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策展部门美国之翼The American Wing
创作者Chelsea Keramic Art Works【1872 至 1889】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1882 - 公元 1892
创作地区制造于: 美国, 马萨诸塞州, 切尔西(Made in: United States, Massachusetts, Chelsea)
尺寸6 x 3 1/4 英寸 (15.2 x 8.3 厘米)
介绍(中)休·C·罗伯逊从出生起就热衷于陶瓷,他以强烈的奉献精神和对实验的热情追求自己的工艺。他出身于一个受过训练的英国陶艺家家庭,在新泽西州磨练了自己的技艺,后来定居马萨诸塞州,成为切尔西Keramic艺术作品和后来的Dedham Pottery的创始人之一。罗伯逊一生对釉料的探索,尤其是釉料的颜色和质地,使他成为二十世纪之交美国艺术陶器的关键人物之一

19世纪80年代,罗伯逊越来越多地将注意力转向开发新的釉料配方和粘土坯。在这十年的中期,他沉迷于令人垂涎但难以捉摸的sang-de-boeuf,或oxblood,glaze,这一追求成为他后来职业生涯的标志。这种色彩丰富的血红色釉传统上是由铜基配方制成的,并在窑中烧制,当引入湿稻草和其他材料时,窑会剥夺大气中的氧气,使氧化铜釉变成明亮的红色。虽然中国陶艺家在早期几个世纪偶尔会制作铜红釉,但直到明代(1368-1644),陶艺家才对这一技术进行了改进,以产生始终如一的好颜色。然而,不久之后,生产就中断了,这个秘密也随之消失了。大约1680年,铜红釉的秘密被重新获得,其生产一直持续到18世纪。1885年4月,罗伯逊成为第一个成功复制牛血釉的美国人,他在单色釉中使用了同样受中国启发的形状,展示了他的新牛血釉。他为自己的成就感到骄傲,将新釉料的变体称为"龙血"、"桑·德·切尔西"和"罗伯逊之血"。1887年,罗伯逊观察到,在他"努力掌握血液"的过程中,他"遇到了许多变体,这些变体在效果上非常令人愉悦,而且据我所知,最初是新的。"。"大都会艺术博物馆埃里森收藏的Chelsea sang de boeuf器皿的非凡藏品包括许多颜色的调制,从深红色到火红的橙红色,明亮的树莓色调,以及带紫色的深色、洪亮的红色。

Robertson更喜欢他的一些铜红色釉料,而不是其他釉料。在1889年写给Allan Marquand的一封信中普林斯顿大学教授Robertson对陶瓷特别感兴趣,他特别提到了他的"橘皮血远胜于光滑的",并评论说它"不那么常见","给人一种更丰富、更多样的效果"。Robertson观察到的丰富性体现在这个花瓶上,它有一种微妙的凹痕纹理,确实像橘子皮,这是一些中国釉料的特征

介绍(英)Steeped in ceramics from birth, Hugh C. Robertson pursued his craft with fierce devotion and a passion for experimentation. From a family of trained English ceramists, he honed his skills in New Jersey before settling in Massachusetts as one of the founders of Chelsea Keramic Art Works and later, Dedham Pottery. Robertson’s lifelong explorations in glazes, particularly their color and texture, make him one of the key figures of American art pottery at the turn of the twentieth century.

During the 1880s Robertson increasingly turned his attention to developing new glaze formulas and clay bodies. In the middle of the decade he became obsessed with the highly coveted yet elusive sang-de-boeuf, or oxblood, glaze, a quest that became the hallmark of his later career. This richly colored blood-red glaze is traditionally created from a copper-based formula and fired in a kiln, which when wet straw and other materials are introduced, deprives the atmosphere of oxygen and changes the copper-oxide glaze to a brilliant red color. While Chinese potters sporadically created the copper-red glaze in earlier centuries, it was not until the Ming Dynasty (1368– 1644) that ceramists refined the technique to yield consistently good color. However, production was disrupted shortly thereafter, and the secret lost. About 1680 the secret of copper-red glazes was regained, and its production continued through the eighteenth century. In April 1885 Robertson became the first American to successfully replicate the oxblood glaze, showcasing his new oxblood glazes on the same Chinese-inspired shapes that he used for his monochrome glazes. Justly proud of his accomplishment, he called the variations of his new glaze "Dragon’s Blood," "Sang de Chelsea," and "Robertson’s Blood." In 1887 Robertson observed that in his "struggle to master the Blood," he "met a number of variations that are very pleasing in effect and intirely [sic] new as far as I know." The extraordinary holdings of Chelsea sang-de-boeuf vessels in the Ellison Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art include many modulations of color, varying from crimson to fiery orange reds, tones of bright raspberry, and dark, sonorous reds with a purplish cast.

Robertson preferred some of his copper-red glazes over others. In an 1889 letter to Allan Marquand, a distinguished Princeton professor who had a special interest in ceramics, Robertson singled out his "Orange peel Blood as far superior to the smooth," commenting that it was "not so common" and "gives a richer and more varied effect." The richness that Robertson observed is seen on this vase with a subtly pitted texture that indeed resembles the skin of an orange, a characteristic of some Chinese glazes.

This vase is from the Robert A. Ellison Jr. Collection of American art pottery donated to the Metropolitan Museum in 2017 and 2018. The works in the collection date from the mid-1870s through the 1950s. Together they comprise one of the most comprehensive and important assemblages of this material known.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。