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品名(英)Saint John the Baptist Baptizing the Multitude
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Pellegrino Tibaldi【1527 至 1596】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1554 - 公元 1556
尺寸9 5/16 x 12 11/16英寸 (23.7 x 32.3厘米)
介绍(中)这幅画是波吉教堂左墙壁画下半部分的研究,代表"施洗者圣约翰为大众施洗"(博洛尼亚圣贾科莫马焦雷),可能可以追溯到 1554 年至 1556 年之间。这幅画充满活力的线条让人想起塔迪奥·祖卡罗(Taddeo Zuccaro)的风格,他和蒂巴尔迪一样,在1540年代和1550年代活跃在罗马。就像蒂巴尔迪为波吉宫创作的富有想象力的壁画一样(另见博物馆收藏中风神雕像的准备研究:2007.127号),波吉教堂的壁画对萨马奇尼和帕萨罗蒂等博洛尼亚艺术家产生了相当大的影响。此外,当Lodovico,Agostino和Annibale Carracci在博洛尼亚创立他们着名的学院时 - 他们试图通过对自然的重新研究结合对最佳艺术品的研究来改革绘画 - Poggi Chapel是他们推荐给学生的模型之一。

同一幅壁画上部的配套页,比例完全相同,但以更复杂的色调技术绘制,并带有广泛的黑色粉笔底图,收藏在纽约大卫和朱莉托比(承诺赠送给大都会艺术博物馆;参见卡门·C·班巴赫(Carmen C. Bambach)在《意大利之旅》中: 托比收藏的图纸,Correggio到Tiepolo,"2010年,第24期)。由于执行技术似乎略有不同,因此两张图纸很可能不是同一张纸的碎片。对面墙上的蒂巴尔迪壁画代表了"施洗者圣约翰的概念",温莎城堡皇家图书馆有一项构图研究(RL 5965,见:Popham and Wilde 1949,第947号,第109页和Zamboni 1967,图46)。

(Carmen C. Bambach, 2006, 2010修订)
介绍(英)The drawing is a study for the lower half of a fresco on the left wall of the Poggi Chapel, representing ‘Saint John The Baptist Baptizing the Multitudes’ (San Giacomo Maggiore, Bologna), and probably dating between 1554 and 1556. The energetic tangle of lines of this drawing recalls the style of Taddeo Zuccaro, who, like Tibaldi, was active in Rome in the 1540s and 1550s. Like Tibaldi's imaginative frescoes for the Palazzo Poggi (for which see also the preparatory study for the figure of Aeolus in the Museum’s collection: acc. no. 2007.127), the frescoes in the Poggi chapel had considerable influence on such Bolognese artists as Samacchini and Passarotti. Moreover, when Lodovico, Agostino, and Annibale Carracci founded their famous academy in Bologna - in which they sought to reform painting through a renewed study of nature combined with a study of the best artworks - the Poggi Chapel was among the models they recommended to their students.

A companion sheet for the upper portion of this same fresco, with figures of exactly the same scale but drawn in a more complex tonal technique and with extensive black chalk underdrawing, is in the Collection of David and Julie Tobey, New York (promised gift to the Metropolitan Museum of Art; see Carmen C. Bambach in ‘An Italian Journey: Drawings from the Tobey Collection, Correggio to Tiepolo,’ 2010, no. 24). As the techniques of execution seem slightly different, it is probable that the two drawings are not fragments from the same sheet of paper. Tibaldi's fresco on the opposite wall represents the ‘Conception of St. John The Baptist,’ for which a composition study exists at the Royal Library, Windsor Castle ( RL 5965, see: Popham and Wilde 1949, no. 947, pl. 109 and Zamboni 1967, fig. 46).

(Carmen C. Bambach, 2006, revised 2010)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。