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品名(英)Winter Landscape
策展部门亚洲艺术Asian Art
创作者Hayashi Hyakuhi 林百非【1797 至 1851】【日本人】
创作年份公元 1840
尺寸图像: 41 15/16 英寸 × 14 英寸 (106.5 × 35.5 厘米) 整体 with mounting: 74 7/8 × 19 1/2 英寸 (190.2 × 49.5 厘米) 整体 with knobs: 74 7/8 × 22 1/16 英寸 (190.2 × 56 厘米)

这幅想象中的中国风格的风景画是由武士画家Hayashi Hyakuhi创作的,他一生的大部分时间都在Chōsh́域(围绕着现代城市Hagi)度过,在那里他长大,并被灌输了对中国经典和诗歌的研究。他最初师从加藤胜赞学习绘画、书法和篆刻矢野括山 (1780年至1845年),在那个时代伟大的南迦大师谷村千久登的领导下,他不仅是一位熟练的画家,他在中国诗歌、书法和篆刻方面表现出色,同时也是一位军事战略学者。请注意,这位艺术家经常使用一个印章,上面写着Nyoze如是, 佛教术语,júnyoze的缩写十如是 Tendai教派的十个暴徒。在这幅作品的签名中,他令人回味地将自己的画室称为Sansui Nyoze Shooku山水如是書屋, 或者风景图森尼斯图书馆

在签名中,艺术家还称自己为Hōgai Shiba方外司馬, 采用源自《世界故事新编》的汉语表达(世说新语世說新語, 汇编于五世纪),指的是获得公务员任命,但不遵守作为其就业条件所需的所有法规和限制的人。在这种背景下,它暗示了一个文人画家的观点,他不想遵守他出生的武士社会的限制。这幅画左边的一个艺术家印章重复了这个名字。
介绍(英)Not a single person populates this vast winter landscape; the only hint of human habitation is suggested by what appears to be a mountain retreat situated about halfway up the composition. In the foreground is a magnificent tangle of trees and plants of various species—meticulously and compulsively brushed in a tour de force of painterly precision and patience. The season is winter, and the leafless branches are carefully outlined in a ying and yang of dark ink and pale gray outlines surrounding areas in reserve. To add to the complexity of the composition, a waterfall forms a backdrop to accentuate the gnarled trunk of an aged tree. As the eye follows the recession of the composition into the background, massive rock outcrops are given three-dimensionality by the use of various texture strokes and ink dots.

This imaginary Chinese-style landscape was created by Hayashi Hyakuhi, a samurai painter who spent most of his life in the Chōshū domain (surrounding the modern city of Hagi), where he grew up and was inculcated with study of the Chinese classics and poetry. He first studied painting, calligraphy and seal carving under Yano Katsuzan 矢野括山 (1780–1845)and then under Tanomura Chikuden , the great Nanga master of the era, whose influence is revealed in this work of 1840, Not only was Hyakuhi a skilled painter, he excelled in Chinese poetry, calligraphy and seal carving, while also becoming a scholar of military strategy. Note that the artist often used a seal reading Nyoze 如是, a Buddhist term, and short for jū nyoze 十如是 (the ten thusnesses) of the Tendai sect. In the signature on this work he evocatively refers to his painting studio as the Sansui Nyoze Shooku 山水如是書屋, or the Library of the Thusnesses of Landscape.

In the signature, the artist also refers to himself as as Hōgai Shiba 方外司馬, employing a Chinese expression that originated in A New Account of the Tales of the World (Shishuo Xinyu 世說新語, compiled in the fifth century) referring to someone who received a civil service appointment, but who does not comply with all the regulations and restraints required as a condition of his employment. In this context it suggests the outlook of a Literati painter who does not want to conform to the strictures of the samurai society into which he was born. One of the artist’s seal impressed on the left of the painting repeats this name.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。