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品名(英)Relief attributed to Petamenophis
策展部门埃及艺术Egyptian Art
创作年份公元前 710 - 公元前 640
创作地区来自于: 埃及(From: Egypt)
尺寸高 41 × 宽 38.5 × 深 6.5 厘米, 14.8 kg (16 1/8 × 15 3/16 × 2 9/16 英寸, 32.7 磅)

浮雕与布鲁塞尔底比斯Petamenophis墓中的浮雕非常接近,腰带与此人作为首席Lector Priest的头衔一致,因此浮雕通常属于他。然而,也有不同之处:尽管在穿着和外表上有相似之处,但对头部形状的处理方式不同,而且这种浮雕(一种似乎可以追溯到1919年之前的修复)表面的错位碎片使人们很难比较轮廓。此外,演讲牧师的腰带几乎不局限于佩塔门诺菲。无论如何,浮雕肯定符合底比斯Kushite时期的风格,但在将其与Petamenophis墓中的其他表现以及目前正在挖掘的底比斯其他Kushite和早期Saite纪念碑进行比较之前,它的起源不能作为事实来说明


介绍(英)The sunk relief depicts the large figure of a man with short-cropped hair. He wears a sash across his chest, a broad collar and a large amulet. The sash denotes a lector priest who reads hymns and spells during rituals.

The relief is close to one in Brussels that originated in the tomb of Petamenophis at Thebes and the sash accords with one of the individual's titles as Chief Lector Priest, so that the relief has therefore usually been attributed to him. There are differences, however: despite the similarities in dress and appearance, the treatment of the head shape is different, and the misplaced fragment in the face of this relief (a repair that seems to date before 1919) makes it difficult to compare the profiles. Moreover, the sash of a lector priest is hardly restricted to Petamenophis. At any rate, the relief certainly fits the style of the Kushite Period at Thebes, but until it can be compared with other representations in the tomb of Petamenophis and other Kushite and early Saite monuments at Thebes that are currently being excavated, it's origin cannot be stated as a fact.

Petamenophis, known through many impressive statues, also built a vast tomb (no. 33) on the West Bank at Thebes, larger than the tombs in the Valley of Kings and certainly one of the largest ever built in Egypt. The tomb was open until about 1900, and rightly famed for its extent, but was then closed by the antiquities officials for the next hundred years because of impossible working conditions in the tomb. Meanwhile, Petamenophis himself remained rather mysterious - despite his rich monuments, he did not seem to have any political titles and he never apparently named the king he served.

In 2005 a mission reopened and begin to study the tomb. The investigations have revealed that the tomb incorporates elaborate apartments that model different historical aspects of Egyptian afterlife provisions, and on its walls are a veritable library of religious spells. More information about Petamenophis's titles has emerged: he was 'master of secrets of the two crowns,' and other titles also imply great knowledge and learning about essential ritual. His own background is illuminated to an extent by information about his mother and wife and many maternal relatives. The likelihood that he himself was a Kushite is supported by the absence of citation of paternal relatives, since matrilineal and avuncular lineages are particularly significant in that culture.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。