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品名(英)Studies for the Virgin and Saints in the Nativity (interior of shutter of the organ in Milan Cathedral)
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Giovanni Ambrogio Figino【1548 至 1608】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1592 - 公元 1595
尺寸页: 10 11/16 × 8 7/16 英寸 (27.1 × 21.5 厘米) (maximum, irregular borders)
介绍(中)乔凡尼·安布罗吉奥·菲吉诺(Giovanni Ambrogio Figino)是一位擅长宗教创作的艺术家,是16世纪末米兰市的主要画家,当时米兰市受到反宗教改革神学的严厉和虔诚的统治。菲吉诺成熟的绘画风格的特点是,这张蓝纸研究是他的一本蓝纸速写本的一页。(纸张最初的蓝色已经褪成了柔和的灰色。)纸张上的主要图案代表了圣母跪着的形象,在面向右侧的侧视图中摆出了姿势。窗帘褶皱在她的身体上的作用是这幅画的主要关注点。这些设计是从一个模型中研究出来的,在渲染过程中非常自然和雕塑。这张纸上还散落着手臂、手和帷幔的图案。这些设计都与菲吉诺的《耶稣诞生》中的圣母、圣徒和天使有关
这些对耶稣诞生时跪着的圣母的初步研究旨在描绘米兰大教堂南高祭坛上方朝向唱诗班的风琴百叶窗内部的纪念性场景。米兰大教堂风琴百叶窗的装饰是16世纪末米兰的一项重大艺术活动,艺术家乔瓦尼·安布罗吉奥·菲吉诺、奥雷里奥·路易尼和卡米洛·普罗卡西尼于1590年6月7日参加了这项活动。获奖者是菲吉诺,他于1592年3月12日开始为画作领取薪水,并于1595年2月1日完成。温莎皇家图书馆(Royal Library of Windsor)和威尼斯凯旋门(Gallerie dell'Accademia of Venice)的菲吉诺(Figino)对米兰大教堂(Milan Cathedral)的风琴百叶窗进行的相关研究,都是用蓝色纸上的软黑色粉笔进行的
(Carmen C.Bambach;2016年2月22日)
介绍(英)An artist who excelled at religious compositions, Giovanni Ambrogio Figino was the leading late-sixteenth-century painter in the city of Milan, which was then ruled by the severity and piety of Counter-Reformation theology. Characteristic of Figino’s mature drawing style, this sheet of studies on blue paper was a leaf from one of his blue-paper sketchbooks. (The original blue color of the paper has faded to a gentle grayish hue.) The main motif on the sheet represents the kneeling figure of the Virgin, posed in a profile view facing right. The play of the drapery folds over her anatomy is the main concern of the drawing. The designs were studied from a model and are at once very naturalistic and sculptural in their rendering. The sheet also contains scattered motifs of arms, hands, and drapery. These designs are all related to the Virgin, the saints, and angels in Figino’s composition of the Nativity.
These preliminary studies of the kneeling Virgin in the Nativity were intended for a monumental scene painted on the interior of the shutter of the organ above the south high altar, toward the choir, in Milan Cathedral. The decoration of the organ shutters of Milan Cathedral was a major artistic enterprise in late sixteenth-century Milan, for which the artists Giovanni Ambrogio Figino, Aurelio Luini, and Camillo Procaccini competed on June 7, 1590. The winner was Figino and he began collecting his salary for the paintings on March 12, 1592 and finished on February 1, 1595. The related studies for the painted organ shutters of Milan Cathedral by Figino in the Royal Library of Windsor and Gallerie dell’Accademia of Venice are all executed in the same technique of soft black chalk on blue paper.
(Carmen C. Bambach; February 22, 2016)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。