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品名(英)Allegory of the Death of a Religious Man
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Frans Francken II【1581 至 1642】【佛兰德人】
创作年份公元 1601 - 公元 1642
尺寸页: 7 9/16 × 6 5/16 英寸 (19.2 × 16 厘米)
介绍(中)弗兰肯的画作很少留存下来。这个例子与卢浮宫的一张签名纸(inv. 19981)非常接近,大概是作为绘画的构图研究或模型,尽管没有艺术家或他多产的工作室的此类照片。在这幅画中,一个临终的男人与哭泣和祈祷的家庭成员以及一位管理最后仪式圣事的牧师一起出席。在左边,天使和魔鬼似乎在争夺这个人的灵魂,而在左边,基督出现在云层的光环中。显眼的仪式物品加强了公开的天主教肖像:右侧的十字架;左边桌子上的僧侣和一罐膏油;前景凳子上的牧师比雷塔;以及跪在神父旁边的男孩拿着的念珠。用蓝色和棕色墨水用画笔巧妙地渲染的鲜明阴影传达了从上方流出的天体光的强度。

弗兰肯很可能知道安特卫普艺术家皮特·范德博尔赫特(Peeter van der Borcht,约1545-1608年)设计的版画,题为《临终的基督徒》(New Hollstein vol. 12,no.127)。在这个更明显的寓言形象中,一个男人接受最后的仪式,天使(包括圣迈克尔)与恶魔作战,而许多其他神圣人物,包括基督、父神和童贞女,在云层支撑下盘旋,周围环绕着光芒四射。在他的绘画中,弗兰肯采用了类似的图像,但将场景置于当代家庭环境中。这种设备齐全的内饰,虽然在艺术画家的作品中并不奇怪,但也让人想起(范德博尔赫特和其他人)对拉撒路和富人寓言中富人之死的描绘(例如,参见<a href="https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/428033" target="_blank">17.37.130 和 51.501.2210)。

(JSS, 8/23/2018)
介绍(英)Few drawings by Francken survive. This example, which compares closely to a signed sheet in the Louvre (inv. 19981), was presumably intended as a compositional study or model for a painting, though no such picture by the artist or from his prolific studio is known. In the drawing, a man on his deathbed is attended by weeping and praying family members and by a priest administering the sacrament of Last Rites. At left, angels and demons seem to vie for the man’s soul and, above, Christ appears within an aureole of clouds. The overtly Catholic iconography is reinforced by the prominently placed ritual objects: the Crucifix at right; the monstrance and jar of anointing oil on the table at left; the priest’s biretta on the stool in the foreground; and the rosary held by the boy kneeling next to the priest. Stark shadows rendered with blue and brown ink deftly applied with brush convey the intensity of the celestial light streaming from above.

Francken may well have known an etching designed by fellow Antwerp artist Peeter van der Borcht (ca. 1545-1608) entitled The Christian on His Deathbed (New Hollstein vol. 12, no.127). In this more overtly allegorical image of a man receiving his last rites, angels (including Saint Michael) battle demons, while a multitude of other divine figures, including Christ, God the Father, and the Virgin, hover above, supported by clouds and surrounded by radiant light. For his drawing, Francken employs similar iconography, but situates the scene within a contemporary domestic setting. This well-appointed interior, while unsurprising in the work of a painter of kunstkammer pictures, also brings to mind depictions (by Van der Borcht and others) of the Death of the Rich Man from the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man (see, for example, 17.37.130 and 51.501.2210).

(JSS, 8/23/2018)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。