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品名(中)红衣主教Scipione Borghese Caffarelli的保镖Fauchard(1576–1633)
品名(英)Fauchard of the Bodyguard of Cardinal Scipione Borghese-Caffarelli (1576–1633)
策展部门武器和盔甲Arms and Armor
创作年份公元 1575 - 公元 1635
创作地区原产国: 意大利(Country of Origin: Italy)
分类带柄武器(Shafted Weapons)
尺寸长 113 3/4 英寸 (288.93 厘米)
介绍(中)这个水龙头上的刀片与大都会博物馆收藏的另一种工作人员武器非常相似(编号14.25.273),但这个例子没有穿孔的玫瑰花结。除了刀尖和刀刃外,刀刃两侧都装饰有一系列奖章和装饰性带状漩涡装饰,以镶银圆点勾勒出轮廓,并以蓝色背景精美地镶有金色卷轴。奖章和漩涡装饰中的装饰品在打孔背景上凿刻和镀金,从上到下包括一个怪诞的教皇头饰和交叉的圣彼得钥匙,三根棕榈树枝突出皇冠,蛇怪,博尔盖塞手臂(显示一条龙,在酋长身上展示一只鹰)上面是一顶带有十个流苏的大主教帽, 一只鹰,一个怪诞。侧带及其铆钉饰有冲孔和镀金装饰,以匹配刀片及其插座。银色线流苏安装在插座的底部。八角形的木轴上覆盖着红色天鹅绒,并镶嵌着铜铆钉,并以锋利的铁尖终止。

这个例子是大都会博物馆中带有博尔盖塞手臂的两个例子之一,无疑是有史以来最精致、最漂亮的法杖武器之一,它结合了所有已知的金属装饰技术:发蓝、镀金、雕刻和大马士革,以及金银结壳。这些工作人员武器的所有者传统上被确定为卡米洛·博尔盖塞(Camillo Borghese,1552-1621),他于1596年成为红衣主教,并于1605年当选为教皇(保罗五世)。然而,最近,Boccia和Coelho暗示所有者可能是红衣主教Scipione Borghese-Caffarelli,他是保罗五世的侄子,被博尔盖塞家族收养。这些参谋武器中有十三件一直留在罗马的博尔盖塞别墅,直到 1892-93 年其内容被分散。以相同技术和相同图案装饰的儿童盔甲背板肯定来自与这些水龙头相同的车间,位于费城艺术博物馆的 Kienbusch 收藏中。
介绍(英)The blade on this fauchard is very similar to another staff weapon in the Metropolitan Museum's collection (acc. no. 14.25.273), but this example is without the pierced rosettes. Except for the tip and the cutting edge, the blade is decorated similarly on both sides with a series of medallions and ornamental strapwork cartouches outlined in silver-encrusted dots and set against a blued background finely damascened with gold scrolls. The ornament within the medallions and cartouches is chiseled and gilt on a punched background and includes, from top to bottom, a grotesque, the papal tiara and crossed keys of Saint Peter, three palm branches projecting through a crown, a basilisk, the Borghese arms (a dragon displayed, on a chief an eagle displayed) surmounted by an archbishop's hat with ten tassels, an eagle, and a grotesque. The side straps and their rivets are decorated with punched and gilt ornament to match the blade and its socket. A tassel of silver-colored thread is mounted at the base of the socket. The octagonal wooden shaft is covered with red velvet and studded with copper rivets, and terminates in a sharp iron point.

This example, one of two bearing the Borghese arms in the Metropolitan Museum, is surely one of the most elaborate and beautiful staff weapons ever produced, and combines all known techniques of metal decoration: bluing, gilding, engraving, and damascening, as well as encrustation with gold and silver. The owner of these staff weapons has traditionally been identified as Camillo Borghese (1552–1621), who became a cardinal in 1596 and who was elected to the papacy (as Paul V) in 1605. More recently, however, Boccia and Coelho have suggested that the owner may have been Cardinal Scipione Borghese-Caffarelli, a nephew of Paul V who was adopted into the Borghese family. Thirteen of these staff weapons remained in the Villa Borghese in Rome until 1892–93, when its contents were dispersed. A backplate for a child's armor decorated in the same technique and with the same motifs, which surely comes from the same workshop as these fauchards, is in the Kienbusch Collection in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。