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品名(英)Curly-Tailed Animal Pendant
策展部门迈克尔·洛克菲勒之翼The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
创作年份公元 100 - 公元 500
尺寸高 1 1/4 × 宽 2 3/4 × 深 1 1/2 英寸 (3.2 × 7 × 3.8 厘米)
介绍(中)如今,哥伦比亚、巴拿马和哥斯达黎加这些现代国家的艺术家们创造了一种被学者称为卷尾动物的杂交生物的吊坠和雕像。这个吊坠上有四个这样的生物并排,它们的宽尾巴拱在背上。每种动物的头部都有一个轮廓清晰的鼻子或喙,以及一个突出的眼睛。这件挂件和类似挂件上的动物学属性的多样性妨碍了对任何特定动物的明确鉴定,但卷尾猴(卷尾猴)、科蒂蒙迪(Nasua narica,甚至是家养狗(1家犬狼疮。这个吊坠上的四只动物共有六条腿。前面的有环,大概是为了悬挂在绳子上,鼻子朝向穿戴者

一只、两只、三只、四只或六只卷尾动物的金吊坠很常见,其他由玛瑙制成的吊坠也很常见。他们向主人和旁观者表达了多种想法。一个石制奇里克武士雕像(见MMA 1979.206.422)被描绘为佩戴着一个几乎与此相同的吊坠,这表明卷尾动物是政治权力的有力象征<
James A.Doyle,助理馆长,2018年

布雷,沃里克。"Cruzando el tapón del Darién:哥伦比亚透视之旅"。《奥罗博物馆》29(1990):3–51。

约翰·胡普斯。《海洋之间的土地上的神奇物质:南美洲北部和中美洲的奢华艺术》,《黄金王国:古代美洲的奢华艺术品》,乔安妮·皮尔斯伯里、蒂莫西·波茨和金·N·里希特编辑(洛杉矶:J.Paul Getty Museum,2017),第54-65页


Lothrop,Samuel K.Coclé:巴拿马中部考古研究,第一部分。皮博迪考古和民族学博物馆回忆录7(马萨诸塞州剑桥:哈佛大学出版社,1937年)

Pillsbury,Joanne,Timothy Potts和Kim N.Richter编辑,《黄金王国:古代美洲的奢华艺术》。洛杉矶:J.保罗·盖蒂博物馆,2017年。尤其是猫。第102号,第195页。
介绍(英)Artists in the lands that are now part of the modern nations of Colombia, Panama, and Costa Rica created pendants and figures of a hybrid creature known to scholars as the curly-tailed animal. This pendant features four such creatures side by side, their wide tails arching over their backs. The head of each animal has a lightly defined snout or bill, as well a protruding eye. The diversity of zoological attributes present on this and similar pendants precludes a definitive identification of any specific animal, but the capuchin monkey (Cebus capucinis), coatimundi (Nasua narica), or even domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) may have provided inspiration. The four animals on this pendant share six legs. Those in the front have loops, presumably to allow for suspension on a cord, with the snouts facing the wearer.

Gold pendants of one, two, three, four, or six curly-tailed animals are common, and others made from agate are known. They have represented multiple ideas to both their owners and their beholders. A Chiriquí warrior figure in stone (see MMA 1979.206.422) is depicted wearing a pendant almost identical to this one, suggesting that the curly-tailed animals were potent symbols of political power.

James A. Doyle, Assistant Curator, 2018

References and Further Reading
Bray, Warwick. “Cruzando el tapón del Darién: Una visión de la arqueología del istmo desde la perspectiva colombiana.” Boletín del Museo del Oro 29 (1990): 3–51.

Hoopes, John. “Magical Substances in the Land Between the Seas: Luxury Arts in Northern South America and Central America,” in Golden Kingdoms: Luxury Arts in the Ancient Americas, Joanne Pillsbury, Timothy Potts, and Kim N. Richter, eds. (Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 2017), pp. 54-65.

Jones, Julie, and Heidi King. "Gold of the Americas." The Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art vol. 59, no. 4 (Spring 2002), p. 40.

Lothrop, Samuel K. Coclé: An Archaeological Study of Central Panama, Part 1. Memoirs of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology 7 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1937).

Pillsbury, Joanne, Timothy Potts, and Kim N. Richter, eds. Golden Kingdoms: Luxury Arts in the Ancient Americas. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2017. See especially cat. no. 102, p. 195.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。