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品名(中)Rattle Staff:Oba Akenzua I站在大象上(Ukhurhe)
品名(英)Rattle Staff: Oba Akenzua I Standing on an Elephant (Ukhurhe)
策展部门迈克尔·洛克菲勒之翼The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
创作年份公元 1725 - 公元 1750
创作地区尼日利亚, 贝宁(Nigeria, Court of Benin)
尺寸高 63 1/2 × 宽 2 × (approx.) 深 3 英寸 (161.3 × 5.1 × 7.6 厘米)

这根法杖是为了纪念十八世纪初统治贝宁王国的奥巴(国王)阿肯祖亚一世而创建的。一位名叫Iyase n'Ode的叛军首领挑战了Akenzua的统治,内战随之而来。在他的军事指挥官或 ezomo 的帮助下,阿肯祖亚最终取得了胜利,这幅 ukhurhe 上显示的肖像指的是这次军事胜利。在贝宁,大象是酋长领地的传统象征,根据贝宁口头文学,Iyase n'Ode有能力将自己变成大象来战胜他的敌人。在这里,Oba Akenzua得意洋洋地站在一头大象上,大象拿着一个微型ukhurhe和一个石斧头,这是一个与战争和死亡有关的物体。豹子是贝宁艺术中皇室的杰出象征,它们在大象两侧的两侧,暗示奥巴有能力调节他的酋长的权力。名为 eben 的权威之剑沿着 ukhurhe 的轴浮雕出现,底部有一条鳄鱼,代表水神 Olokun,表明海外贸易对 Akenzua 王国繁荣的重要性。在法杖的底部,第二头大象很可能代表 ezomo;他的树干末端是一只拿着药叶的人手,这是贝宁艺术中代表胜利和权力的图案。
介绍(英)In the Benin kingdom of southern Nigeria, rattle staffs, or ukhurhe, are an essential feature of Benin ancestral altars, whether for kings, chiefs, or commoners. These staffs have a hollow rattle chamber near the summit, and they are shaken while uttering prayers at the altars to attract the attention of the ancestors. Ukhurhe may be made of wood or brass, although the brass examples are found only on royal altars.

This staff was created to memorialize Akenzua I, an oba (king) who ruled the Benin kingdom in the early eighteenth century. A rebel chief called Iyase n'Ode challenged Akenzua's reign and civil war ensued. With the help of his military commander, or ezomo, Akenzua ultimately emerged victorious, and the iconography displayed on this ukhurhe refers to this military triumph. In Benin, elephants are a traditional symbol of chiefdom and, according to Benin oral literature, Iyase n'Ode had the ability to change himself into an elephant to vanquish his enemies. Here, Oba Akenzua stands triumphantly on an elephant holding a miniature ukhurhe and a stone axe head, an object associated with warfare and death. Leopards, the preeminent symbol of royalty in Benin art, flank the elephant on either side to suggest the oba's ability to regulate the power of his chiefs. Swords of authority called eben appear in relief along the shaft of the ukhurhe, and toward the bottom a crocodile, representative of the water deity Olokun, indicates the importance of overseas trade to the prosperity of Akenzua's kingdom. At the base of the staff, a second elephant most likely represents the ezomo; his trunk ends in a human hand holding medicinal leaves, a motif in Benin art representing victory and power.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。