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品名(英)Design for a Circular Border with Nine Female Figures (the Muses?)
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Luca Penni【1500 至 1557】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1525 - 公元 1535
尺寸each 页 approx.: 4 x 7 英寸 (10.2 x 17.8 厘米)
介绍(中)这个小而精心设计,由九个坐着的女性人物组成,具有艺术的寓言属性(缪斯女神?),沿着圆形边框优雅地排列。这幅画的作者现在可能被确定为卢卡·佩尼(Luca Penni),这要归功于多米尼克·科德利尔(Dominique Cordellier),他是关于这位艺术家的专着的作者,他在荷兰16世纪异常的绘画中认出了它(2014年9月5日的书面通信)。大都会的图纸自1959年以一小笔钱收购以来,一直有相当多的错误归属历史,但错误地归因于十八世纪的英国学派。
虽然以前被认为是天花板设计,但几乎可以肯定这是一张用于圆形三维物体的工作图纸。外部和内部圆形轮廓是用指南针绘制的,并且图纸被切成部分,很像馅饼,以便将纸上的设计容纳在碗或盘子的凹面上。虽然可能性较小,但不能排除纸张上的切割是为了将设计适应凸形底座的可能性。绘图的功能可以解释某些段落中图形轮廓的非常干燥。在原著中,这些小人物仍然有许多自发的笔鸣声,表明质量很高。细腻的轮廓和人物面部特征的速记符号是Penni绘画方式的典型特征。出生于佛罗伦萨的卢卡·佩尼(Luca Penni)的艺术训练似乎在1514年至1519年间在拉斐尔在罗马的工作室中转移。他的兄弟,著名的画家乔瓦尼·弗朗切斯科·佩尼(Giovanni Francesco Penni)是拉斐尔的主要助手之一,也是他的艺术继承人。卢卡·佩尼(Luca Penni)与佩里诺·德尔·瓦加(拉斐尔的另一个学生)的妹妹结婚,并于1528年与佩里诺·德尔·瓦加(Perino del Vaga)合作创作了热那亚多里亚宫的壁画。1530年代,卢卡·佩尼(Luca Penni)前往法国,他最重要的工作是在枫丹白露完成的,在1538年至1548年间与罗索·菲奥滕蒂诺(Rosso Fiotentino)和普里马蒂西奥(Primaticcio)合作。目前的绘画仍然显示出许多拉斐尔式的风格品质(轮廓的快速流畅性,面部的精致缩写),但由乔瓦尼·弗朗切斯科·佩尼和朱利奥·罗马诺的快速笔墨风格调解。因此,该设计可能可以追溯到 1525-35 年左右,当时艺术家仍在意大利工作。有关卢卡·佩尼(Luca Penni)在大都会艺术博物馆的法国时期的绘画,请参见第2014.264号。
(卡门·班巴赫;九月 17, 2014)
介绍(英)This small, carefully detailed design of nine, seated female figures, with allegorical attributes of the arts (the muses?), is elegantly arranged along a circular border. The author of the drawing can now probably be identified as Luca Penni, thanks to Dominique Cordellier, author of the monograph on this artist, and who recognized it among the anomymous Netherlandish sixteenth-century drawings (written communication of September 5, 2014). The Met's drawing has had quite a history of incorrect attributions, since it was acquired in 1959, for a small sum of money, but erroneously attributed to the eighteenth-century British School.
Although previously thought to be a ceiling design, this was almost certainly a working drawing intended for a three-dimensional object of circular shape. The outer and inner circular outlines are drawn with compass, and the drawing has been cut into sections, much like a pie, in order to accommodate the design on paper onto the concavity of a bowl or platter. Though less likely, one cannot rule out the possibility that the cuts in the paper were done to adapt the design onto the convex form of a base. The functionality of the drawing can explain the very slight dryness of the outlines on the figures in some passages. Seen in the original, the little figures have still many spontaneous ticks of the pen which indicate high quality. The delicately articulated outlines and the shorthand notation for the facial features of the figures are typical of Penni's manner of drawing. The artistic training of the Florentine-born Luca Penni seems to have devolved in Raphael's studio in Rome between 1514 and 1519. His brother, the better known painter Giovanni Francesco Penni, was one of Raphael's major assistants and his artistic heir. Luca Penni married the sister of Perino del Vaga (another of Raphael's pupils), with whom he collaborated in the frescoes in the Palazzo Doria in Genoa in 1528. In the 1530s, Luca Penni went to France, and his most important work was accomplished at Fontainebleau, working with Rosso Fiotentino and Primaticcio between 1538 and 1548. The present drawing still shows many of the stylistic qualities that are Raphaelesque (the rapid fluidity of outlines, the dainty abbreviations of the faces), but mediated by the quick pen-and-ink style of drawing of Giovanni Francesco Penni and Giulio Romano. The design therefore probably dates around 1525-35, while the artist was still working in Italy. For a drawing from the French period by Luca Penni at the Met, see no. 2014.264.
(Carmen C. Bambach; September 17, 2014)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。