介绍(英) | Semi-translucent green, appearing opaque black; handles in same color; trail in opaque white. Irregular everted rim; short, concave neck; narrow, almost horizontal shoulder; bulbous, oval body with thick side; round, thick bottom, with off-center semicircular pontil scar; two handles applied to edge of shoulder and top of side over top of trail decoration, drawn up and in, attached to lip of rim, with excess glass looped over and trailed back along left side of handle, with tooled indents at top facing outwards and flattened on inside above rim. On body, continuous trail applied as a horizontal zigzag band. Complete, but internal crack running down side and across bottom, and one upward spike of trail missing; dulling, pitting of surface bubbles, patches of thick creamy brown weathering, especially on the inside and trail, and faint iridescence on trail.
Probably used for storing a small quantity of perfume or cosmetic, and possibly worn as a pendant on a chain. |