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品名(英)The Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics, 1st series, vol. 2
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Rudolph Ackermann, London【1764 至 1834】【英国人】
创作年份公元 1809
创作地区制造于: 英格兰, 伦敦(Made in: England, London)
尺寸9 7/16 英寸 × 6 英寸 × 1 3/4 英寸 (24 × 15.3 × 4.5 厘米)

第一部分:七月:布萨里乌斯木,或加拿大鼠(木刻插图),第30页;图版1:Howitt的《黑松鸡》,第32页;图版4:女式歌剧礼服,第46页;图版5:女士长廊礼服,第47页;图版2:萨默塞特大厦和新教堂,斯特兰德(可能是A.普金和罗兰森),第50页;图版3:图书馆沙发和坎德拉布拉(希腊、法国、中国和范戴克元素),第60页;带有四件英国纺织品样品的寓言木刻,第60页(第1号:黄色印花薄棉布,非常适合女士晚礼服,由史密斯女士和公司提供,地址:43 Tavistock Street,Covent Garden;第2号:条纹薄棉布或nainsook,早晨礼服的优雅物品,由史密斯先生提供。Brisco和Powley,103 New Bond Street;第三名:印花细布,时尚优雅;第4名:印花棉布或披肩图案的马切拉,用于背心,由理查德·史密斯先生和公司提供,莱斯特广场王子街2号)

第二部分:八月:图版8:奥地利大公查尔斯·路易斯的肖像(罗伯特·库珀雕塑),第87页;图版7:《鹧鸪》,Howitt著,第106页;图版9:为艺术储备库提供的金银奖章的雕刻(S.Mitan,源自E.F.Burney),第109页;图版11:女士步行服装(带小女孩),第118页;图版12:女士长廊礼服(两件),第119页;板块10:摩根士丹利;Sanders Ware Room,Catherine St.,Strand(可能是普金和罗兰森;家具),第122页;图版13:女厕、浮屠、脚凳等(希腊语和罗马语),第132页;带有两件英国纺织品样品的寓言式木刻版画(两件缺失:目前:第1件:爱尔兰网,由乔治先生出售,地址:斯特兰德霍利维尔街19号;第4件:?男士背心印花钻石marcela quliting,Mssrs.Richards and Co.,37 Oxford Street),第133页;R.Ackermann的浮雕装饰图案卡(两面印刷4张,插入末端)

第三部分:九月:月光场景(墙上猫的木刻),第144页;图版15:山鸡,Howitt著,第180页;图版17:《女士哀悼礼服(带小女孩)》,第192页;图版18:女士海滨礼服,海滨服装),第193页;图版16:英格兰银行,从Cataton街(S.Mitan,源自A.Pugin),第200页;图版19:秋千床和托儿所椅(希腊语),第205页;带有四个英国纺织品样品的寓言木刻,第206页,第1和第2页:文本提到艾伦先生出售的家具和窗帘的新的优雅图案,第61号Pall Mall(MMA有两个纺织品样品,编织的绿色和银色图案,白色和小簇);第3条:文字描述了皇家琼奎尔纱或西班牙网,用于更高级的长袍,用于白色缎子或纱巾(?MMA样品是编织图案的粉色织物);第4号:丝绸条纹绗缝,由Mssrs销售。John和James Baylis,第215号Strand)

第四部分:10月:图版23:西西里岛Girgenti发现的引人注目的古代标本(文本中的错别字:图版21;印刷品上写着图版23;牛船),第239页;爱尔兰发现的古代银币(木刻插图),第244页;图版21:Woodcock,Howitt著,第247页;图版:24:女式舞会礼服,第258页;图版25:《女士步行装》,第259页;图版22:科文特花园皇家新剧院,第262页;带有四件英国纺织品样品的寓言木刻,第276页(第1名:早上和下午礼服用的新绳纹细布,由Mssrs销售。Brisco和Powley,103 new Bond Street;第2名:长袍、便衣和便衣用的巴西绳纹纱巾,由J.George,19 Holywell Street,Strand销售;第3名:波莫纳绿色披肩印花,由Mssr销售,仿伊尼丹丝绸。Brisco和Powley‘s,103,New Bond Street;第四:用于宴会或晚会的玫瑰色印花薄棉布,必须穿在白色纱丽、缎面或釉面细布上);图版26:《法国窗帘和希腊色窗帘》,第277页


介绍(英)Brown leather spine, marbled paper covers. Six monthly numbers, 521 pages. Illustrations include title page and:

Part I: July: The Mus Busariusm, or Canada Rat (woodcut vignette), p 30; Plate 1: The Black Grouse, by Howitt, p. 32; Plate 4: Ladies' Opera Dress, p. 46; Plate 5: Ladies' Promenade Dress, p. 47; Plate 2: Somerset House and the New Church, Strand (probably A. Pugin and Rowlandson), p. 50; Plate 3: Library Sofa and Candelabra (Grecian, French, Chinese and Van Dyck elements), p. 60; Allegorical woodcut with four British textile samples, p. 60 (no. 1: yellow printed book-muslin, admirably adapted for ladies' evening dresses, furnished by Mssrs. Smith and Co., 43 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden; no. 2: striped muslin or nainsook, elegant article for morning dresses, supplied by Messrs. Brisco and Powley, 103 New Bond Street; no. 3: printed cambric muslin, uncommonly fashionable and elegant; no. 4: chintz or shawl pattern marcella, for waistcoats, furnished by Messrs. Richard Smith and Co., 2 Prince's Street, Leicester Square).

Part II: August: Plate 8: Portrait of Charles Louis, Archduke of Austria (Robert Cooper sculpt.), p. 87; Plate 7: Partridge, by Howitt, p. 106; Plate 9: Engraving of the Gold and Silver Medals offered for Comminications to the Repository of Arts (S. Mitan after E. F. Burney), p. 109; Plate 11: Ladies' Walking Costume (with little girl), p. 118; Plate 12: Ladies Promenade Dresses (two), p. 119; Plate 10: Mssrs. Morgan & Sanders Ware-Room, Catherine St., Strand (probably Pugin and Rowlandson; furniture), p. 122; Plate 13: Ladies' Toilette, Fauteuil, Footstool, etc. (Greek and Roman), p. 132; Allegorical Woodcut with two British textile samples (two missing: present: no. 1: Irish net, sold by Mr. George, 19 Holywell Street, Strand; no. 4: ? Printed diamond marcella quliting for gentlemen's waistcoats, Mssrs. Richards and Co., 37 Oxford Street), p. 133; R. Ackermann's Pattern Cards for Embossed Ornaments (4 sheets printed both sides, inserted at end).

Part III: September: A Moon-light Scene (woodcut of a cat on a wall), p. 144; Plate 15: Pheasants, by Howitt, p. 180; Plate 17: Ladies' Mourning Dress (with little girl), p. 192; Plate 18: Ladies' Promenade Dress, Sea-Beach Costume), p. 193; Plate 16: Bank of England, From Cateaton Street (S. Mitan after A. Pugin), p. 200; Plate 19: Swing Cot Bed and Nursery Chair (Grecian), p. 205; Allegorial woodcut with four British textile samples, p. 206 no. 1 and 2: text mentions new and elegant patterns for furniture and curtains, sold by Mr. Allen, no. 61 Pall Mall (MMA has two textile samples, woven green and silver pattern and white with small tufts); no. 3: text describes imperial jonquil gauze or Spanish net, for higher order of robes, to be used over white satin or sarsnet (? MMA sample is woven patterned pink textile); no 4: silk striped quilting, sold by Mssrs. John and James Baylis, no. 215 Strand).

Part IV: October: Plate 23: Remarkable Specimen of Antiquity Found at Girgenti, Sicily (typo in text: Plate 21; print says plate 23; cow vessel), p. 239; Ancient Silver Coin Found in Ireland (woodcut vignette), p. 244; Plate 21: Woodcock, by Howitt, p. 247; Plate: 24: Ladies' Ball Dress, p. 258; Plate 25: Ladies' Walking Dress, p. 259; Plate 22: New Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, p. 262; Allegorial woodcut with four British textile samples, p. 276 (no. 1:new corded muslin for morning and afternoon dresses, sold by Mssrs. Brisco and Powley, 103 New Bond Street; no. 2: Brazilian corded sarsnet for robes, pelisses and spencers, sold by J. George, 19 Holywell Street, Strand; no. 3: pomona green shawl print, in imitation of Inidan silk, sold by Mssrs. Brisco and Powley's, 103, New Bond Street; no. 4: rose colored printed book muslin for ballroom or evening, must be worn over white sarset, satin or glazed cambric); Plate 26: French Window Curtain and Grecian Settee, p. 277.

Part V: November: Graphiti from Herculaneum (woodcut, vignette), p. 294; Plate 28: Wild Duck, by Howitt, p. 319; Plate 30: Ladies' Morning Dress (with sleeping child), p. 332; Plate 31: Ladies' Morning Walking Dress, p. 333; Plate 29: South View of the Bank of England, p. 338; Plate 32: Elliott's Patent Eccentric Landaulet, or Chariot, p. 344; Allegorial woodcut with four British textile samples, p. 344 (no. 1: fret work striped muslin for gowns, robes and pelises, sold by Mssrs. Waithman and Everington, no. 104 Fleet Street; no. 2: Arabian jubliee silk, rich and beautiful, for full dress, sold by D. Hodges, no. 12 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden; no. 3: Imperial green shawl print, sold by Messers. Waithman and Everington, No. 104 Fleet Street; no. 4: chintz kerseymere for gentlemen's waiscoats and displays, sold by Messers. Smith & Co., no. 2 Princes's street, Leicester square).

December: Portrait of the Tyrolese Deputy, Commendant Schoenecher (after T. Uwins), p. 388; Portrait of the Tyrolese Deputy, Major Muller (after T. Uwins), p. 389; Representation of an Ice Life Boat (woodcut, vignette), p. 392; Plate 34: The Hare, by Howitt, p. 393; Plate 37: Ladies' Tyrolese Walking dress, p. 402; Plate 38: Ladies' Evening Dress, p. 402; Plate 39: Drawing Room Chairs (Roman), p. 410; Allegorial woodcut with four British textile samples (one missing), p. 411 (no. 1: gold Jubliee muslin; no. 2 (missing): no. 3: gossamer cloth, silk and wool blended, for robes, mantels or pelisses; 4: long threads over Indian shawl pattern, for gentlemen's waistcoats, Mssrs. James Harris and Co., Coventry).
Supplement: Portrait of Andreus Hoffer, Commander in Chief of the Tyrolese, p. 452.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。