这个版本由年轻的奥布里·比尔兹利(Aubrey Beardsley)绘制插图。他当时的插图风格,优雅的线条以高对比度的黑白执行,完全符合登特的制作价值。通过这部作品,比尔兹利找到了广泛的大众观众——事实上,正是这个项目让他放弃了办公室工作人员的日常工作,转而从事艺术事业。
图解:第 1 部分,印刷纸包装纸
This edition was illustrated by the young Aubrey Beardsley. His style of illustration at the time, with its elegant lines executed in high-contrast black and white, perfectly fit Dent's production values. With this work Beardsley found a broad popular audience—it was, in fact, this project that allowed him to give up his day job as an officeworker and pursue an artistic career.
Illustrated: part 1, printed paper wrapper