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品名(英)Design for a Wall Decoration with the Sacrifice of Abraham and the Flight into Egypt
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Giovanni Lanfranco【1582 至 1647】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1582 - 公元 1647
尺寸页: 6 1/4 x 16 英寸 (15.9 x 40.6 厘米)
介绍(中)作为阿戈斯蒂诺和安尼巴莱·卡拉奇的学生,兰弗兰科在他职业生涯的早期在罗马工作,在皮亚琴察工作,1612年至1634年在罗马工作,最后在那不勒斯工作。艺术家创作了这幅流畅而优雅的画作,为教皇奎里纳莱宫的萨拉王宫的壁画装饰做准备,这是教皇保罗五世的委托,兰弗兰科于 1616-17 年与阿戈斯蒂诺·塔西、卡洛·萨拉切尼等人一起参与其中。

埃里希·施莱尔(Erich Schleier,1970 年)将这幅画与罗马奎里纳尔宫礼堂的一部分楣板装饰项目联系起来,并将其确定为这个重要大厅端墙上装饰带的一部分的设计 - 奎里纳尔的瑞士卫队的一个大房间(也称为萨拉德斯维泽里和萨拉德科拉齐耶里)。这面端墙可通往波林教堂,米开朗基罗在 1546 年左右绘制壁画。以前交给乔瓦尼·兰弗兰科和马特乌斯·特韦斯滕(1670-1757),A. von Wurzbach博士建议将这张纸归属于兰弗兰科。后来,K. G. Boon博士将其归因于Matthäus Terwesten(见此处"参考文献":Boerner 1966和Boerner 1968)。当Hauswedell于1966年在汉堡出售这幅画时,埃里希·施莱尔(Erich Schleier)认识到它与Sala Regia的楣板有关,从而证实了写在反面的乔瓦尼·兰弗兰科(Giovanni Lanfranco)的传统归属("ducati 2 - / Lanfranco"。

矩形框架显然是为窗户设计的,出现在大都会艺术博物馆的图纸上,就像它们在楣板上檐口正下方的Sala Regia中一样。在左边,在两扇窗户之间,是"以撒的牺牲"的场景。这个场景被设计成在挂毯上,旨在作为完成设计的实际中心。围绕以撒献祭的寓言人物可能是美德。右边是逃往埃及的叙事场景。

Sala Regia的装饰分几个阶段完成,但整个壁画于1616年完成。众所周知,艺术家阿戈斯蒂诺·塔西、萨拉切尼和乔瓦尼·兰弗兰科曾在保罗五世·博尔盖塞(1605-1621)担任教皇期间在萨拉雷吉亚工作,并且在执行画作期间可能共享墙壁的共同部分。兰弗兰科的手可以在"萨拉"两端墙上的大部分楣板上辨别出来。他在那里的工作在现存的图纸中有很好的记录。这些图纸保留了艺术家对短墙的原始构思设计,由于未知原因,这些设计被大大修改了。在完成的楣板中,结构上不太重要的元素从主墙上被接管,例如,在大都会艺术博物馆的图纸上清晰可见的真实窗框和阿布罗西亚纳的图纸(见下文)被假想的阳台所取代——这是主墙的衍生物。

"以撒的牺牲"场景最初装饰在通往教堂的端墙的中心。它在1619年之前被摧毁,在它被粉刷不到三年后,为兰迪尼的鼓室和门口的山墙腾出空间。传记作者乔万·彼得罗·贝洛里(Le Vite de' Pittori,罗马,1672 年,第 369 页)提到原始壁画如下:"Facendo il Potefice Paolo V, dipingere il Palazzo di Monte Cavallo, nel fregio della Sala Regia fù distrubuita al Lanfanco la Storia di Mosè che cangia la verga in serpente, e l'altra di Abramo che sacrifica il figliuolo Isac, 伴奏人物、维图和装饰"。

已经确定了该楣板各部分的另外两幅构图和针对单个人物的几项研究。一幅构图画在巴黎卢浮宫博物馆(在沃尔特·维茨图姆(Walter Vitzthum)讨论和复制,"兰弗兰科为奎里纳尔(Quirinal)制定的项目",载于《伯灵顿杂志》,第106卷,第734期,1964年(5月),第216页及以下各页,第29页),另一幅在米兰安布罗西亚纳图书馆(在沃尔特·维茨图姆(Walter Vitzthum)讨论和复制,同前,第216页及以下各页, 第30页)。卢浮宫的画作被玛丽埃特错误地归因于皮尔弗朗切斯科·莫拉。沃尔特·维茨图姆承认这是兰弗兰科的(见沃尔特·维茨图姆,同前,第216页)。卢浮宫的图画显示了教皇的徽章,其中只有一半可见(左侧)。徽章正是以这种方式出现在Sala Regia的楣板中,保罗五世博尔盖塞的手臂用于装饰角落,一半出现在端墙上,一半出现在主墙上。


埃里希·施莱尔("兰弗兰科为马尔切塞·桑内西和一些早期绘画创作的'诺特'",载于《伯灵顿杂志》,第 104 卷,第 711 期,1962 年 6 月,第 255-56 页)描述并复制了以下针对楣板上出现的单个人物的研究:米兰安布罗西亚纳图书馆的正义研究(第 28 页);在佛罗伦萨乌菲齐的Gabinetto dei Disegni中研究普托(第26页)和对摩西形象的研究,椭圆形的摩西权杖在罗马的另一侧变成一条蛇(第32页)。H. Hibbard(在维也纳赫兹亚纳杂记图书馆,1961年,第359页,第23期)描述了对Sala Regia楣板上的一个女像柱的粉笔研究。这幅画在温莎城堡,第 5701 号(复制,A. Blunt 和 H. L. Cooke,罗马图纸,伦敦,1960 年,第 5 页)。

介绍(英)A pupil of Agostino and Annibale Carracci, Lanfranco worked in Rome early in his career, in Piacenza, in Rome again from 1612 to 1634, and finally in Naples. The artist made this fluid and graceful drawing in preparation for the fresco decoration of the Sala Regia in the papal Palazzo del Quirinale, a commission from Pope Paul V on which Lanfranco worked in 1616–17 along with Agostino Tassi, Carlo Saraceni, and others.

Erich Schleier (1970) related this drawing to the project for the decoration of a section of the frieze in the Sala Regia of the Quirinal Palace in Rome and identified it as the design for a section of a decorative frieze on the end wall of this important hall - a large room of the Swiss Guard in the Quirinal (also known as Sala de' Svizzeri and Sala de' Corazzieri). This end wall gives access to the Pauline Chapel, frescoed by Michelangelo around 1546. Previously given to Giovanni Lanfranco and Matthäus Terwesten (1670-1757), the attribution of the sheet to Lanfranco was suggested by Dr. A. von Wurzbach. Later, Dr. K. G. Boon attributed it to Matthäus Terwesten (see here "References": Boerner 1966 and Boerner 1968). When the drawing was put on sale by Hauswedell in Hamburg in 1966, Erich Schleier recognized its connection with the frieze in the Sala Regia, thus confirming the traditional attribution to Giovanni Lanfranco written on the verso ("ducati 2 - / Lanfranco.")

The rectangular frames, clearly designed for windows, appear on the Metropolitan Museum of Art's drawing as they do in the Sala Regia, that is immediately below the upper cornice of the frieze. On the left, between two windows, is the scene of the ‘Sacrifice of Isaac.’ This scene designed to be represented as on a tapestry, was intended as the actual center of the finished design. The allegorical figures surrounding the Sacrifice of Isaac are probably Virtues. On the right is the narrative scene of the Flight to Egypt.

The decorations of the Sala Regia were completed in several stages, but the entire fresco was finished by 1616. The artists Agostino Tassi, Saraceni and Giovanni Lanfranco are known to have worked in the Sala Regia during the pontificate of Paul V Borghese (1605-1621) and probably shared common portions of the walls during the executions of the paintings. Lanfranco's hand can be distinguished in large portions of the frieze on the two end walls of the ‘Sala.’ His work there is well documented by extant drawings. These drawings have retained the artist's original, well-conceived design for the short walls, which, for unknown reasons, was considerably altered. In the finished frieze, structurally less important elements were taken over from the main walls, e.g. the real window frames, clearly visible on the Metropolitan Museum of Art's drawing and the drawing in the Abrosiana (see below) were substituted by imaginary balconies - a derivation from the main walls.

The scene of the ‘Sacrifice of Isaac’ originally decorated the center of the end wall giving access to the chapel. It was destroyed before 1619, less than three years after it had been painted, to make room for Landini's tympanum and the pediments over the doorway. The original fresco is mentioned by the biographer Giovan Pietro Bellori (Le Vite de' Pittori, Rome, 1672, p. 369) as follows: "Facendo il Potefice Paolo V, dipingere il Palazzo di Monte Cavallo, nel fregio della Sala Regia fù distrubuita al Lanfanco la Storia di Mosè che cangia la verga in serpente, e l'altra di Abramo che sacrifica il figliuolo Isac, accompagnate da figure, e da Virtù et ornamenti".

Two other composition drawings for sections of this frieze and several studies for the individual figures have been identified. One composition drawing is in the Musée du Louvre, Paris (discussed and reproduced in Walter Vitzthum, ‘A Project by Lanfranco for the Quirinal,’ in The Burlington Magazine, vol. 106, no. 734, 1964 (May), pp. 216 ff., pl. 29), another one is in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan (discussed and reproduced in Walter Vitzthum, op. cit., pp. 216 ff., pl. 30). The Louvre drawing was wrongly attributed to Pierfrancesco Mola by Mariette. Walter Vitzthum recognized that it is by Lanfranco (see Walter Vitzthum, op. cit., p. 216). The Louvre's drawing shows the papal coat of arms, of which only half is visible (on the left). The coat of arms appears in precisely this way in the frieze of the Sala Regia, where the arms of Paul V Borghese used to decorate the corners, half appearing on the end walls and half on the main wall.

The Ambrosiana drawing shows the scene of the ‘Sacrifice of Isaac’ in the center. The drawing represents two variant solutions for the corners which were either to be decorated with half of a papal coat of arms, as on the left, or with half of a medallion supported by a putto, as on the right. Just as the space below the opening for feigned windows could be decorated either with a roundel containing a bust (very likely that of Paul V) or with an eagle as represented on the right, no doubt to be balanced by the Borghese dragon on the left, should this half of the design be adopted for the execution.

Erich Schleier (‘Lanfranco's 'Notte' for the Marchese Sannesi and some early drawings,’ in The Burlington Magazine, vol. 104, no. 711, June 1962, pp. 255-56) describes and reproduces the following studies for the individual figures appearing on the frieze: Study for a Justitia in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan (pl. 28); Study for a Putto in the Gabinetto dei Disegni, Uffizi, Florence (pl. 26) and a study for the figure of Moses, for the oval The Staff of Moses turning into a Snake on the opposite side of the rom (pl. 32). H. Hibbard (in Miscellanea Bibliothecae Hertzianae, Vienna, 1961, p. 359, no. 23) describes a chalk study for one of the caryatids on the frieze in the Sala Regia. The drawing is at Windsor Castle, no. 5701 (reproduced, A. Blunt and H. L. Cooke, The Roman Drawings, London, 1960, pl. 5).

(Carmen C. Bambach)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。