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品名(英)Side Chair (one of a pair)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Thomas Chippendale【1718 至 1779】【英国人】
创作年份公元 1750 - 公元 1765
尺寸整体 (each): 39 1/2 × 23 × 19 1/2 英寸 (100.3 × 58.4 × 49.5 厘米)
介绍(中)托马斯·奇彭代尔(1718-1779)是否发明了"罗纹靠背"椅子尚不清楚,但这无疑是最常与他的名字联系在一起的一种椅子设计。目前的例子是博物馆[1]中的一对侧椅,其设计基于他的名著《绅士与橱柜制造商总监》的三个版本。[2] 该图版展示了三把类似设计的"罗纹靠背"椅子。在第一版中,他毫不谦虚地将这三把椅子描述为"我见过的(或者可能做过的)最好的"。[3]在第三版中,他指出"已经做了几套,让人完全满意。"[4]他不知道伦敦和各省的其他橱柜制造商会做多少套,或者罗纹靠背椅子将在19世纪乃至21世纪的奇彭代尔复兴运动中继续流行





1。关于博物馆的两把椅子的进一步讨论,请参见Hackenbroch 1958a,第30页,图137138。110、111;和大都会艺术博物馆1977年,第87页,第155号(威廉·里德作品)。第二任主席的登录号为64.101.984。

2。托马斯·奇彭代尔(Thomas Chippendale),《绅士与橱柜制造商》(The Gentleman and Cabinet Maker’s Director)(伦敦:私人印刷)。在1754年和1755年的第一版和第二版中,椅子在图版XVI中有插图。在1762年的第三版中,同一个板块被重新编号为第十五板块

3.Chippendale 1754和Chippendale1755中图版XVI的注释,第8页。



介绍(英)Whether Thomas Chippendale (1718-1779) invented the "ribband-back" chair is not known, but it is certainly the one chair design most frequently associated with his name. The present example, one of a pair of side chairs in the Museum [1] , is based on a design that was included in all three editions of his famous book, The Gentleman and Cabinet-Maker's Director. [2] The plate illustrates three "ribband back" chairs of similar design. In the first edition, he describes the three chairs without modesty as "the best I have ever seen (or perhaps have ever been made)." [3] In the third edition, he noted that "Several Sets have been made, which have given entire Satisfaction." [4] Little did he know just how many sets would be made by other cabinetmakers, both in London and the provinces, or that ribbonback chairs would continue to be popular throughout the Chippendale Revival in the nineteenth century and even into the twenty-first century.

In the 1910s and 1920s chairs in this style were usually attributed to Chippendale because of their correspondence to his designs. There followed a period of revisionism among furniture historians (still ongoing) when they realized that because these chairs were executed in such a wide range of quality, an attribution to Chippendale could be sustained only with other documentation. The present chairs have no recorded history before the 1950s. It is only on the basis of their construction, the type of mahogany, and the quality of the carving that they are dated to the years immediately following the publication of The Director.

One of the advantages of the design was its flexibility: parts of the ornament could be included or deleted as the cabinetmaker or patron wished. As Chippendale noted in the third edition of his book: "If any of the small Ornaments should be thought superfluous, they may be left out, without spoiling the Design." [5] In the case of the present chairs, the elements thought superfluous by the chairmaker were the ornament at the base of the splat and the entire apron.

The ribbonback design was also executed as a settee. An example with the same design as the present chairs is in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. It has a two-section back and is accompanied by four chairs.[6]


1. For further discussion of the Museum's two chairs, see Hackenbroch 1958a, p. 30, figs. 137, 138, pls. 110, 111; and Metropolitan Museum of Art 1977, p. 87, no. 155 (entry by William Rieder). The accession number of the second chair is 64.101.984.

2. Thomas Chippendale, The Gentleman and Cabinet-Maker's Director (London: privately printed). In the first and second editions, of 1754 and 1755, the chair is illustrated in plate XVI. In the third edition, of 1762, the same plate was renumbered as plate XV.

3. Note to Plate XVI, p. 8, in Chippendale 1754 and Chippendale 1755.

4. Note to Plate XV, p. 3, in Chippendale 1762.

5. Ibid.

6. Coleridge 1968, p. 191, figs. 173, 174.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。