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策展部门迈克尔·洛克菲勒之翼The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
创作年份公元 200 - 公元 700
尺寸宽 3 7/8 × 长 61 英寸 (9.8 × 154.9 厘米)
介绍(中)来自秘鲁安第斯山脉高地的古代织物很少能在那里盛行的恶劣天气条件下生存;这条Recuay风格的腰带或chumpi,精致而复杂,是一个罕见的例外。Recuay文化(公元200–700年)占据了秘鲁安第斯山脉中北部与Callejón de Huaylas和Calleján de Conchucos相对应的领土,这两个地区位于科迪勒拉-内格拉山脉和科迪勒拉·布兰卡山脉之间。它的发展与北海岸的Mochica(也称为Moche)和Gallinazo文化是同时代的;来自北部高地的卡哈马卡;和来自中部海岸的利马,他们从早期就与他们互动。在这些不同的文化中,Recuay以建造陵墓和地下葬廊而闻名。他们还创造了富有仪式场景的独特造型陶瓷。一些代表参与与生育有关的仪式的男性和女性角色;其他一些描绘了战斗图像,包括加固的空间。作为更广泛的祖先崇拜活动的一部分,Recuay艺术家还制作了不朽的拟人化石头雕塑,将其融入社区的集体记忆中。尽管数量有限,但纺织艺术表现出了高科技的发展,使其与同时代的纺织艺术有所不同


Recuay陶工对他们的陶瓷进行了非常详细的建模和绘画,提供了此类腰带的佩戴方式。男性和女性人物的服装有着明显的区别:女性穿着带有棋盘格装饰的连衣裙(克丘亚语为aksu),肩部用大金属别针固定,或tupus;他们腰间系着一条宽腰带。这套服装由一块用来覆盖头部的布来补充。他们的身体呈船只的形状,或者被描绘成背着他们。这些容器中装有一种安第斯饮料,由发酵玉米制成,在仪式期间食用。腰带,尤其是上面提到的那些带有神话人物图案的腰带,是社会地位较高的标志。不仅仅是功能性配件,它们代表着权力和等级。这类腰带的重要性一直延续到印加帝国时期(公元1470–1532年)。17世纪早期的默塞达里亚修士Martín de Murua的编年史记载,在收获玉米的时候,印加人的妻子们戴着一条腰带,他们称之为sara(玉米)。萨拉带上的四部分菱形表示Tahuantinsuyo(也拼写为Tawantinsuyu,字面意思是"四部分连接在一起"),印加人给他们的帝国起了这个名字

Arabel Fernández,安德鲁·W·梅隆基金会保护研究员,2020年

卡斯特罗·德拉马塔、帕梅拉和玛丽亚·伊内斯·韦拉德。"La tumba de La una mujer deélite Recuay",载于Señores de los reinos de La luna,第262–265页。符合。Krzysztof Makowski。利马:秘鲁银行,2008年

Martín德穆鲁阿。《原始和家谱历史》(1611年)。Constantino Bayle编辑。西班牙密西西比图书馆。马德里:圣托里比奥·德莫格罗韦霍研究所,1946年


乔治·刘。"秘鲁中北部高地的Recuay文化:年表及其意义的重新评估",《田野考古杂志》,第29卷,N 1-2(2002年春季–2004年夏季),第177–202页,2004年

乔治·刘。"关于Recuay文化中的纺织品和变化(公元200–700年),秘鲁安卡什,《安第斯山脉中的纺织品、技术实践和权力》,Denise Arnold Penny Dransart编辑,第327-344页。伦敦:原型,2014年


奥克兰、艾米和阿拉贝尔·费尔南德斯。"Tejidos Huari y Tiwanaku:可比性与背景",Boletín de Arqueología PUCP第4号,第119–130页,2000年



史蒂文·韦格纳。Ancash的史前遗迹。Cultura Recuay,Tomo 2。Jorge Luis Puerta编辑。Huaraz和利马:Consorcio Recursos Technoserve;安卡什协会,2011年。
介绍(英)Ancient fabrics from the highlands of the Peruvian Andes rarely survive the adverse weather conditions that prevail there; this Recuay-style belt or chumpi, of extraordinary and complex elaboration, is a rare exception. The Recuay culture (A.D. 200–700) occupied the territory corresponding to the Callejón de Huaylas and the Callejón de Conchucos, a space between the Cordillera Negra and the Cordillera Blanca, in the North Central Andes of Peru. Its development was contemporary to the Mochica (also known as Moche) and Gallinazo cultures of the north coast; Cajamarca, from the northern highlands; and Lima, from the central coast, with whom they interacted from early times. Among these diverse cultures the Recuay stood out for the construction of mausoleum-like tombs and underground funerary galleries. They also created distinctive modeled ceramics, rich in ritual scenes. Some represent male and female characters who participate in rituals related to fertility; others depict battle imagery, including fortified spaces. Recuay artists also made monumental anthropomorphic lithic sculptures as part of a broader practice venerating ancestors, incorporating them into a community’s collective memory. The textile arts, in spite of the limited corpus, show a high technological development—one that distinguishes it from its contemporaries.

This belt was made in a technique known as triple-cloth, for which the weaver uses camelid fiber threads in three colors: red, yellow and green, which were harmoniously combined in the execution of each motif, which in turn were distributed symmetrically along its length. Two general types of images are projected through the intertwined threads of this belt: one is a serpentine, bi-cephalic creature; the other is identified as a Moon Animal, also known as a Recuay Dragon, a mythological figure found in both highland and coastal art during the first millennium, and is especially notable in Mochica iconography. Three types of double-headed serpentine beings are distinguished in the belt, and these designs appear at the ends. Two Moon Animals appear in the center of the belt. The weaver presents us with a fairly stylized and minimalist image of this mythological being, one that highlights two facial features: its prominent mouth with serrated teeth, and a concentric eye, from which a serpent's head emerges.

Recuay potters modeled and painted their ceramics with great detail, providing a view of how such belts would have been worn. Male and female figures are clearly distinguished by their clothing: women wear dresses (aksu in Quechua) with a checkerboard decoration, secured at the shoulder by large metal pins, or tupus; around the waist they wear a wide belt. The ensemble is complemented by a cloth used to cover the head. Their bodies assume the shape of a vessel, or they are portrayed carrying them on their backs. Such vessels contained chicha, an Andean drink made from fermented corn and consumed during ceremonies. Belts, particularly those with motifs of mythological beings such as those mentioned above, were markers of high social status. Not simply functional accessories, they denoted power and hierarchy. The importance of this type of belt continued into the time of the Inca Empire (A.D. 1470–1532). The chronicle of the early 17th century Mercedarian friar Martín de Murua notes that during the corn harvest the coyas, wives of the Inca, wore a belt that they called sara (corn). The four-part rhombus on the sara belts denoted Tahuantinsuyo (also spelled Tawantinsuyu, literally “four parts joined together”), the name the Inca gave their empire.

Arabel Fernández, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Conservation Fellow, 2020

Castro de la Mata, Pamela, and María Inés Velarde. “La tumba de la una mujer de élite Recuay.” In Señores de los reinos de la luna, pp. 262–265. Compl. Krzysztof Makowski. Lima: Banco de Crédito del Perú, 2008.

De Murua, Martín. Historia del origen y genealogía real de los reyes Inca del Perú (1611). Ed. Constantino Bayle. Biblioteca Missionalia Hispánica. Madrid: Instituto Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, 1946.

Eisleb, Dieter. Altperuanische Kulturen Recuay IV. Berlin: Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 1987.

Lau, George. “The Recuay Culture of Peru’s North-Central Highlands: A Reappraisal of Chronology and Its Implications.” Journal of Field Archaeology, vol. 29, N 1-2 (Spring 2002–Summer 2004), pp. 177–202, 2004.

Lau, George. “On Textiles and Alterity in the Recuay Culture (A.D. 200–700), Ancash, Peru. In Textiles, Technical Practice, and Power in the Andes, Denise Arnold Penny Dransart, eds., pp. 327–344. London: Archetype, 2014.

Mackey, Carol J., and Melissa Vogel. “La luna sobre los Andes: Una revisión del Animal Lunar.” In Moche: Hacia el final del milenio. Actas del Segundo Coloquio sobre la cultura Moche, pp. 325–342. Trujillo, 1 al 7 de agosto de 1999. Ed. Santiago Uceda y Elías Mujica. Trujillo and Lima: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo y Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2003.

Oakland, Amy, and Arabel Fernández. “Tejidos Huari y Tiwanaku: Comparaciones y contextos.” Boletín de Arqueología PUCP No. 4, pp. 119–130, 2000.

Porter, Nancy. “A Recuay Style Painted Textile.” In Textile Museum Journal, No. 31, pp. 71–81, 1992.

Proulx, Donald. “Territoriality in the Early Intermediate Period: The Case of Moche and Recuay. Ñawpa Pacha vol. 20, pp. 83–96, 1982.

Wegner, Steven. Iconografías prehispánicas de Ancash. Cultura Recuay, Tomo 2. Ed. Jorge Luis Puerta. Huaraz and Lima: Consorcio Recursos-Technoserve; Asociación Ancash, 2011.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。