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品名(英)The Discovery of the True Cross
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Bernardo Strozzi【1581 至 1644】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1581 - 公元 1644
尺寸7 1/2 x 11 3/16英寸 (19.1 x 28.4厘米)

斯特罗齐的钢笔和墨水素描相对较少。在这幅画中,将形式快速而大胆地总结为球体,许多人物的头部有礼貌地向下倾斜,以及使用长、平行、略微弯曲的阴影线的广阔区域,可以精确地与斯特罗齐的早期"儿童和天使在基督圣婴持有的十字架周围跳舞"(摩根图书馆和博物馆, inv. 1981.101),这幅画于1996年在博物馆的"热那亚:绘画和版画"展览中展出。斯特罗齐的更多相关草图在热那亚罗索宫的Gabinetto dei Desegni。这张纸出现在佳士得拍卖目录(伦敦,1998 年 7 月 7 日,拍品编号 57)中,正如雅各布·德安东尼奥·内格雷蒂"Palma Il Vecchio"(1480-1528 年)的圈子一样,这一归属无法通过与这位艺术家的已知素描或绘画进行比较来支持。出于同样的原因,他的儿子Palma Il Giovane(1548-1628)也可以被排除为作者。对

"圣十字"的崇拜(这幅图和早期的摩根纸都暗示了这一点)对方济各会具有特殊的意义。1597年,贝尔纳多·斯特罗齐(Bernardo Strozzi)宣誓成为嘉布遣会,这是该教团中最禁欲的分支,但在1608/9年放弃了这一承诺。尽管拉斐尔·索普拉尼(Raffaele Soprani)和卡洛·朱塞佩·拉蒂(Carlo Giuseppe Ratti,1798-69 年)的早期斯特罗齐传记侧重于艺术家生活中的宗教丑闻,几乎没有提供有关他任何艺术项目的具体信息,但它确实提到这位年轻的新手首先通过描绘方济各会圣徒来表达他的艺术倾向。

这幅充满活力的笔墨素描描绘了右边前景中的圣赫勒拿岛和她的罗马追随者挖掘"圣十字架"的场景。在中间,四个男性人物以动态缩短的螺旋排列,从地面上拉出巨大的十字架。在左下角,纸张由两只不同的手"Palma"和"No.83"用钢笔和棕色墨水注释。18世纪的纸张背衬由早期的钢笔和棕色墨水注释,左上角为"Palma Vec[chio]",中间为"f 68"。

(Carmen C. Bambach,1998年,2015年修订)
介绍(英)This drawing can be attributed with confidence to Bernardo Strozzi, who was, along with Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione (1609-1664), the greatest Genoese Baroque painter. The Museum owns an expressive study in black chalk by Strozzi, a "Saint Peter" in bust-length (1993.241), as well as the only print by the artist, a "Virgin and Child with St. John" (1972.693).

Pen and ink sketches by Strozzi are relatively rare. In this drawing, the rapid and bold summing up of forms as spheres, the mannered, downward-tilt of the heads of many figures, and the use of broad areas with long, parallel, slightly curved hatching, can be compared precisely to Strozzi's early "Children and Angels Dancing Around the Cross Held by the Christ Child" (Morgan Library and Museum, inv. 1981.101), a drawing that was exhibited at the Museum in 1996 in the show "Genoa: Drawings and Prints.". Further relevant sketches by Strozzi are in the Gabinetto dei Desegni of Palazzo Rosso, Genoa. The sheet appeared in the Christie's sale catalogue (London, July 7, 1998, lot 57), as by the circle of Jacopo d'Antonio Negretti ‘Palma Il Vecchio,’ (1480-1528) an attribution that cannot be supported with comparisons to known drawings or paintings by this artist. For the same reasons, his son Palma Il Giovane (1548-1628) can also be ruled out as author.

The veneration of the "Holy Cross" (alluded to by both this drawing and the early Morgan sheet) had particular meaning for the Franciscan order. In 1597, Bernardo Strozzi took vows as a Capuchin, the most ascetic branch of that order, but renounced this commitment in 1608/9. Although the early biography of Strozzi by Raffaele Soprani and Carlo Giuseppe Ratti (1798-69) focuses on the religious scandal in the artist's life, offering little concrete information on any of his artistic projects, it does mention that the young novice first expressed his artistic inclination by portraying Franciscan saints.

This spirited pen and ink sketch portrays the scene of St. Helena, in the foreground to the right, and her Roman followers unearthing the "Holy Cross." In the center, four male figures, in a dynamically foreshortened spiral arrangement, pull the enormous cross from the ground. Toward the lower left, the sheet is annotated in pen and brown ink by two different hands, "Palma" and "no.83." The 18th century paper backing is annotated by early hands in pen and brown ink on the upper left, "Palma Vec[chio]," and toward the center, "f 68."

(Carmen C. Bambach, 1998, revised 2015)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。