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品名(英)Foreign groom in a tributary procession
策展部门古代近东艺术Ancient Near Eastern Art
创作年份公元前 721 - 公元前 705
尺寸19 7/16 × 31 5/16 × 4 1/8 英寸, 128.5 磅 (49.3 × 79.5 × 10.4 厘米)
介绍(中)亚述国王萨尔贡二世(公元前721年至705年在位)登基后不久,在今天被称为Khorsabad的地方建立了一个新的首都Dur Sharrukin(字面意思是"萨尔贡堡垒")。萨尔贡在一场反对其兄弟沙勒马内泽五世(公元前726年至722年在位)的政变中夺取了王位,他可能希望通过搬到新的首都来巩固自己的政权。萨尔贡,意思是"真正的国王",是一个王座名称,指的是一位非常古老的国王,阿卡德的萨尔贡,他在新亚述时期被人们铭记为传奇英雄。在萨尔贡统治期间,杜尔沙鲁金的建筑工程一直在继续,不仅有一座主宫殿,还有一系列其他宫殿和寺庙,以及城市本身的基础设施。然而,这个庞大的工程在公元前705年因国王的去世而被放弃。他的儿子森纳切里布将再次迁都尼尼微,并在那里开始一项新的纪念性建筑计划



介绍(英)Soon after taking the throne, the Assyrian king Sargon II (r. 721–705 B.C.) founded a new capital city, Dur-Sharrukin (literally "fortress of Sargon"), at a site known today as Khorsabad. Sargon took the throne in a coup against his brother, Shalmaneser V (r. 726–722 B.C.), and it is possible that by moving to a new capital he hoped to consolidate his regime. Sargon, meaning "true king," was a throne name, and referred to a very ancient king, Sargon of Akkad, who by the Neo-Assyrian period was remembered as a legendary hero. Building work at Dur-Sharrukin continued throughout Sargon’s reign, with not only a main palace but also a constellation of other palaces and temples, as well as the infrastructure of the city itself. However, the immense project was abandoned in 705 B.C. with the king’s death. His son Sennacherib would move the capital once again, to Nineveh, and there embark on a new monumental building program.

This relief fragment comes from the main palace at Khorsabad, and shows a groom leading two horses. The horses’ elaborate harness appears to be Assyrian, with the common motif of rosettes on the cheek-pieces, tassels, and large crests rising from the headpieces. The non-Assyrian hairstyle and clothing of the groom, however, make it clear that he is a foreigner, and this fragment originally formed part of a much larger scene showing a foreign delegation bringing tribute to Assyria. In this case the horses themselves are the tribute. The main sources of horses for the Assyrians were regions to the east and north of Assyria, and it is likely that the groom comes from one of these areas.

Horses were extremely valuable to Assyria, not least as part of the empire’s formidable military, in which cavalry and fast, light two-wheeled chariots played a significant role. Depictions of horses occur frequently on reliefs showing Assyrian military campaigns, and sometimes in other media: wall paintings show that they were originally colored either a chestnut brown or a pale electric blue. The reliefs have lost almost all of their original pigment but it is likely that a similar palette was used. Some traces of color do survive, including small quantities of red ochre visible on parts of the horse harness at the lower right of this relief fragment.

Reliefs from Khorsabad are notable for their sometimes extremely large scale and their frequent use of high relief. Here the relief projects further from the background surface and takes on a more rounded, modeled form than is typical in the reliefs of Sargon’s predecessors or successors.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。