介绍(英) | Exterior, rim fragment with part of head, right eyebrow and eye, and fingers of right hand of wreathed youth to right; part of an inscription [POS]EIDON?; fingers?; rim fragment with head, in profile to left, frontal torso, part of extended right arm, right hip and thigh of wreathed satyr; part of an inscription, OILE?; rim fragment with mouth, neck, handles and shoulders of an amphora; bit of hair, nape of neck, and right shoulder and back of male to right; rim fragment with part of head of wreathed figure to right; skyphos?; right hand; part of an inscription, SA; wall fragment of kylix with part of a draped figure on the interior, and a foot and the end of a tail on the exterior; part of an inscription, ORO?; wall fragment of kylix with toes on the interior, on the exterior, calf and foot of a male to left; right buttock, thigh, and left foot of a crouching male, and the foot of a third figure; part of an inscription, HER[AKLES]?; wall fragment of a kylix with left hand holding a bow?; part of an inscription, THE[SEUS]?; wall fragment with right hand holding an oinochoe; wall fragment with upper arm and part of elbow; three letters of an inscription, EKE?; wall fragment with bit of hair, forehead, right tear duct, nose, mouth and extended arm of youth to left |