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品名(英)[After the Capture of the Taku Forts]
创作者Felice Beato【1832 至 1909】【英国人,出生于意大利】
创作年份公元 1860
尺寸图像: 26 x 29.9 厘米 (10 1/4 x 11 3/4 英寸) Mount: 29.3 x 32.5 厘米 (11 9/16 x 12 13/16 英寸)
介绍(中)Felice Beato是最早创作大量中国和日本文献的专业摄影师之一,也是一位先驱的战争摄影师,他以一种在拍摄之前未知的图形事实来报道大屠杀和破坏的场景。比托和他的妹夫詹姆斯·罗伯逊在伊斯坦布尔开了一家工作室,与他一起报道了罗伯特·芬顿离开后克里米亚战争的最后几场战斗(见编号98和99)。这两位摄影师前往印度,记录了印度的兵变;他们拍摄于1858年勒克瑙围城后的照片,可能是第一张展示战场上真实尸体的照片。1860年中国第二次鸦片战争期间,比托独自创作了一部令人难忘的起诉书,控诉战争在塔库堡的无谓屠杀。在比托的整个职业生涯中,战争一直对他有着特殊的吸引力。在横滨定居后,比藤在那里完成了他一生的主要工作,记录了农村景观、日本传统习俗和生活方式。1871年,他前往韩国,记录了美国的一次惩罚性远征,直到1885年,他还报道了苏丹的殖民战争。比托结束了他在缅甸做古董商的日子
介绍(英)One of the first professional photographers to create an extensive documentation of China and Japan, Felice Beato was also a pioneer war photographer, reporting on scenes of massacre and devastation with a graphic matter-of-factness unknown prior to his images. Having opened a studio in Istanbul with his brother-in-law James Robertson, Beato covered with him the last battles of the Crimean War after the departure of Robert Fenton (see nos. 98 and 99). The two photographers went on to India to document the Indian Mutiny; their photographs made in 1858, after the siege of Lucknow, were perhaps the first to show actual corpses on the battlefield. During the second Opium War in China in 1860, Beato, now on his own, created a memorable indictment of war's senseless slaughter at Fort Taku. War continued to hold a peculiar fascination for Beato throughout his career. After settling in Yokohama, where he completed his major life's work documenting the rural landscapes and traditional Japanese customs and ways of life, Beato went to Korea in 1871 to document an American punitive expedition, and as late as 1885 he covered the colonial war in the Sudan. Beato ended his days as an antiques dealer in Burma.
The capture of the Taku forts of Peking by Anglo-French troops, led by Lord Elgin and Baron Gros, was the decisive battle in a war that was but one episode in the long struggle by the Western nations to open China to trade. The Anglo-French soldiers stormed the forts on August 21, 1860, after an explosion destroyed the powder magazine of the Great North Fort; the Chinese defenders fought to the last man. Beato's photographs, made inside the fort, show the carnage with a brutal directness. Less than two months later he would take probably the only photographs ever made of the interior of the summer palace north of Peking, before it was destroyed by fire, by order of Lord Elgin.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。