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品名(英)Vessel, Seated Deities
策展部门迈克尔·洛克菲勒之翼The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
创作年份公元 500 - 公元 700
尺寸高 8 3/4 × 直径 7 1/2 英寸 (22.2 × 19.1 厘米)

艺术家的恐怖在这一幕中表现得很明显。众神身体的每一个表面都滴满了羽毛和珠宝;整个翅膀,由爬行动物无颌的头部组成,从肘部延伸到间隙空间。这种绘画风格与命名纳兰霍统治者Aj Wosal Chan K'ich的陶器有关,他从公元546年统治到615年左右。纳兰霍是危地马拉佩滕东部的一个大城市,几个世纪以来一直是陶器画家的重要中心


James Doyle,2016年
介绍(英)This large, barrel-shaped polychrome cylinder vessel contains three images of a deity seated on thrones around its body. The rim of the vessel contains a band decorated with lightly painted pseudo-glyphs, images that give the appearance of writing without being actually legible. The baroque scene with the deities, covered in jewels and elaborate regalia, may pertain to a long-lost Maya myth from the 5th–6th centuries. The deity depicted in the two scenes sits cross-legged and raises its right arm while folding its left arm over its torso. The body of the deity is painted red and decorated with pill-shaped motifs that have been identified as marks of shininess in Maya art. Though the feet of the deity, painted in a gray wash, appear human, the gesturing hands are in the form of clawed jaguar paws. The loincloth is also a jaguar pelt, as is the cushion of the throne. The jaguar ears, along with the square-shaped eye with spiraled pupil, “cruller” ornament that frames the eye, and down-turned mouth with prominent tooth, all mark this deity as the Jaguar God of the Underworld. This deity is associated with the night sun. A similar vase, perhaps created in the same workshop, depicts the same deity holding a quatrefoil medallion of the Jaguar God of the Underworld (Hudson Museum, Orono, HM638).

The artist’s horror vacui is evident in this scene. Every surface of the gods’ body is dripping with feathers and jewels; entire wings, animated with the jawless head of a reptilian creature, extend from their elbows and flare into the interstitial space. This style of painting has been associated with pottery naming the ruler of Naranjo, Aj Wosal Chan K’inich, who ruled from A.D. 546 to around 615. Naranjo, a large city in the east of Petén, Guatemala, was an important center for painters of pottery vessels for many centuries.

Owners of this vessel prized it so much that when it fractured in antiquity, they drilled holes on either side of the crack to repair with a binding fiber.

James Doyle, 2016
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。