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品名(英)Itelmen Preparing Fish to be Dried
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Jean-Baptiste Le Prince【1734 至 1781】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1769
尺寸页: 6 7/8 x 4 3/4 英寸 (17.5 x 12 厘米)
介绍(中)法国艺术家让-巴蒂斯特·勒·普林斯(Jean-Baptiste Le Prince)在1757年至1763年间在俄罗斯帝国各地旅行。回到法国后,他应邀为《西伯利亚航行》(1768 年)制作插图,该作品讲述了天文学家让·查佩·德·奥特罗什(Jean Chappe d'Auteroche,1728-1769 年)于 1761 年远征西伯利亚托博尔斯克,并包括斯捷潘·彼得罗维奇·克拉舍宁尼科夫(1713-1755 年)的《堪加半岛土地的描述》(1755 年)的法文译本,其中描述了大北伐(1733-1743 年), 由维特斯·白令(1681-1741)领导。(1)克拉舍宁尼科夫借鉴了他的个人经历和格奥尔格·威廉·斯特勒(Georg Wilhelm Steller,1709-1746 年)的手稿,后者在俄罗斯东部堪察加半岛加入了克拉舍宁宁科夫,并试图全面描述该地区的土著人民,特别是伊特尔曼人,在 18 世纪被称为堪察加人或堪察加人。(2)斯特勒和克拉舍宁科夫的文本提供了伊特尔曼文化在疾病、哥萨克征服和奴役以及俄罗斯剥削导致人口大量减少之前仅有的书面记录之一。(3)在

查佩的要求下,勒普林斯重新设计了伊特尔曼生活的原始俄罗斯图像,将它们重新包装在十八世纪的法国洛可可包装中。虽然这幅预备图与 Le Prince 为查佩出版而制作的图像相似,但其较晚的日期和略有不同的构图表明它是为百科全书旅行汇编《航海史》(1770 年)制作的,该汇编摘录了查佩对克拉舍宁尼科夫的翻译。(5)对于本出版物的同一卷,前半部分描述了格陵兰岛,Le Prince还创作了"因纽特人的着装方式"(2012.54)。

虽然Le Prince的两个版本的"Itelmens Prepare Fish to be Dry "删除了原始图像中代表的Itelmen生活的许多细节,但某些细节仍然存在。Le Prince省略了冬季住宿的土墩开口,但包括高架夏季建筑,Itelmen也用来储存食物。(6)Le Prince还再现了诸如使用在火中加热的岩石融化木盆中的鱼脂等细节,以及准备渔获物时按性别划分的任务。然而,Le Prince同时根据十八世纪的美学惯例重新设计了场景,以吸引他的法国观众。Le Prince的构图增加了人物和风景如画的细节,例如拱在场景中的树木。除了这些构图变化之外,在1768年的版本中,Le Prince强调了男性形式,这是法国学术艺术训练的基础,半裸男性等人物,他们在冒烟的火堆上工作时展示肌肉发达的躯干,就像火神锻造厂的助手一样。相比之下,在1769年的版本中,这是一个略小的格式,Le Prince明显减少了男性裸体的存在。他减少了火堆周围的人影数量,唯一剩下的人弯腰完成任务,他的手臂和长柄工具在很大程度上遮住了他的身体。背对着观众的男人摆姿势笨拙,几乎失去平衡,因为他稍微扭动,同时伸展一只手臂平行于地面并弯曲另一只手臂。Le Prince远离欧洲男性身体理想的运动伴随着对女性面部的改变,这几乎变成了示意图。特别是右边女性的独特发型,勾勒出她圆润的脸和锥形的下巴,这些特征与十八世纪法国女性生理学的惯例不同。在这个1769年的版本中,人们在Le Prince的洛可可式作品中观察到了这些人物与欧洲人类形式的惯例的微妙距离。

(1) 让·查佩·德·奥特罗什,《1761年西伯利亚王朝勋章航行》,3卷(巴黎:Debure Père,1768年)。

(2)斯特勒在返回圣彼得堡之前就去世了,尽管他广泛的记录最终到达了科学院。斯特勒的派对包括俄罗斯画家 J. H. Berkgan和 J. W. Lurcenius,他们可能为俄罗斯版画提供了原始图像,参见 Georg Wilhelm Steller,译者。 Marvin Falk,斯特勒的堪察加半岛历史:有关堪察加半岛历史、其人民、他们的礼仪、名称、生活方式和各种习俗的收集信息(费尔班克斯:阿拉斯加大学出版社, 2003).(

3)根据凯伦·威尔莫尔(Karen Willmore)和玛格丽特·恩格尔(Margritt Engel)的说法,"对于今天留在堪察加半岛西海岸的大约1,400名伊特尔曼人来说,斯特勒详细的民族志描述是他们开始重建与自己传统的联系时,了解祖先生活方式的最重要来源。凯伦·威尔莫尔(Karen Willmore)和玛格丽特·恩格尔(Margritt Engel),"引言",载于斯特勒的堪察加历史,十四。斯特勒同情伊特尔曼人,并写道:"[伊特尔门人]对他们幸福生活方式的记忆现在唤起了许多眼泪,只有当俄罗斯人到来之前活着的少数长老和'历史学家'都闭上眼睛时,苦涩才会完全消失;反正留下来的人也不多了。斯特勒,《斯特勒的堪察加历史》,第167页。(

5)该系列最初是作为约翰·格林(John Green)的新航海和旅行总集(伦敦,1745-1747)的翻译而委托翻译的,但很快就超过了英文材料。1745 年至 1761 年间,普雷沃斯特修道院编辑了最初的十六卷。Anne-Gabriel Meusnier de Querlon和Rousselot de Surgey在1761年至1770年间出版了该系列的第十七卷至第十九卷的续集。阿贝·普雷沃斯特、安妮-加布里埃尔·默斯尼尔·德·奎隆和鲁塞莱奥特·德·苏尔吉,《航海总史》,《新航海关系集》,《当代国家语言差异》第19卷(巴黎:切斯·罗泽,1746-1770),19:289。

(6) 塔蒂亚娜·德盖,"意大利世界",2020 年 11 月 30 日咨询,http://www.u.arizona.edu/~tatianadegai/css/wheat/dwellings_eng.html。

(西娅·戈德林,2021 年 5 月)
介绍(英)The French artist Jean-Baptiste Le Prince traveled extensively across the Russian Empire between 1757 and 1763. Upon his return to France, he was enlisted to produce illustrations for the Voyage en Sibérie (1768), which recounted the astronomer Jean Chappe d’Auteroche’s (1728-1769) expedition to Tobolsk, Siberia in 1761 and included a French translation of Stepan Petrovich Krasheninnikov’s (1713-1755) Opisanie zemli Kamchatki [Description of the land of Kamchatka] (1755), which described the Great Northern Expedition (1733-1743), led by Vitus Bering (1681-1741).(1) Krasheninnikov drew on both his personal experiences and the manuscripts of Georg Wilhelm Steller (1709-1746), who joined Krasheninninkov in Kamchatka, a peninsula in eastern Russian, and sought to describe comprehensively the Indigenous peoples of the region, particularly the Itelmen, referred to in the eighteenth century as Kamtchadals or Kamchatkans.(2) Steller and Krasheninnkov’s text provides one of the only written accounts of Itelman culture before the population was decimated by disease, Cossack conquest and enslavement, and Russian exploitation.(3)

At Chappe’s behest, Le Prince reworked the original Russian images of Itelmen life, repackaging them in eighteenth-century French Rococo wrappings. While this preparatory drawing is similar to the image Le Prince produced for Chappe’s publication, its later date and slightly different composition indicate it was produced for the encyclopedic travel compilation, Histoire Générale des Voyages (1770), which excerpted Chappe’s translation of Krasheninnikov.(5) For the same volume of this publication, the first half of which describes Greenland, Le Prince also produced the drawing "Inuit Manner of Dress" (2012.54).

While Le Prince’s two versions of "Itelmens Preparing Fish to be Dried" removed many details of Itelmen life represented in the original images, certain particulars remain. Le Prince omitted the mounded openings to winter lodgings but included the elevated summer buildings, which the Itelmen also used to store provisions.(6) Le Prince also reproduced details such as the use of rocks heated in a fire to melt the fish fat in wooden basins, as well as the gendered divisions of tasks in the preparation of the catch. However, Le Prince simultaneously reworked the scene according to eighteenth-century aesthetic conventions in order to appeal to his French audience. Le Prince’s composition added figures and picturesque details such as the trees that arch over the scene. In addition to these compositional changes, in the 1768 version, Le Prince emphasized the male form, the foundation of French academic artistic training, with figures such as the half nude men, who display their muscled torsos while working over a smoking fire like assistants in Vulcan’s forge. In contrast, in the 1769 version, which was a slightly smaller format, Le Prince notably reduced the presence of the male nude. He decreased the number of figures around the fire, and the only remaining man is shown hunched over his task, his arm and long-handled implement largely obscuring his body. The man with his back to the viewer is posed awkwardly, almost off-balance, as he twists slightly while stretching one arm parallel to the ground and crooks the other. Le Prince’s movement away from the European ideal of the male body is accompanied by alterations to the women’s faces, which become almost schematic. The distinct hair style of the women on the right, in particular, frames the roundness of her face and tapering chin, features that diverge from eighteenth-century conventions of French feminine physiognomies. In this 1769 version, one thus observes within Le Prince’s Rococo presentation of the Itelmen a subtle distancing of these figures from European conventions of the human form.

(1) Jean Chappe d’Auteroche, Voyage en Sibérie Fait par Ordre du Roi en 1761 3 vols. (Paris: Debure Père, 1768).

(2) Steller died before he could return to Saint-Petersburg, though his extensive records eventually reached the Academy of Sciences. Steller’s party included the Russian painters J. H. Berkgan and J. W. Lurcenius, who may have provided the original images for the Russian engravings, see Georg Wilhelm Steller, trans. Marvin Falk, Steller’s History of Kamchatka: Collected Information Concerning the History of Kamchatka, its Peoples, their Manners, Names, Lifestyles, and Various Customary Practices (Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 2003).

(3) According to Karen Willmore and Margritt Engel, "For the some 1,400 Itelmen remaining today on the west coast of Kamchatka, Steller’s detailed ethnographic descriptions are their most important sources of knowledge of their ancestors’ way of life as they begin to reestablish connections with their own traditions." Karen Willmore and Margritt Engel, "Introduction," in Steller’s History of Kamchatka, xiv. Steller was sympathetic to the Itelmen and wrotes: "[The Itelmens’] memories of their happy lifestyle now evoke many tears, and the bitterness will be completely gone only when the few remaining elders and ‘historians’ who were alive before the arrival of the Russians will have all closed their eyes; not many of them are left anyway." Steller, Steller’s History of Kamchatka, 167.

(5) This series was originally commissioned as a translation of John Green’s New General Collection of Voyages and Travels (London, 1745-1747) but soon outgrew the English material. Between 1745 and 1761, Abbé Prevost edited the original sixteen volumes. Anne-Gabriel Meusnier de Querlon and Rousselot de Surgey published a continuation of the series, volumes seventeen through nineteen, between 1761 and 1770. Abbé Prévost, Anne-Gabriel Meusnier de Querlon, and Rousseleot de Surgy, Histoire générale des voyages, ou, Nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre, qui ont été publiées jusqu'à present dans les différentes langues de toutes les nations 19 vols. (Paris: Chez Rozet, 1746-1770), 19: 289.

(6) Tatiana Degai, "Itelmen world," consulted Nov. 30, 2020, http://www.u.arizona.edu/~tatianadegai/css/wheat/dwellings_eng.html.

(Thea Goldring, May 2021)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。