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品名(英)Classic of Spiritual Flight
策展部门亚洲艺术Asian Art
创作者Zhong Shaojing【713 至 741】【中国人】
创作年份公元 728 - 公元 741
尺寸Each leaf: 8 3/16 x 3 1/2 英寸 (20.8 x 8.9 厘米)

738 年由玄宗皇帝(712-56 年在位)的女儿玉真公主委托撰写,这篇文字体现了高唐时期的精致宫廷风格。小脚本平衡和谐,每一个钩子、笔触、点都完美地定义和执行。用坚硬的长尖刷子涂抹,每一笔都显示出干净、清晰的动作和优雅、剑尖的转弯。个别角色笔直、直立且结构牢固,具有矩形支撑和墙壁框架。人物的构造揭示了一个分析过程:不同类型的笔触被视为动态构图中的力量(shi),每个笔触都有完美的形式和与其他笔触相互作用的"方法"(fa);每个角色都以其优雅、精心考虑的这些力量的部署,体现了身体平衡和精神休息的典范。

十七世纪初,这部佛经被有影响力的画家、书法家和理论家董启昌(1555-1636 年)收购,他认为它是现存唐代小文字中最好的例子之一。董氏不情愿地将佛经借给一位陈先生,作为一套书法范本《渤海苍镇》的拓印,但为了保管,却保留了十二列。董的担心是有道理的。我们今天庆祝的幸存的四十三柱是那些被无良的陈先生从佛经中移除的柱子。
介绍(英)The copying of sutras, the sacred texts of Buddhism and Daoism, was an act of devotion as well as a means of propagating the faith. It required a special brush, paper of a conventional size with a vertical grid, and the use of the strictest, most formal script. This hallowed fragment of a Daoist religious text meets all of those requirements yet has an elegance and fluency that elevate it beyond normal sutra writing.

Commissioned in 738 by Princess Yuzhen, a daughter of Emperor Xuanzong (r. 712–56), this writing exemplifies the sophisticated court style of the High Tang period. The small script is balanced and harmonious, with every hook, stroke, and dot perfectly defined and executed. Applied with a stiff, long-pointed brush, each stroke shows clean, crisp movements and graceful, saber-sharp turns. Individual characters are straight, upright, and firmly built, with a rectangular frame of supports and walls. The construction of the characters reveals an analytical process: different types of brushstrokes are seen as forces (shi) in a dynamic composition, each having a perfect form and a “method” (fa) of interacting with the other strokes; each character, with its elegant, carefully considered deployment of those forces, exemplifies a model of physical equilibrium and spiritual repose.

In the early seventeenth century, this sutra was acquired by the influential painter, calligrapher, and theorist Dong Qichang (1555–1636), who regarded it as one of the finest extant examples of Tang-dynasty small writing. Dong reluctantly lent the sutra to a Mr. Chen for inclusion in a set of rubbings of model calligraphies, the Bohai cangzhen, but held back twelve columns for safekeeping. Dong was justified in his apprehension; the surviving forty-three columns that we celebrate today are those that were removed from the sutra by the unscrupulous Mr. Chen.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。