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品名(英)Cuirass of a Dō-maru
策展部门武器和盔甲Arms and Armor
创作年份公元 1525 - 公元 1575
创作地区原产国: 日本(Country of Origin: Japan)
分类人1/2装甲的装甲(Armor for Man-1/2 Armor)
尺寸高 35 1/2 英寸 (90.2 厘米); 宽 22 英寸 (55.9 厘米); 重 23 磅 9 盎司 (10.7 kg)

其中一位军阀是Date Masamune(1567-1636),他以对盔甲特别感兴趣而闻名。因此,他经常奖励家臣,而不是像当时那样用剑,而是用盔甲。1594年,丰臣秀吉,当时日本最有权势的人,大正门宣誓效忠,将对当地矿工的税收提高了两倍。由此引发的起义被正门的家臣白石本吾镇压,白石本戈也说服秀吉,起义不是由正门发起的,正如当地一个阴谋集团所提出的那样。为了这一成就,大正门将这件Dō-maru盔甲奖励给了白石,从那以后,这件盔甲一直归白石家族所有,直到1905年被巴什福德·迪恩直接从当时的家族首领白石东取下

介绍(英)The sixteenth century marks a period in Japanese history that was disrupted by political upheaval, warlordism, and nearly constant military conflicts, bringing along significant changes in armor and in the way battles were fought. In previous periods, higher ranking Samurai mainly fought on horseback and wore a type of armor optizimed for this use: the heavy box shaped Ō-yoroi. In the turbulent sixteenth century, however, even warlords had to be prepared to fight on foot and thus favored so lighter, closer fitting armors like this Dō-maru (lit. “body wrap”) shown here, which allowed a much greater freedom of movement than the Ō-yoroi.

One such warlord was Date Masamune (1567-1636), who was known for having a particular interest in armor. As a consequence, he often rewarded his retainers not with swords, as it was common at that time, but with armor. In 1594, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the then most powerful man in Japan to whom Date Masamune had pledged allegiance, was tripling taxes on local miners. The resulting uprising was suppressed by one of Masamune’s retainers, Shiraishi Bungo, who was also able to convince Hideyoshi that the revolt was not initiated by Masamune, as forwarded by a local group of conspirators. For this achievement, Date Masamune rewarded Shiraishi with this Dō-maru armor, which remained in the possession of the Shiraishi family ever since until it was acquired by Bashford Dean in 1905 directly from the then head of the family, Shiraishi Tokitoshi.

This Dō-maru is an excellent example of a late Muromachi period (1392-1573) close fitting armor of a high ranking warrior. The suit is in superb condition and is laced in an unobtrusive earth tone color scheme, reflecting the sober taste of the time which is in stark contrast to the flamboyant styles that emerged in the subsequent Momoyama period (1573-1615).
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。