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品名(英)Fragment of a Beaker
入馆年号1948年,48.101.262a, b
策展部门伊斯兰艺术Islamic Art
创作年份公元 800 - 公元 999
创作地区挖掘于: 伊朗, 尼沙布尔(Excavated in: Iran, Nishapur)
尺寸Max. dim. assembled ca. 高 4 英寸 (10.2 厘米) 宽 4 5/16 英寸 (11 厘米)
介绍(中)这个玻璃碎片是在尼沙普尔的Tepe Madrasa遗址发掘的。 



作为尼沙普尔更大规模的"波斯远征"项目的一部分,美国考古学家和数百名伊朗工人挖掘了一个名为Tepe Madrasa的土堆。在那里,他们发现了一个建筑群,他们暂时将其与宫殿或政府中心联系在一起,因为建筑结构坚固,墙壁装饰的范围和多样性(包括雕刻和绘画的砌砖、釉面砖、壁画和雕刻和绘画灰泥)。这一发现,再加上陶瓷和金属的发现,有助于将该遗址追溯到九世纪或十世纪以后。一座直到11世纪末多次翻新的清真寺也出土了,留下了一个纪念碑式入口的遗迹,上面有一个刻有苏丹(39.40.58,.60-64)头衔的大型陶制铭文。还出土了几块12世纪的墓碑,表明早期住宅区的用途发生了变化。
介绍(英)This glass fragment was excavated at the site of Tepe Madrasa in Nishapur. 

Nishapur was a vital city in the early and middle Islamic periods, located along one of the main trajectories that connected Iran and West Asia Islamic lands with Central Asia and China. These itineraries are often referred by the term ‘Silk routes’ but were in fact crucial to the movement of constellations of materials and objects, as well as people and ideas. The diverse population of Nishapur and its surroundings, from the better-researched elite groups of merchants, land-owning aristocracy, and literates, to the less-known artisans, farmers, miners, and servants, were instrumental in adapting global cultural trends to create their own distinctive visual languages. This is seen in the material remains of everyday life in medieval Nishapur — from pots and pans to lighting devices, inkwells, textiles and trimmings, jewelry, games and toys, talismanic devices, weapons, coins, and architectural fragments. 

Nishapur lost its political prominence due to a series of earthquakes and invasions that peaked in the thirteenth century. Today, the medieval city is a vast archaeological area, while the relatively small modern city is situated to its north. Instead, Mashhad, a major pilgrimage site, emerged as a major prosperous metropolis in the region. Between 1935 and 1948, the "Persian Expedition" of the Metropolitan Museum of Art excavated at several sites at Nishapur under an agreement with the Iranian authorities. The recovered artifacts were divided in half between the two countries, resulting in over four thousand objects in the Met’s collection today. 

As part of the larger "Persian Expedition" project at Nishapur, American archaeologists and hundreds of Iranian workers excavated a mound named Tepe Madrasa. There, they uncovered an architectural complex which they tentatively associated with a palace or governmental center because of the solidity of the built structures and the extent and variety of wall decorations (including carved and painted brickwork, glazed tiles, wall paintings, and carved and painted stuccoes). This, together with the ceramic and metal finds, aided in attributing the site to the ninth or tenth century onwards. A mosque, refurbished multiple times up to the late eleventh century, was also unearthed, yielding the remains of a monumental entrance with a large terracotta inscription bearing the titles of a sultan (39.40.58, .60–64). Several twelfth century tombstones were also unearthed, showing the shift in purpose of what was earlier a residential area.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。