介绍(英) | Translucent greenish yellow. Rim folded out, round, and in; broad, flaring mouth; cylindrical neck, slanting backwards to serious face side, with lower part slightly indented; plastic body; flaring, circular base with rounded edges and slightly concave bottom, indented on edge below smiling face side. Mold seams visible on lower part of neck and sides of head. Body in the shape of two heads, back to back, one with a smiling face, the other with a serious face; both have hair in three arched tiers of small regular knobs, framing the faces and extending to chin; smiling face has arched eyebrows extending to aquiline nose, almond-shaped eyes with indents for pupils, open mouth, and rounded chin; serious face is similar but has a nose with broad, round nostrils, fatter lips, and a smaller chin. Intact, except for a small hole in hair of smiling face; dulling, slight pitting, patches of thick black weathering, and brilliant iridescence. |