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品名(英)Mustard pot
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Guillaume Egée【1659 至 1759】
创作年份公元 1748 - 公元 1749
尺寸高: 4 1/4 英寸 (10.8 厘米)

十八世纪早期的花盆呈圆柱形,通常带有典型的切割卡装饰和应用羔羊。到 1740 年代,洛可可的圆形形状与漩涡形式和花卉装饰占主导地位,如本例所示。

到18世纪中叶,芥末罐也用瓷器制成。事实上,巴黎奢侈品经销商的日记和库存,即Marchand Merciers,逐项列出了由陶瓷制成的芥末罐比银制成的芥末罐多得多,并且经常被列为具有高原和勺子。这些很少在银中幸存下来,尽管一些贵金属的例子有一个匹配的高原,正如Marchands仁慈者的账簿中所记录的那样。

凯瑟琳·温特沃斯(Catherine D. Wentworth,1865-1948 年)是惠好木材公司创始人之一的女儿,是一名艺术学生和画家,在法国生活了三十年。她成为美国最重要的十八世纪法国银收藏家之一,并于 1948 年去世后,将她收藏的大量银器、金盒、法国家具和纺织品的一部分遗赠给了大都会博物馆。该系列在国内银器方面特别强大,其中大部分是省级的,包括几件罕见的早期作品。
介绍(英)During the eighteenth century, mustard was served at the table either as a dry powder or mixed with vinegar to form a paste or sauce. The dry powder was contained in a caster left un-pierced or fitted with a removable sleeve that blocked the holes. Most of the mustard pots in the Museum’s collection were made to serve the condiment mixed into a sauce; they take the form of a small jug barely distinguishable from a lidded milk jug with a spout. Some lidded pots have an opening to accommodate a small spoon.

The early eighteenth-century pots are cylindrical in shape, often with typical cut card decoration and applied lambrequins. By the 1740s, the rounded shapes of the Rococo with swirling forms and floral ornament predominate as seen in this example.

By the mid-18th century, mustard pots were also made in porcelain. Indeed, the journals and inventories of the Paris luxury dealers, the marchand merciers, itemize many more mustard pots made of ceramics than of silver, and often were listed as having a plateau and a spoon. Rarely do these survive in silver, although some precious metal examples had a matching plateau as recorded in the account books of the marchands merciers.

Daughter of one of the founders of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, Catherine D. Wentworth (1865–1948) was an art student and painter who lived in France for thirty years. She became one of the most important American collectors of eighteenth-century French silver and on her death in 1948 bequeathed part of her significant collection of silver, gold boxes, French furniture, and textiles to the Metropolitan Museum. The collection is particularly strong in domestic silver, much of it provincial, and includes several rare early pieces.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。