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品名(英)Chest (petaca)
策展部门美国之翼The American Wing
创作年份公元 1767 - 公元 1777
创作地区制造于: 新西班牙(墨西哥)(Made in: New Spain (Mexico))
尺寸18 7/8 × 24 3/4 × 17 3/4 英寸 (47.9 × 62.9 × 45.1 厘米)
介绍(中)这款来自 18 世纪新西班牙的刺绣皮革箱 (petaca) 是少数幸存下来的最好、保存最完好的典范之一。它作为同类作品中唯一能够根据文献可靠地确定其日期和起源地的作品,具有非凡的历史意义。

西班牙语单词petaca源自náhuatl petlacalli,一种有盖的储物篮。像阿兹特克petlacalli一样,新西班牙petacas的底层结构像篮子一样编织。仿制从西班牙进口的箱子,它们覆盖着皮革,并配有锻铁五金件。墨西哥当地工匠掌握了西班牙皮革加工技术,并经常采用植根于安达卢西亚西班牙伊斯兰传统的装饰风格。最好的petacas具有一种称为piteado的刺绣装饰,以皮塔饼或ixtle(由maguey纤维制成的线)执行。这个例子在已知的新西班牙petacas中使用五彩刺绣是独一无二的。

介绍(英)This embroidered leather chest (petaca) from 18th-century New Spain is among the finest and best preserved examples among the handful that survive. It is of exceptional historical importance as the only work of its type whose date and place of origin can be reliably established on the basis of documentation.

The Spanish word petaca, derives from the náhuatl petlacalli, a type of covered storage basket. Like Aztec petlacalli, the underlying structures of New Spanish petacas are woven like baskets. In imitation of chests imported from Spain, they are covered in leather and fitted with forged iron hardware. Local artisans in Mexico mastered Spanish leatherworking techniques and often adopted styles of ornamentation that were rooted in the Hispano-Islamic traditions of Andalucia. The finest petacas feature a type of embroidered decoration known as piteado, executed in pita or ixtle (thread made from maguey fiber). This example is unique among known New Spanish petacas in its use of multicolored embroidery.

Petacas were made for the safe storage and transport of valuables, especially clothing and other textiles. They frequently draw upon the same decorative repertory of human, animal, and floral motifs found in other luxury items made for domestic use in New Spain. This example features a conspicuous iron lock and is embellished with figural motifs that evoke elite tastes and privileges, leisure activities, and courtship rituals. The petaca is associated with a category of artworks from Mexico linked to the tornaviaje, that is, the return voyage to Spain. This group includes not only New World exotica prized by European elites, but domestic furnishings and luxury goods that were taken to Spain for personal use by returning merchants, ecclesiastics and colonial officials. Like most surviving petacas, the present one was preserved in a European collection, suggesting that its owner may not have been a permanent resident in Mexico, but a Spaniard who returned to his native country after living and prospering abroad. By virtue of its use as a travel chest, the petaca is explicitly connected to the mobility of people and goods, not only within Mexico, but in the larger Spanish world. This richly decorated chest and the valuables it once held under the protection of lock and key exemplified the wealth of New Spain and signaled the economic and social status of the person who owned it.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。