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品名(英)Inuit Manner of Dress
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Jean-Baptiste Le Prince【1734 至 1781】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1769
尺寸页: 6 11/16 x 4 3/4 英寸 (17 x 12 厘米)


Cranz(1723-1777)是一位德国摩拉维亚传教士、牧师和历史学家,从1761年开始,他在西格陵兰的摩拉维亚传教站Neu Herrnhut停留了14个月。在那里,他与居住在该地区的因纽特人卡拉阿利特人互动,他后来在书中为卡拉阿利特绘制了插图。(3) 他的版画在同一页上以两个不同的场景呈现了一对卡拉阿利特男女,这是Le Prince描绘他们的着装和习俗的基础,包括女子的项链和篮子等细节。(4)

Le Prince重新创作了这些对格陵兰岛的原始描绘,将其转化为18世纪的洛可可插图,以吸引他的法国观众。最重要的是,他将不同图像中的个人形象融合成一个家庭群体。他增加了身体互动和一点戏剧性,将服装的静态研究转化为一个类型场景,并暗示了一个故事。这名男子现在已经是一名父亲,当他转身与女子交谈时,他试图将女子的注意力吸引到水面上的船只上。这名女子既没有回应伴侣的恳求,也没有回应婴儿在她背后的动作,她似乎陷入了沉思,几乎是悲伤的,眼睛向下看

与此同时,Le Prince删除了Cranz在原始版画中包含的卡拉阿利特文化的许多具体细节,例如卡拉阿利特建造的不同类型的住所以及他们狩猎的各种野生动物。Le Prince还在完成的水墨画中添加了新发明的石墨细节,包括皮划艇后面的树叶丛和挂在女人篮子上的布。在最终印刷品中,这两个特征在克兰兹的图像中都没有先例。Le Prince还对卡拉阿利特人的外貌进行了显著的改变,最明显的是这位女性的特征。脸上的铅笔痕迹,尤其是脸颊曲线周围的痕迹,表明勒·普林斯对自己的轮廓感到吃力,这与18世纪法国画脸的传统不同。相比之下,克兰兹的形象有着传统的欧洲人面孔。因此,Le Prince对Cranz盘子的改造通过引入相学的变化来强调人物的异国情调,同时在熟悉的国内流派场景框架内呈现这种差异

(1)该系列最初是约翰·格林(John Green)的《新航海和旅行总集》(New General Collection of Voyages and Travels)(伦敦,1745-1747)的译本,但很快就超过了英文材料。1745年至1761年间,AbbéPrevost编辑了最初的十六卷。Anne Gabriel Meusnier de Querlon和Rousselot de Surgeoy在1761年至1770年间出版了该系列的续编,第17卷至第19卷。AbbéPrévost、Anne Gabriel Meusnier de Querlon和Rousseleot de Surgy,《航海史》,《航海与陆地关系新编》,出版于19卷。(巴黎:Chez Rozet,1746-1770),19:71。

(2)David Cranz,《Grönland的历史》;c.在新Herrnhut和Lichtenfels的Evangelischen Brüder zu新Herrnhout和Lichitenfels使命的基础上2卷。(Barby:Heinrich Detlef Ebers,1765-1770);和David Crantz,格陵兰的历史:包含对该国及其居民的描述:特别是对Unitas Fratrum在该国新赫恩胡斯和利希滕费尔斯进行的30多年使命的关系(伦敦:为希思人福音传播兄弟会印刷,1767年)

(3)Felicity Jensz,"David Cranz 1767年格陵兰历史的出版和接受",图书馆:书目学会汇刊13(2012):457-472

(4)这名女子可能佩戴着因纽特人从摩拉维亚传教士或附近的皇家格陵兰贸易百货公司购买的玻璃珠。这种珠子经常在使团的考古遗址中发现。有趣的是,这表明克兰兹记录的不是因纽特人接触前的传统,而是因纽特人与欧洲贸易产生的跨文化时尚。相比之下,Le Prince将项链的组件渲染得更大、更矩形、更不精致。参见Peter Andreas Toft,"摩拉维亚人和因纽特人的相遇:西格陵兰景观和物质文化的跨文化",北极60,补充1(2016):1-13。

(Thea Goldring,2021年5月)
介绍(英)While the French artist Jean-Baptiste Le Prince is most well-known for his images of the Russian Empire, through which he traveled between 1757 and 1763, this drawing purports to depict Greenlandic Innuits. It was engraved for volume nineteen of the encyclopedic travel compilation, Histoire Générale des Voyages (1770), which also published Le Prince’s drawing, "Itelmens Preparing Fish to be Dried" (2012.53), in its section on Kamchatka.(1)

Le Prince himself never visited Greenland. Instead, he adapted earlier illustrations from European accounts of expeditions to the Arctic north, including David Cranz’s Historie von Grönland (1765), which was translated into French that same year and English in 1767, and possibly Allain Manesson Mallet’s Description de l'univers, contenant les différents systèmes du monde, les cartes générales et particulières de la géographie ancienne et moderne, les plans et les profils des principales villes et des autres lieux plus considérables de la terre (1683).(2)

Cranz (1723-1777) was a German Moravian missionary, minister, and historian who stayed fourteen months beginning in 1761 at the Moravian mission station, Neu-Herrnhut, in West Greenland. While there he interacted with the Inuits who lived in the area, the Kalaallit, whom he later illustrated in his book.(3) His engraving, which presents a Kalaallit man and woman in two separate scenes, printed on the same page, served as the basis for Le Prince’s depiction of their dress and customs, including such details as the woman’s necklace and basket.(4)

Le Prince reworked these original depictions of Greenland, transforming them into eighteenth-century Rococo illustrations that would appeal to his French audience. Most importantly, he fused the individual figures from separate images into a familial group. Adding physical interaction and a bit of drama, he converted static studies of costumes into a genre scene and intimated a story. The man, now a father, attempts to draw the woman’s attention to the boats on the water as he turns to speak to her. Responding neither to her partner’s entreaty or the baby’s motion at her back, the woman appears lost in thought, almost saddened, with her eyes cast downwards.

At the same time, Le Prince removed many of the specific details of Kalaallit culture that Cranz included in the original engravings, such as the different types of lodgings the Kalaallit built and the various types of wildlife they hunted. Le Prince also added new invented details in graphite to the finished ink drawing, including the leafy bush behind the kayak and the cloth hanging from the woman’s basket. Included in the final print, neither feature has a precedent in Cranz’s images. Le Prince also made notable changes to the Kalaallits’ physiognomies, most visibly in the woman’s features. Pencil marks around the faces, especially the around the curves of their cheeks, indicate Le Prince struggled with their profiles, which diverge from eighteenth-century French conventions for drawing faces. By contrast, Cranz’s figures had conventional European faces. Le Prince’s transformation of Cranz’s plates thus accentuated the exoticism of the figures by introducing changes in physiognomy while at the same time presenting such differences within the familiar framework of a domestic genre scene.

(1) The series was originally commissioned as a translation of John Green’s New General Collection of Voyages and Travels (London, 1745-1747) but soon outgrew the English material. Between 1745 and 1761, Abbé Prevost edited the original sixteen volumes. Anne-Gabriel Meusnier de Querlon and Rousselot de Surgey published a continuation of the series, volumes seventeen through nineteen, between 1761 and 1770. Abbé Prévost, Anne-Gabriel Meusnier de Querlon, and Rousseleot de Surgy, Histoire générale des voyages, ou, Nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre, qui ont été publiées jusqu'à present dans les différentes langues de toutes les nations 19 vols. (Paris: Chez Rozet, 1746-1770), 19: 71.

(2) David Cranz, Historie von Grönland enthaltend die Beschreibung des Landes und der Einwohner &c. insbesondere die Geschichte der dortigen Mission der Evangelischen Brüder zu Neu-Herrnhut und Lichtenfels 2 vols. (Barby: Heinrich Detlef Ebers, 1765-1770); and David Crantz, The history of Greenland: containing a description of the country, and its inhabitants: and particularly, a relation of the mission, carried on for above these thirty years by the Unitas Fratrum, at New Herrnhuth and Lichtenfels, in that country (London: Printed for the Brethren’s Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel among the Heathen, 1767).

(3) Felicity Jensz, "The Publication and Reception of David Cranz’s 1767 History of Greenland," The Library: The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society 13 (2012): 457-472.

(4) The woman is likely wearing glass beads that the Inuit purchased from the Moravian missionaries or nearby Royal Greenlandic Trading Department Stores. Such beads are frequently found in the archeological sites of the missions. Intriguingly, this suggests Cranz documented not an Inuit pre-contact tradition but rather a trans-cultural fashion produced by the Inuits’ trade with Europe. In contrast, Le Prince rendered the components of the necklace larger, more rectangular, and less delicate. See Peter Andreas Toft, "Moravian and Inuit Encounters: Transculturation of Landscapes and Material Culture in West Greenland," Arctic 60, Supp. 1 (2016): 1-13.

(Thea Goldring, May 2021)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。