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品名(英)Ingo, San Martin, Cuba
策展部门美国之翼The American Wing
创作者Charles Dewolf Brownell【1822 至 1909】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1853 - 公元 1866
尺寸10 1/16 × 13 3/4 英寸 (25.5 × 35 厘米)


这两次对古巴的云研究遵循了托马斯·科尔在1829年至1832年的欧洲旅行中首次接受的空中绘画传统,当时他遇到了英国艺术家约翰·康斯特布尔和J.M.W.特纳的这些作品,以及在旅行时在意大利工作的无数欧洲艺术家。科尔的学生弗雷德里克·埃德温·丘奇(Frederic Edwin Church)将从他的老师科尔那里学习这一艺术实践,并在美国以及他在南美洲和其他热带地区的广泛旅行中成为了普莱恩航空油研究的大师。Brownell深受Church的影响,Church是哈特福德本地人。在他快速完成的plein air oil研究《天空——古巴北部》中,Brownell捕捉到了这个热带岛屿上充满云层的蓝天,用阴影描绘了低垂的云层,并用一把上膛的刷子。一片狭长的土地穿过书房的底部,包括在风中飘扬的高大棕榈树。在第二幅作品中,Sky–Ingo–San Martin,古巴,艺术家的作品"直接来自自然",正如背面所刻,很可能是在艺术家手中。在这里,他用全景构图描绘了淡蓝色天空中转瞬即逝的云朵。底部的水平景观包括左侧的甘蔗种植园,点缀在景观中的一系列棕榈树,以及一名身穿白色衣服、戴着草帽、手持黑色长棍的黑人当地工人,他们沿着右侧的围栏小路行走。
介绍(英)These two oil studies of Cuba are the first works to enter the American Wing collection by Charles De Wolf Brownell (1822-1909). An American landscape painter influenced by the works of Frederic E. Church and other mid-19th century American landscape painters, Brownell traveled extensively over the course of his career. His family originated from Rhode Island and in the 18th century, his mother’s family, the De Wolfs, had extensive landholdings in Cuba, including many sugar plantations. They made their fortune in the slave trade, using the "triangle trade" selling rum to Africa to buy slaves, transported the slaves on their slave ships to Cuba, where the slaves worked on the sugar and coffee plantations, and then transported molasses and other sugar products back to Bristol, Rhode Island, where the De Wolfs owned a rum distillery. The family later moved to Hartford, Connecticut, when Brownell was two years old.

Brownell was fascinated by the natural world and spent his career traveling throughout New England in the summers and spending winters on the island of Cuba, and other tropical locals. He may have been influenced by the writings of the German naturalist and explorer Alexander Von Humboldt (1769-1859), who, among many influential writings, published The Island of Cuba which was translated into English in 1856, and included a chapter on Von Humboldt’s abhorrence of slavery. Before he embarked on his career as a landscape artist, Brownell published The Indian Races of North and South America, (1853), an illustrated account of America’s native populations. One of Brownell’s most important contributions to the American landscape movement is his body of landscapes of the island of Cuba, where he was likely drawn by his family’s extensive holdings in numerous sugar and coffee plantations on the island, and where he stayed during his time there. He would winter on the island from 1853 to 1866, producing a comprehensive body of works composed of drawings, watercolors, oil studies and finished oil paintings.

These two cloud studies of Cuba follow the tradition of en plein air painting that Thomas Cole first embraced during his European travels from 1829 to 1832, when he encountered these works by British artists John Constable and J. M. W. Turner, and the myriad European artists working in Italy at the time of his journey. Cole’s student Frederic Edwin Church would learn this artistic practice from his teacher Cole, and became a master of the plein air oil study in America and during his extensive travels in South America and other tropical locations. Brownell was deeply influenced by Church, who was a native of Hartford. In his rapidly executed plein air oil study, Sky – Northern Cuba, Brownell captures the dramatic cloud filled blue sky of the tropical island, using shade and shadow to depict the low hanging clouds, and using a loaded brush. A strip of land runs across the bottom of the study and includes tall palm trees blowing in the wind. In the second, Sky – Ingo- San Martin, Cuba, the artist works "Direct – from Nature," as is inscribed on the back, likely in the artist’s hand. Here he depicts fleeting clouds against a pale blue sky, in a panoramic composition. A horizontal landscape at bottom includes the suggestion of a sugar plantation at left, a series of palm trees dotting the landscape, and a black native worker dressed in white, wearing a straw hat and carrying a long black staff, seen walking along a fenced path at right.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。