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品名(英)Seated River God, Nymph with an Oar, and Putto
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Giovanni Battista Tiepolo【1696 至 1770】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1696 - 公元 1770
尺寸9 5/16 x 12 5/16英寸 (23.7 x 31.3厘米)

这些人物出现在沃斯堡金贝尔艺术博物馆的油画素描的底部,该油画素描被普遍认为是提埃波罗于 1741 年为米兰克莱里奇宫的"Sala degli Arazzi"天花板创作的唯一幸存模型。河神和仙女,没有桨和伴随的普托,栖息在克莱里奇宫画廊南端最顶端的檐口上。十多年后,若虫和河神在维尔茨堡住宅的凯撒萨尔的壁画天花板上重复出现(见:Freeden and Lamb,1956年,第79页)。这幅画的透明水洗是黄色调,可以在Tiepolo的其他画作中找到,其中许多与Palazzo Clerici项目有关。大都会艺术博物馆收藏的几幅画(编号 37.165.22、37.165.30、37.165.32、37.165.34、37.165.36、37.165.37、37.165.39、37.165.41、37.165.44 - 37.165.46)都是用这种黄色水洗完成的,佛罗伦萨霍恩基金会的大约 37 幅和纽约摩根图书馆的 10 幅也是如此。

这幅画是大都会艺术博物馆收藏的四十二幅素描的一部分(编号 37.165.7、37.165.9 - 37.165.13、37.165.17 - 37.165.52),它们形成了一个风格连贯的群体,其中许多与乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·蒂埃波罗在克莱里奇宫画廊的天花板壁画计划有关。一张装订标有"VARI / PENSIERI / T.I."的专辑保存在佛罗伦萨霍恩基金会。画册中保留了三十三对开页上的提埃波罗的四十幅画作;其中7个已被移除,并单独保存。第一页上的石墨注释表明,当赫伯特·P·霍恩(Herbert P. Horne)于十九世纪末在伦敦购买这幅画时,这本画册中只有四十七幅图纸。内部证据,例如装订中的存根和对开页编号序列中的宽跳跃,表明该相册最初可能包含至少七十幅额外的图纸。
与大都会艺术博物馆收藏的一组素描一样,霍恩的素描在很大程度上包括了1740年左右的风格研究。因此,有可能 - 尽管不确定 - 大都会艺术博物馆的相关图纸可能已经从"VARI PENSIERI T. I."相册中删除,并由比龙侯爵纪尧姆·德·冈托·比隆(1859-1939)购买,在赫伯特·P·霍恩获得现在在佛罗伦萨的图纸和装订之前。原始专辑可能在丰富的视觉主题剧目中形成了一卷,据说乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·提埃波罗(Giovanni Battista Tiepolo)在圣玛丽亚德拉礼炮教堂(Santa Maria della Salute)向威尼斯索马斯基修道院赠送了该修道院,他的儿子朱塞佩(Giuseppe)是该宗教团体的成员,该教团于1810年被压制。

1994年,Svetlana Alpers和Michael Baxandall将这组与Clerici宫天花板壁画部分相关的绘画描述为"高度设计的独立单元。[...]单位本质上是通用的。虽然图纸组与委托任务相关联,但它们不是普通意义上的准备工作。因此,很难建立人们所期望的精确的绘画到绘画的联系。"(第19页)"[它们]通常是对提埃波罗正在解决的图形问题的凌乱、不漂亮、椭圆形、功能性的探索。"(第51页)。

介绍(英)This beautiful drawing, so assured and appealing as an independent work of art, is part of a large group of drawings-The Metropolitan Museum of Art owns forty-two-that Tiepolo seems to have kept in his studio as a repertory of compositional motifs. Tiepolo made use of this figure group on two separate occasions, first at the Palazzo Clerici in Milan, where they appear at the edge of a painted cornice, and some twelve years later in the frescoed ceiling of the Kaisersaal in the Würzburg Residenz.

These figures appear at the bottom of the an oil sketch at the Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, that is generally accepted as the only surviving modello executed by Tiepolo for the ceiling of the ‘Sala degli Arazzi’ in Palazzo Clerici, Milan in 1741. The river god and nymph, without the oar and the accompanying putto, are perched on the top most cornice at the south end of the Palazzo Clerici gallery. A little more than ten years later the nymph and river god were repeated in the frescoed ceiling of the Kaisersaal in the Würzburg Residenz (see: Freeden and Lamb, 1956, pl. 79). The transparent washes of this drawing are of a yellow tone to be found in other drawings by Tiepolo, many of them associable with the Palazzo Clerici project. Several drawings in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (acc. nos. 37.165.22, 37.165.30, 37.165.32, 37.165.34, 37.165.36, 37.165.37, 37.165.39, 37.165.41, 37.165.44 - 37.165.46) are executed in this yellow wash, as are some thirty-seven in the Fondazione Horne, Florence, and ten in The Morgan Library, New York.

This drawing is part of a collection of forty-two drawings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (acc. nos. 37.165.7, 37.165.9 - 37.165.13, 37.165.17 - 37.165.52), which form a stylistically coherent group, many of them associated with Giovanni Battista Tiepolo's plans for the ceiling fresco in the gallery of the Palazzo Clerici. An album, the binding of which is labeled "VARI / PENSIERI / T.I.," is preserved in the Fondazione Horne, Florence. Forty drawings by Tiepolo mounted on thirty-three folios remain in the album; seven have been removed and are kept separately. An annotation in graphite on the first page indicates that there were only forty-seven drawings in the album when Herbert P. Horne purchased it in London at the end of the nineteenth century. Internal evidence, such as the stubs in the binding and wide skips in the sequence of folio numbers, suggests that the album may originally have contained at least seventy additional drawings.
Like the group of drawings in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Horne drawings consist in large part of studies datable on stylistic grounds to about 1740. Thus it is possible - though not certain - that the related drawings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art may have been removed from the album "VARI PENSIERI T. I." and purchased by Guillaume de Gontaut Biron, marquis de Biron (1859-1939), before Herbert P. Horne acquired the drawings and the binding now in Florence. The original album may have formed one volume in the rich repertory of visual motifs that Giovanni Battista Tiepolo is said to have presented to the Venetian convent of the Somaschi, at the church of Santa Maria della Salute, a religious order of which his son Giuseppe was a member, which was suppressed in 1810.

In 1994, Svetlana Alpers and Michael Baxandall characterized this group of drawings partly related to the ceiling fresco of the Palazzo Clerici as "highly designed, independent units. [...] A unit is generic in nature. While groups of drawings have been associated with a commissioned task, they are not preparatory in an ordinary sense. Hence the difficulty in establishing those precise drawing-to-painting connections one tends to expect." (p. 19) "[They] are often untidy, un-pretty, elliptical, functional explorations of pictorial problems Tiepolo was addressing." (p. 51).

(Carmen C. Bambach, 2006)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。