介绍(英) | Small jug. Translucent yellow green; handle, foot ring, and trail in same color. Everted rim folded over and in; concave, cylindrical neck; sloping shoulder; piriform body, with side tapering downwards; thick foot ring, applied as a coil; convex bottom, with large jagged pontil scar; strap handle, with thick rib on one side, attached to shoulder, drawn up and out, then turned in at an angle, and folded onto upper neck, with trail ending on edge of rim. Trail applied to base of neck, wound round five times as a tight-packed band, then wound up in a spiral six times, ending under rim. Intact, but one internal crack in body; pinprick and some large, elongated bubbles; slight dulling and pitting, with some soil encrustation between trail threads and on handle on exterior, patches of black weathering and brilliant iridescence on interior. |