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品名(英)Battle scene of Assyrians storming a citadel
入馆年号1955年,55.121.4a, b
策展部门古代近东艺术Ancient Near Eastern Art
创作年份公元前 704 - 公元前 681
尺寸48 13/16 × 33 3/8 × 4 1/8 英寸 (124 × 84.8 × 10.4 厘米)
介绍(中)这幅浮雕碎片可追溯到西拿基立时代(公元前 704-681 年在位),来自尼尼微伟大的西南宫殿,被西拿基立称为"无敌之宫"。它描绘了几组亚述士兵攻击一座大型设防城市。在左边,跪着的弓箭手向城垛上的守军发射齐射箭,而右边的弓箭手则使用高大的弯曲盾牌作为掩护,沿着攻城坡道前进。在他们身后的坡道上,士兵们用吊索向守军投掷炮弹。在最右边可以看到第二组士兵沿着坡道前进的痕迹,在这种情况下,长矛手带着独特的凤头头盔;其他浮雕显示他们也会持有圆形盾牌。在前景中,一些人背着似乎是用于建造攻城坡道的大板,而另一些人则在坡道的建设中铺设了一层层棕榈叶作为垫子。虽然有许多关于亚述围攻的描述,但这是唯一已知的关于正在建造攻城坡道的描述。亚述攻城坡道可能是巨大的结构,犹大拉基什城的一个坡道幸存的遗迹显示。棕榈叶的使用可能表明所描绘的运动是南部的,在椰枣生长的地区。具有相同特征的已完成坡道出现在另一个浮雕中,显示了伊朗西南部针对埃拉姆的战役,两者很可能最初是同一系列的一部分。

介绍(英)This relief fragment dates to the time of Sennacherib (r. 704–681 B.C.), and comes from the great Southwest Palace, called by Sennacherib the "Palace Without Rival," at Nineveh. It depicts several groups of Assyrian soldiers attacking a large fortified city. At left, kneeling archers shoot volleys of arrows toward defenders, not preserved in this fragment, on the battlements, while at right archers advance up a siege ramp, using tall curved shields as cover. Behind them on the ramp are soldiers using slings to hurl projectiles up at the defenders. At far right can be seen traces of a second group of soldiers advancing up a ramp, in this case spearmen with distinctive crested helmets; other reliefs show they would also have held circular shields. In the foreground, some men carry on their backs what appear to be large slabs for building siege ramps, while others lay down layers of palm fronds as matting in the ramp’s construction. Although there are many depictions of Assyrian sieges, this is the only known depiction of a siege ramp being constructed. Assyrian siege ramps could be massive structures, as the surviving remains of one ramp at the city of Lachish in Judah show. The use of palm fronds may indicate that the campaign being depicted was a southern one, in a region where date palms grew. A completed ramp with the same feature appears in another relief showing a campaign against Elam in southwestern Iran, and it is likely that the two were originally part of the same series.

The Assyrian army, the great military power of its time in the Near East, was extremely effective in siege warfare and the taking of cities. Multiple depictions of sieges in reliefs such as this capture many of the technologies and tactics they employed. Other Assyrian reliefs feature examples of battering rams and siege engines, the undermining of walls, and even actions taken by the defenders such as pouring hot water or oil or attempting to sabotage siege engines.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。