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品名(英)Two Torchères
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Juan Dolivar【1641 至 1692】【西班牙人】
创作年份公元 1692
尺寸plate: 11 7/16 x 7 3/4 英寸 (29 x 19.7 厘米) 页: 17 15/16 x 11 5/8 英寸 (45.5 x 29.5 厘米)
介绍(中)蚀刻和雕刻两个火炬的设计,由胡安·多利瓦尔根据让·贝雷恩的设计创作。自 1680 年以来,Berain 受托在"皇家音乐学院"绘制服装、舞台布景和皇家仪式的图纸,他巧妙的创作将鼠尾草和月桂叶、棕榈树和怪诞的树叶与舞者、杂技演员、猴子和色狼混合在一起,创造了他自己的、富有想象力的戏剧世界。他的设计通过雕刻成倍增加和传播,他的设计图案和方式对象在 17 世纪的最后几年变得极具影响力。

在纸张的左侧部分是这幅版画中的第一个火炬,上面有鼠尾草和月桂叶、怪诞和寓言人物。底座由烛台站立的大卷轴组成,由滚动的鼠尾草叶构成。在中央,一个贝壳图案的两侧是一个小装饰花瓶,上面有一个怪诞的花瓶,其头发由月桂叶组成,这些月桂叶滚动以框住底座的上部。在它上面,组成火炬轴,站着一个花瓶,上面有普蒂和月桂叶,上面是覆盖着月桂叶的树干。站在下面花瓶两侧的是两个寓言人物,其中一个穿着垂坠的古典服装,另一个密涅瓦,双臂环抱树干,双手合十。 在它们上方,并附在月桂叶的树干上,是一个军事奖杯,由古典盔甲、铁锹和盾牌组成,以及一个头盔,两侧是滚动的羽毛。一个穿着半身衣服,披着垂坠的织物,拿着月桂叶的薄花环,在奖杯上方,抓住构成轴上部的滚动叶子,并握住壁灯,壁灯由一个由悬挂流苏的小横幅组成的圆形组成。

在纸张的右侧是第二个火炬,两条腿(在制造设计中可能是四条)固定底座,底座两侧是两个 C 形滚动图案,每个图案都拿着一个带羽毛的小装饰花瓶,还有一个带翅膀的怪诞站在滚动图案上,上面挂着月桂叶的花环, 在中心。在底座上站着两个带翅膀的鞘翅,女性胸部和长长的辫子头发,围绕着一个薄花瓶,并拿着一个带有怪诞的滚动框架的盒子,两侧是一个带有交错带状带的轴,S形和C形曲线,以及一个带羽毛的小头盔,由月桂树叶花环框住,上面放着一个小装饰花瓶,构成了火炬的首都, 并打开,带有滚动图案,形成圆形壁灯。
介绍(英)Etching and engraving with designs for two torchères, created by Juan Dolivar after designs by Jean I Berain. Entrusted with drawings for costumes, stage sets, and royal ceremonies at the 'Academie Royale de la Musique' since 1680, Berain's ingenious creations took acanthus and laurel leaves, palmettes and grotesques, mixing them with dancers, acrobats, monkeys and satyrs, to create his own, imaginative, theatrical world. His designs were multiplied and disseminated by means of engravings, his design motifs and manner objects becoming highly influential in the closing years of the seventeenth century.

On the left part of the sheet stands the first torchère in this print, with acanthus and laurel leaves, grotesques, and allegorical figures. The base is made up of large scrolls on which the candelabra stands, framed by scrolling acanthus leaves. In the center, a shell motif flanked above by a small ornamental vase holding a grotesque, whose hair is made up of laurel leaves that scroll to frame the upper part of the base. Upon it, and making up the shaft of the torchere, stands a vase with putti and laurel leaves, flanked above by a trunk covered with laurel leaves. Standing to the sides of the vase below are two allegorical figures, one of them dressed with draping, classical clothes, and the other Minerva, with their arms enclosing the trunk, and their hands held together. Above them, and attached to the trunk of laurel leaves, is a military trophy made up of a classical armor, spade and shield behind it, and a helmet, flanked above by scrolling feathers. A putto, half-dressed with draping fabric, holding a thin wreath of laurel leaves, is above the trophy, holding onto the scrolling leaves that make up the upper part of the shaft, and which hold the sconce, which consists of a roundel made up of small banners with hanging tassels.

On the right part of the sheet is the second torchère, with two legs (possibly four in the manufactured design) holding the base, which is flanked by two C-curved scrolling motifs, each holding a small ornamental vase with feathers, and with a winged grotesque standing on a scrolling motif, with a garland of laurel leaves hanging from it, in the center. Upon the base stand two winged sphinges with female chests and long, braided hair, around a thin vase, and holding a box with a scrolling frame with a grotesque, flanked above by a shaft with interlacing strapwork, S- and C-curves, and a small helmet with feathers, framed by garlands of laurel leaves, upon which stands a small ornamental vase that makes up the capital of the torchère, and which opens up, with scrolling motifs, to form a round sconce.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。