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品名(英)Incised horse frontlet carved into the shape of a flowering, volute palmette tree
策展部门古代近东艺术Ancient Near Eastern Art
创作年份公元前 900 - 公元前 700
尺寸4.21 x 2.2 x 2.09 英寸 (10.69 x 5.59 x 5.31 厘米)
介绍(中)这块象牙色的牌匾被雕刻成一个从宽阔的茎上长出的开花的卷状掌纹。冠状的花卉装饰包括卷状物、叶子和中心的椭圆形花蕾,所有这些都用切口勾勒出来。茎在柱头正下方装饰着两条空白带,下边缘有一条额外的流苏带。在这件作品的下边缘钻了六个洞,这表明它被固定在另一种材料上,可能是一种没有幸存下来的纺织品或皮革背衬。最初,这件作品可能被用作马头,一种装饰马前额的马术缰绳装饰物。在尼姆鲁德发现了超过200件象牙和石膏雪花石膏的马术缰绳装饰物。大多数,包括这顶小胸甲,都是在Shalmaneser堡的一个大储藏室(SW 37室)中发现的,这是Nimrud的一座皇家建筑,可能是用来存放亚述人在军事行动中收集的贡品和战利品的。尽管在新亚述宫殿浮雕中展示了戴着马术缰绳装饰物的马,但不可能知道浮雕中的装饰物是用来代表象牙制品还是更耐用的材料,如青铜或铁。像这样的象牙制品可能在仪式上被用作还愿词,或作为游行的服饰,而不是在战斗中

介绍(英)This ivory plaque is carved into the form of a flowering, voluted palmette emerging from a wide stalk. The crowning floral ornamentation includes volutes, leaves, and a central, oval bud, all outlined with incision. The stalk is ornamented with two blank bands just below the floral capital, with an additional, fringed band bordering the lower edge. The six holes drilled into the lower edge of this piece and suggest that it was fastened to another material, perhaps a textile or leather backing that has not survived. Originally, this piece was probably used as a frontlet, an equestrian bridle-harness ornament which adorned a horse’s forehead. Over two hundred ivory and gypsum alabaster equestrian bridle-harness ornaments have been found at Nimrud. The majority, including this frontlet, were found in a large storeroom (Room SW 37) at Fort Shalmaneser, a royal building at Nimrud that was probably used to store tribute and booty collected by the Assyrians while on military campaign. Although horses wearing equestrian bridle-harness ornaments are shown in Neo-Assyrian palace reliefs, it is not possible to know whether the ornaments in the reliefs were meant to represent work in ivory or in more durable materials such as bronze or iron. Ivory pieces like this one may have been used ceremonially, as votive dedications, or as processional regalia, rather than in battle.

Built by the Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II, the palaces and storerooms of Nimrud housed thousands of pieces of carved ivory. Most of the ivories served as furniture inlays or small precious objects such as boxes. While some of them were carved in the same style as the large Assyrian reliefs lining the walls of the Northwest Palace, the majority of the ivories display images and styles related to the arts of North Syria and the Phoenician city-states. Phoenician style ivories are distinguished by their use of imagery related to Egyptian art, such as sphinxes and figures wearing pharaonic crowns, and the use of elaborate carving techniques such as openwork and colored glass inlay. North Syrian style ivories tend to depict stockier figures in more dynamic compositions, carved as solid plaques with fewer added decorative elements. However, some pieces do not fit easily into any of these three styles. Most of the ivories were probably collected by the Assyrian kings as tribute from vassal states, and as booty from conquered enemies, while some may have been manufactured in workshops at Nimrud. The ivory tusks that provided the raw material for these objects were almost certainly from African elephants, imported from lands south of Egypt, although elephants did inhabit several river valleys in Syria until they were hunted to extinction by the end of the eighth century B.C.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。