(1843-1928)受麦凯委托,24人的晚餐服务由1250多件组成。约翰·W·麦凯是一名贫穷的爱尔兰移民,几乎没有受过什么教育。1873年,他和三位合伙人詹姆斯·费尔、詹姆斯·弗洛德和威廉·奥布莱恩在内华达州的康斯托克洛德(Comstock Lode)建立了一个名为"大波南扎"(the Big Bonanza)的银矿床,成为美国最富有的人之一。在参观该矿期间,Marie Louise向她的丈夫要了一份"由全国最好的银匠制作"的银质晚餐服务。她的丈夫回答说:"你会得到的。我喜欢吃直接从康斯托克带来的银的想法。"然后,他让半吨银从该矿送到蒂芙尼&;公司,200名员工在那里工作了近两年才完成委托。在受到纽约市社会的冷落后,麦凯一家在巴黎站稳了脚跟。1878年,这项服务被送到蒂芙尼在巴黎世博会上的获奖展览中,然后被送到位于凯旋门附近蒂尔西特街9号的麦凯家中。在一个社会事务奢侈的时代,麦凯夫人的晚宴和舞会堪称传奇。麦凯晚宴将成为宴会的中心,包括皇室、贵族、总统和夫人尤利西斯·S·格兰特,以及当时最著名的名人之一水牛比尔。在公司记录中,麦凯服务在风格上被称为"印度式",反映了蒂芙尼白银部门负责人爱德华·C·摩尔以及构思和实现这一委托的设计师、追逐者和工匠团队复杂而创新的设计情感。这些杯子上精致的景泰蓝珐琅装饰体现了镀金时代的奢华,并将为一顿饭提供一个耀眼的结局,这顿饭是在一片精心追逐的银器海洋上供应的,具有异国情调的印度和近东风味。
介绍(英)These gilded and enameled cups and saucers are part of one of the most renowned and lavish dinner services ever created in America. Commissioned in 1877 by John W. (1831-1902) and Marie Louise Hungerford (1843-1928) Mackay, the dinner service for twenty-four consisted of over 1,250 pieces. A poor Irish immigrant with little education, John W. Mackay became one of the wealthiest men in America when he and three partners, James Fair, James Flood, and William O’Brien, struck a silver deposit known as "The Big Bonanza" at Nevada’s Comstock Lode in 1873. During a visit to the mine, Marie Louise asked her husband for a silver dinner service "made by the finest silversmith in the country." Her husband responded, "You shall have it. I like the notion of eating off silver brought straight from the Comstock." He proceeded to have a half ton of silver delivered from the mine to Tiffany & Co., where two hundred men worked for almost two years to complete the commission. After being snubbed by New York City society, the Mackays established themselves in Paris. In 1878 the service was sent to be featured in Tiffany’s award-winning display at the Paris Exposition Universelle before being delivered to the Mackay’s home at 9 Rue de Tilsitt near the Arc de Triomphe. In an era of extravagant social affairs, Mrs. Mackay’s dinners and balls were legendary. The Mackay dinner service would have been at the center of banquets that included royalty, aristocracy, President and Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant, and one of the most prominent celebrities of the day, Buffalo Bill. Identified in firm records as "Indian" in style, the Mackay service reflects the sophisticated and innovative design sensibilities of Edward C. Moore, the head of Tiffany’s silver division, and the team of designers, chasers, and craftsmen who conceived and realized this commission. The exquisite cloisonné enameled decoration on these cups embodies Gilded Age extravagance and would have offered a dazzling finale to a meal served on a sea of elaborately chased silver wares in an exotic Indian and Near Eastern taste.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。