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策展部门古代近东艺术Ancient Near Eastern Art
创作年份公元前 200 - 公元 100
尺寸4.72 x 2.36 x 1.57 英寸 (11.99 x 5.99 x 3.99 厘米)


这座布拉是在伊朗北部的Shahr-i Qumis发掘的,这里被确定为赫卡托普洛斯古城,约公元前200年帕提亚人将其作为帝国的首都。在希腊语中,赫卡托克洛斯的意思是"一百扇门",这表明这座城市相当大。事实上,现代考古遗址包括几个土堆,其中只有几个被挖掘出来,还有一大片被碎片覆盖的区域。这只布拉是在五号遗址的一座大型建筑中发现的,该建筑已被初步确定为精英住宅。这座建筑在公元前1世纪末或公元1世纪初的某个时候被泥土完全填满,也许是当帕提亚的首都被转移到其他地方,城市的精英居民也随之离开时。

1967年,英国波斯研究所在Shahr-i Qumis进行的发掘是由大都会艺术博物馆共同赞助的。然而,这只布拉直到1971年才被发现,它是英国气象局为该研究所在伊朗另一个遗址Tepe Nush-i Jan的挖掘工作提供资金后从英国研究所获得的。当时,伊朗政府允许外国挖掘机保留一部分发现物,而这些挖掘机反过来会将其份额分配给支持这项工作的机构。
介绍(英)This lump of clay, called a ‘bulla,’ bears three impressions of the same cylinder seal. The image on the seal depicts a warrior wearing a bashlyk (a Persian hat that covers most of the head) and carrying a dagger in one hand advancing on an enemy who is poorly preserved. In the middle of two of the impressions a circular object – probably one end of the cylinder seal – has been impressed. Given its condition it is not clear to what it was attached originally, but it may have been a stopper in the mouth of a jar.

Seals were ancient accounting tools, used for example to indicate who supplied a commodity, who was responsible for its disbursement, or who received it. In this case, the seal impressions may indicate who supplied the contents of the jar. Once the jar was opened, the bulla was discarded. The seal used on this bulla is interesting because it dates to the Achaemenid period (probably ca. the early 5th century B.C.), at least five centuries before it was used at Hecatomplyos. This shows how seals could be used and reused for generations – all that a seal needed to function was to be able to make a distinctive mark in clay.

This bulla was excavated at Shahr-i Qumis in northern Iran, which has been identified as the ancient city of Hecatompylos, established by the Parthians as the capital of their empire by about 200 B.C. In Greek Hecatompylos means ‘a hundred gates,’ suggesting that the city was quite large. Indeed, the modern archaeological site includes several mounds, only a few of which have been excavated, and a vast area covered with potsherds. This bulla was found in a large building at Site V, which has been tentatively identified as an elite residence. This building was completely filled with dirt sometime in the late 1st century B.C. or early 1st century A.D., perhaps when the Parthian capital was moved elsewhere and the city’s elite residents left with it.

The excavations at Shahr-i Qumis by the British Institute of Persian Studies in 1967 were co-sponsored by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. However, this bulla was not discovered until 1971, and it was acquired from the British Institute as a result of the Met’s financial contributions to the Institute’s excavations at Tepe Nush-i Jan, another site in Iran. At the time the Iranian government allowed foreign excavators to keep a portion of the finds, and these excavators in turn would divide their share among the institutions that supported the work.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。