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品名(英)Furniture plaque carved in relief with bulls and tree
策展部门古代近东艺术Ancient Near Eastern Art
创作年份公元前 900 - 公元前 700
尺寸1.61 x 5.98 x 0.24 英寸 (4.09 x 15.19 x 0.61 厘米)
介绍(中)这块雕刻的象牙牌匾是在沙尔曼尼瑟堡的一个储藏室里发现的,沙尔曼尼瑟堡是尼姆鲁德的一座皇家建筑,用来存放亚述人在军事行动中收集的战利品和贡品。它描绘了一对公牛在一棵小树的两侧,每头公牛都在啃一片叶子,上下由一个普通的平坦边框框住。树的五个分支对称排列,叶子或叶子装饰有水平的脊。每头公牛的肋骨都由垂直平行线定义,类似的线条框住眼睛和脖子后面的肌肉脊。两者都没有用角描绘。由于古代对牌匾的损坏,只保留了左公牛的头部和肩膀,但右公牛是完整的。生殖器被代表,尾巴略微抬起,但保持放松的姿势。像这样的雕刻象牙件在公元前一千年早期被广泛用于生产精英家具。它们通常使用细木工技术和胶水镶嵌在木框架中,并且可以覆盖金箔或镶嵌以创造闪闪发光的表面和鲜艳色彩的耀眼效果。在亚述国王收集的象牙中发现了一排排带有哺乳小牛的公牛和奶牛,无论是浮雕还是镂空技术雕刻,包括大都会收藏中的其他几个例子(< href="http://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/324331">54.117.10, 59.107.14, 64.37.3,64.37.4, 67.22.6).

介绍(英)This carved ivory plaque was found in a storage room in Fort Shalmaneser, a royal building at Nimrud that was used to store booty and tribute collected by the Assyrians while on military campaign. It depicts a pair of bulls flanking a small tree, each nibbling at a leaf, framed above and below by a plain flat border. The five branches of the tree are arranged symmetrically and the leaves or fronds are decorated with horizontal ridges. Each bull’s ribs are defined by vertical parallel lines, and similar lines frame the eye and the muscular ridges on the back of the neck. Neither is depicted with horns. Because of damage to the plaque in antiquity, only the head and shoulders of the left bull are preserved, but the right bull is complete. The genitals are represented and the tail is slightly raised, but held in a relaxed position. Carved ivory pieces such as this were widely used in the production of elite furniture during the early first millennium B.C. They were often inlaid into a wooden frame using joinery techniques and glue, and could be overlaid with gold foil or inlaid to create a dazzling effect of gleaming surfaces and bright colors. Rows of bulls and cows with nursing calves, either carved in relief or in the openwork technique, have been found among the ivories collected by the Assyrian kings, including several other examples in the Metropolitan’s collection (< a href="http://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/324331">54.117.10, 59.107.14, 64.37.3, 64.37.4, 67.22.6).

Built by the Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II, the palaces and storerooms of Nimrud housed thousands of pieces of carved ivory. Most of the ivories served as furniture inlays or small precious objects such as boxes. While some of them were carved in the same style as the large Assyrian reliefs lining the walls of the Northwest Palace, the majority of the ivories display images and styles related to the arts of North Syria and the Phoenician city-states. Phoenician style ivories are distinguished by their use of imagery related to Egyptian art, such as sphinxes and figures wearing pharaonic crowns, and the use of elaborate carving techniques such as openwork and colored glass inlay. North Syrian style ivories tend to depict stockier figures in more dynamic compositions, carved as solid plaques with fewer added decorative elements. However, some pieces do not fit easily into any of these three styles. Most of the ivories were probably collected by the Assyrian kings as tribute from vassal states, and as booty from conquered enemies, while some may have been manufactured in workshops at Nimrud. The ivory tusks that provided the raw material for these objects were almost certainly from African elephants, imported from lands south of Egypt, although elephants did inhabit several river valleys in Syria until they were hunted to extinction by the end of the eighth century B.C.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。