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品名(中)帕索主教约翰内斯·菲利普(Johannes Philip of Lamberg)的路缘石(1651-1712)
品名(英)Curb Bit of Johannes Philip of Lamberg, Bishop of Passau (1651-1712)
策展部门武器和盔甲Arms and Armor
创作年份公元 1702
创作地区原产国: 德国(Country of Origin: Germany)
分类马术器械钻头(Equestrian Equipment-Bits)
尺寸高 12 1/2 英寸 (31.8 厘米); 宽 6 1/4 英寸 (15.9 厘米); 重 1 磅 15.1 盎司 (881.7 g)
介绍(中)这部分属于兰贝格的约翰内斯·菲利普(1652 - 1712),他是兰贝格伯爵,帕绍,萨尔茨堡和奥洛穆茨的教规牧师,以及帝国顾问。他于1689年成为帕绍主教和神圣帝国亲王,1700年成为红衣主教,最后于1701年在卡皮特成为圣西尔维斯特的红衣主教。


腿和橡子装饰品,南德钻头的传统装饰特征,显示出良好的工艺水平,浮雕部分则更粗糙。马刺制造商(制造所有小型马术材料的工匠的名字)显然对这种技术不太自在,通常留给金匠在应用于此类物体时。尽管如此,他还是会为自己的作品感到自豪,因为他两次在它上面签下了他的首字母(F C)和其中一个脸颊背面的日期1702。

介绍(英)This bit belonged to Johannes Philip of Lamberg (1652 - 1712) who was Count of Lamberg, canon priest of Passau, Salzburg, and Olomouc, and imperial counselor. He became bishop of Passau and Prince of the Holy Empire in 1689, cardinal-priest in 1700, and finally cardinal of San Silvestro in Capite in 1701.

The long purchases are decorated with two collared bracke dogs holding a mitre (the bracke dog is the heraldic device the Pottwein family, to which Johannes Philip was related). Each oval comb is bearing the heraldic wolf of Passau, with a pivoting scrolling ornament terminating with an acorn (on each comb a second hole, now empty, could have received another one). The traditional lower loops are entirely covered by the embossed and chiseled great arms of Philip of Lamberg, in a heart-shape shield topped and surrounded by a cardinal's hat, a cross, a sword and a crosier.

If the twisted shanks and the acorn ornaments, traditional decorative features of South German bits, show a good level of craftsmanship, the embossed parts are rougher. The spur maker (name of the craftsman making all small equestrian material), was obviously less at ease with this technique, usually left to goldsmiths when applied on such objects. He would have been nonetheless proud of his work, as he signed it twice with his initials (F C) and the date 1702 at the back of one of the cheekpieces.

The rising canons of the mouthpiece were used with horses with excellent mouths, the tongue a bit thick. But the fact that the mouthpiece is virtually non articulated (it bends only towards the front, which cannot happen in the mouth), would, together with the strong shanks, make it more severe.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。