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品名(英)Borghese vase
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Giovanni Zoffoli【1745 至 1805】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1790 - 公元 1800
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 11 3/4 × 9 5/8 × 9 5/8 英寸 (29.8 × 24.4 × 24.4 厘米)
介绍(中)Giovanni Zoffoli是罗马银匠和青铜创始人贾科莫·佐夫利的兄弟或侄子,他建立了一个成功的实践,在Giovanny的延续下,为那些参加Grand Tour的人制作了仿古董雕塑。很难将两者分开,因为他们的工作非常一致。[1] 大约1785年,乔瓦尼打印了一份可用模型的列表,同年2月15日,建筑师查尔斯·希思科特·塔塔姆对其进行了注释,并将其从罗马寄给了同为建筑师的亨利·霍兰德。名单上的第15位,"Vaso a Pila"或类似basinlike的花瓶,售价15个西葫芦,与我们的型号相同。[2] 事实上,这只模型是博尔盖塞家族收藏的两个古董花瓶中较小的一个,当时在罗马,现在在卢浮宫,拿破仑于1807年从他的妹夫卡米洛·博尔盖塞手中买下。然而,青铜确实复制了四个色狼的面具和以松果结尾并挂着山羊皮的瑟西面具。下机身是单独铸造的,并通过带焊料的铁螺栓和螺母连接。下面用木头填充。2003年,另一个铸件出现在拍卖会上,经过了修改:它的首字母缩写在另一面,兽皮的头部比我们稍微牛一点的更像山羊皮,金属更红。[4] 另一个Zoffoli模型"Vaso a Urna"的两个模型更大,因此更贵(每个20个西葫芦),在阿什莫林。[5]

2.该清单发表在同上,第205页,以及Haskell和Penny 1981,第342页
5.Penny 1992,第1卷,第162–63页,编号110、111。
介绍(英)Giovanni Zoffoli was the brother or nephew of Giacomo Zoffoli, a Roman silversmith and bronze founder who built a successful practice, continued by Giovanni, of producing reductions after antique sculptures for those making the Grand Tour. It is difficult to separate the two, their work being quite consistent.[1] About 1785, Giovanni printed a list of available models, which on February 15 of that year the architect Charles Heathcote Tatham annotated and sent from Rome to fellow architect Henry Holland. Number 15 on the list, the “Vaso a Pila,” or basinlike vase, offered for 15 zecchini, is the same model as ours.[2] The model was in fact the smaller of two antique vases in the collection of the Borghese family, then in Rome but now in the Louvre, having been bought by Napoleon from his brother-in-law Camillo Borghese in 1807.[3]

The Borghese “Vaso a Pila” originally had low handles, of which Zoffoli was unaware and which would have counterbalanced the extraordinarily flared neck. The bronze does, however, replicate the four satyr’s masks and the thyrsi ending in pinecones and hung with goatskins. The lower body was cast separately and joined by means of an iron bolt and nut with solder. The underside is filled with wood. Another cast appeared at auction in 2003, having undergone changes: it is initialed on a different side, the heads of the animal skins are a bit more caprine than our slightly bovine ones, and the metal is redder.[4] Two casts of another Zoffoli model, “Vaso a Urna,” larger and thus more expensive (20 zecchini each), are in the Ashmolean.[5]

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. First studied by Honour 1961.
2. The list was published in ibid., p. 205, and in Haskell and Penny 1981, p. 342.
3. See Jean-Luc Martinez in Giroire and Roger 2007, p. 160, cat. 89.
4. Sotheby’s, London, July 8, 2003, lot 161.
5. Penny 1992, vol. 1, pp. 162–63, nos. 110, 111.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。