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品名(中)校长:“Libro Primo,Chapo Quarto……”(维特鲁威,第1卷,第4章);诗句:城墙的加固(维特鲁威,第1卷,第5章)。
品名(英)Recto: "Libro Primo, Chapo Quarto..." (Vitruvius, Book 1, Chapter 4); Verso: The Fortification of City Walls (Vitruvius, Book 1, Chapter 5).
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Sangallo family【1530 至 1545】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1530 - 公元 1545
创作地区原产国: 法国(Country of Origin: France)
尺寸页: 5 5/8 x 11 1/16 英寸 (14.3 x 28.1 厘米)
介绍(中)这幅画的创作者是一位经验丰富的军事技术和建筑绘图员,这从他对透视的使用和他阐述这里呈现的形式时的表面细节水平中可见一斑。与维特鲁威早期印刷版中的军事防御工事插图相比,这种熟练程度是显而易见的(参见杜兰蒂诺 1524 年的版本)。城市和港口的防御工事是桑加洛家族的专长,尤其是安东尼奥·达·桑加洛"小"的专长,因为他在罗马的教皇宫廷担任军事工程师。安东尼奥·"年轻"是一位多产的建筑师和绘图员,他拥有一本袖珍印刷的拉丁版维特鲁威,他用图纸和文字对其进行了注释。今天,它是大都会博物馆大量早期维特鲁威版本收藏的一部分。他的弟弟乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·达·桑加洛(Giovanni Battista da Sangallo)"Il Gobbo"留下了一本关于维特鲁威的评论书,根据乔治·瓦萨里(Giorgio Vasari)1568年的传记,该书"从未见过出版的曙光"。

最近的发现,这张纸和其他七张纸(编号2008.105.1-8)包括罗马古代唯一幸存的建筑论文的意大利版手稿草稿,马库斯·波利乌斯·维特鲁威(公元前一世纪末)的十本建筑书。如果该项目完成,它将跻身文艺复兴时期解释性建筑理论的杰出想象力作品之列。这些图画还展示了对钢笔的精美表现力处理。对风格以及人物素描中的速记符号的比较表明,与巴斯蒂亚诺"亚里士多德"达桑加洛(佛罗伦萨,1481 年 - 佛罗伦萨 1551 年)的绘画以及帮助他在 1486 年印刷版的维特鲁威(科西尼亚图书馆,Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 罗马)在 1530 年代进行了重新设计。众所周知,巴斯蒂亚诺·达·桑加洛(Bastiano da Sangallo)是一位舞台布景设计师,他是安东尼奥·达·桑加洛(Antonio da Sangallo "The Younger")和乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·达·桑加洛(Giovanni Battista da Sangallo)的堂兄和最亲密的合作者,是米开朗基罗在西斯廷教堂的助手,并因其对古代的热爱而姓"亚里士多德"。桑加洛家族的成员至少两代人都对维特鲁威产生了浓厚的兴趣。
介绍(英)The creator of this drawing was an experienced draftsman of military technology and architecture, as is evident by his use of perspective and in the level of surface detail with which he elaborated the forms presented here. This proficiency is clear when compared to illustrations of military fortifications in early printed editions of Vitruvius (see the edition of 1524 by Durantino).The fortification of cities and ports was a specialty of the Sangallo family and of Antonio da Sangallo "The Younger" in particular, as he worked as a military engineer in the papal court in Rome. A prolific architect and draftsman, Antonio "The Younger" owned, among others, a pocket-sized, printed Latin edition of Vitruvius, which he annotated with drawings and text. It is today part of the Metropolitan Museum's vast collection of early Vitruvius editions. His younger brother and much-overshadowed amanuensis for many of his military drawings, Giovanni Battista da Sangallo "Il Gobbo," left an insightful book of commentary on Vitruvius, which, according to a 1568 biography by Giorgio Vasari, "never saw the light of publication."

A recent discovery, this sheet and seven others (acc. nos. 2008.105.1-8) comprised a manuscript draft for an Italian edition of the sole surviving architectural treatise of Roman antiquity, Ten Books on Architecture by Marcus Pollius Vitruvius (late first century B.C.). Had the project been completed, it would have ranked among the brilliantly imaginative works of Renaissance interpretive architectural theory. The drawings also exhibit a beautifully expressive handling of the pen. Comparisons of style as well as of the shorthand notation in the sketching of human figures suggest a close kinship with drawings by Bastiano "Aristotile" da Sangallo (Florence, 1481 – Florence 1551) and the collaborators that helped him draw and write the motifs of marginalia in a printed 1486 edition of Vitruvius (Biblioteca Corsiniana, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome) that was reworked in the 1530s. By all accounts a virtuoso stage set designer, Bastiano da Sangallo-the cousin and closest collaborator of Antonio da Sangallo "The Younger" and Giovanni Battista da Sangallo "Il Gobbo"-was Michelangelo's assistant in the Sistine Chapel and took the surname of "Aristotile" for his love of antiquity. Members of the Sangallo family had been deeply interested in Vitruvius for at least two generations.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。