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品名(中)自然战胜艺术(“De Florum Cultura”雕刻设计)
品名(英)The Triumph of Nature Over Art (design for an engraving of 'De Florum Cultura')
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Pietro da Cortona (Pietro Berrettini)【1596 至 1669】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1628 - 公元 1638
尺寸7 13/16 x 5 11/16英寸 (19.9 x 14.5厘米)
介绍(中)这幅由巴洛克大师彼得罗·达·科尔托纳(Pietro da Cortona)创作的画作是为耶稣会教授乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·法拉利(Giovanni Battista Ferrari,1584-1655 年)撰写的园艺论文中的插图之一而设计的。 这本名为"De Florum Cultura"(罗马,1633 年)的书出版了约翰·弗里德里希·格鲁特(Johann Friedrich Greuter,1590-1662 年)反向雕刻的这一设计。艺术家在法拉利的文本中绘制了一段寓言段落,讲述了自然与艺术之间的较量。 艺术,跪在右边,手里拿着嫁接刀,已经产生了一丛玫瑰花,上面有三种颜色的花朵,但弗洛拉即将为大自然加冕,大自然站在原地指着自己创造的奇迹。 仿佛变魔术一样,一棵中国玫瑰树从地上长了出来。 Vertumnus高举着sistrum跳舞,三个男孩 - 路西法,梅里乔和赫斯珀 - 围着树转,而它的花朵从白色,粉红色,再到猩红色,据说他们在一天中会这样做。 男孩们分别由百合树枝、玫瑰和流血的心来识别,暗指黎明、中午和傍晚。 人们认为大自然的奇迹比艺术的奇迹更奇妙。 彼得罗·达·科尔托纳(Pietro da Cortona)为法拉利书中的其他插图绘制的图纸在阿姆斯特丹的彼得和内莉·德·波尔收藏(众神理事会之前的Cybele)和马德里普拉多博物馆(与纹章巴贝里尼蜜蜂的寓言场景;布朗特和库克,1960年,第76页,图57)。
介绍(英)This drawing by the Baroque master Pietro da Cortona is a design for one of the illustrations in a treatise on gardening written by the Jesuit professor, Giovanni Battista Ferrari (1584-1655). The book, titled 'De Florum Cultura' (Rome, 1633), published this design engraved in reverse by Johann Friedrich Greuter (1590-1662). The artist illustrated an allegorical passage in Ferrari's text that tells of a contest between Nature and Art. Art, kneeling at the right with grafting knife in hand, has produced a rosebush with flowers of three colors, but Flora is about to crown Nature, who stands pointing at the miracle of her own doing. As if by magic a Chinese rose tree has sprung from the ground. Vertumnus dances, holding a sistrum aloft, and three boys -- Lucifer, Meriggio, and Hesper -- circle the tree while its flowers change from white, to pink, to scarlet, as they are said to do in the course of a day. The boys are identified respectively by a lily branch, a rose, and a bleeding heart, and which allude to Dawn, Noon, and Evening. The wonders of Nature are seen to be more marvelous than those of Art. Drawings by Pietro da Cortona for other illustrations in Ferrari's book are in the Peter and Nellie de Boer Collection, Amsterdam (Cybele before the Council of the Gods), and in the Museo del Prado, Madrid (An Allegorical Scene with the heraldic Barberini Bees; repr. Blunt and Cooke, 1960, p. 76 fig. 57).
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。