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品名(英)Joined lappets
入馆年号1979年,1979.310.1a, b
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作年份公元 1685 - 公元 1699
尺寸长 47 x 宽 3 英寸 (119.4 x 7.6 厘米)
介绍(中)大都会博物馆的伟大蕾丝收藏始于美国博物馆中第一个组织永久花边收藏的博物馆,并于 1879 年接受了麦卡勒姆收藏,此后不久接受了约翰·雅各布·阿斯特夫人、罗伯特·L·斯图尔特夫人、奥古斯都·克利夫兰夫人和 A. W. 温特斯夫人的遗赠。1893年,由凯瑟琳·奥古斯塔·纽博尔德(Catharine Augusta Newbold)领导的纽约妇女委员会在芝加哥世界哥伦比亚博览会上展出的古董鞋带贷款收藏。大约在1900年,纽博尔德小姐安排并标记了詹姆斯·布尔曼·约翰斯通夫人和约翰斯通小姐借给大都会博物馆的鞋带和亚麻布展览。"她对蕾丝技术的学术知识使博物馆首次全面展示了蕾丝,说明了其历史发展,"当时的纺织部门策展人弗朗西斯莫里斯小姐写道。

纽博尔德小姐的名字再次出现在她的侄女唐纳德·P·斯宾塞夫人和赖盖特夫人最近送给博物馆的一组三十八条鞋带上,以纪念她的妹妹,他们的母亲威廉·雷德蒙德·克罗斯夫人。这些代表了纽博尔德小姐个人蕾丝系列中最好的选择,这个系列可能是在她活跃于十九世纪最后十年和二十世纪初在纽约蕾丝圈子的时候,在玛丽安·黑格(Marian Hague)的指导下制作的,玛丽安·黑格是一位杰出的鉴赏家和收藏家。这一时期见证了对这种艺术形式的欣赏和鉴赏的最后高峰,这种艺术形式从十五世纪开始就非常流行。这是最后一个可以任意数量的精美鞋带的时期。

介绍(英)The Metropolitan Museum's great lace collection was started when the Museum became the first among American museums to organize a permanent collection of lace with the acceptance of the McCallum Collection in 1879 and the bequests of Mrs. John Jacob Astor, Mrs. Robert L. Stuart, Mrs. Augustus Cleveland, and Mrs. A. W. Winters shortly thereafter. In 1893 a loan collection of antique laces shown at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago was assembled by a committee of New York women headed by Catharine Augusta Newbold. About 1900 Miss Newbold arranged and labeled an exhibition of laces and linenworks lent to the Metropolitan Museum by Mrs. James Boorman Johnstone and the Misses Johnstone. "Her scholarly knowledge of lace technique enabled the Museum for the first time to offer a comprehensive display of lace illustrating its historical development," wrote Miss Frances Morris, then curator of the textile department.

Miss Newbold's name occurs again in connection with a group of thirty-eight laces recently given to the Museum by her nieces, Mrs. Donald P. Spence and The Lady Reigate, in memory of her sister, their mother, Mrs. William Redmond Cross. These represent a selection of the finest of Miss Newbold's personal lace collection, a collection probably made at the time she was active in lace circles in New York about the last decade of the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth century, under the guidance of Marian Hague, a distinguished connoisseur and collector herself. This period witnessed the last peak of appreciation of and connoisseurship in an art form that had been in tremendous vogue from its beginnings in the fifteenth century. And it was the last period in which fine laces were available in any number.

Among choice examples of the great lace types represented in Miss Newbold's small collection are: early Italian pieces combining cut-work, pulled work, reticella, embroidery on linen ground; Sicilian polychrome silk filet; seventeenthcentury Venetian points (point de Venise à reseau and the widely known rose point de Venise); famous French needlepoints (Point de Paris, Argentan, Alençon); French and Flemish bobbin laces (Binche, Valenciennes, Brussels, Point d'Angleterre, and Point de Gaz); and a beautiful cap crown of Argentella (1979.310.9), a rare eighteenth-century European lace whose place of origin has never been surely determined
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。