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策展部门武器和盔甲Arms and Armor
创作年份公元 1580
创作地区原产国: 德国, 奥格斯堡(Country of Origin: Germany, Augsburg)
分类装甲部件胸板(Armor Parts-Breastplates)
尺寸高 16 5/8 英寸 (43.3 厘米); 宽 14 5/8 英寸 (37.1 厘米); 深 7 1/2 英寸 (19 厘米); 重 12 磅 1 盎司 (5470 g)

通过与耶稣被钉十字架的联系,成为基督教肖像画的中心形象,象征着基督的牺牲、精神救赎的承诺和基督教会本身。"基督"一词源自希腊语和拉丁语,意为"受膏者",相当于希伯来语"弥赛亚"。"基督"成为耶稣的代名词,因为人们相信他是上帝膏抹的神圣君王和救主,希伯来圣经预言了他的到来。这件胸甲上描绘的耶稣显示出许多典型的虔诚的十字架图像的特征,尊崇他为基督。在科斯的顶部是一幅刻有INRI的小卷轴(拉丁语"Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum"(拿撒勒人耶稣,犹太人的王)的缩写),根据福音书,它是根据罗马省长本丢彼拉多的命令放置的,他判处耶稣。耶稣戴着荆棘辫子的冠冕,这是士兵们在被钉十字架前嘲笑他而制作的。荆棘冠冕象征着受难,这是基督生命中从他进入耶路撒冷到他死在十字架上的最后循环。耶稣的加冕头被一个灵光环绕,光芒四射,象征着神性。在十字架的脚下出现了一个人类的头骨和骨头。除了作为忏悔和生命短暂性质的一般象征外,头骨和骨头还代表了钉十字架的山丘,被称为Golgotha,意思是"头骨的地方"。根据一个虚构的传说,钉十字架发生在埋葬亚当骨头的地方,以确认基督作为新亚当的使命。
介绍(英)The crucified Christ as Savior and Redeemer is boldly represented in the etched decoration of one half of this German breastplate. On the other half a soldier kneels in supplication before the cross, his hands clasped in prayer. From his hands there wafts a tasseled banderole bearing a plea to God for the preservation of his honor and an expression of the hope of eternal salvation: O GOT EREREI HOFNONG (Oh God, Honor[?], Hope), followed by the date 1580. Phrases of this type, known as Stossgebete, are found sporadically on German armor and weapons made throughout the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The figure bears the arms of an infantry officer––appropriately so since the breastplate is of the type and quality made for officers serving on foot or in the light cavalry.

The cross, through its association with the Crucifixion of Jesus, became the central image of Christian iconography, symbolizing the sacrifice of Christ, the promise of spiritual salvation, and the Christian Church itself. The term "Christ" is derived from the Greek and Latin for "anointed one," which is equivalent to the Hebrew term "Messiah." "Christ" became synonymous with Jesus through the establishment of belief in him as the divine king and savior anointed by God, whose coming was foretold in the Hebrew scriptures. Jesus as depicted on this breastplate shows many features typical of devotional crucifixion images venerating him as the Christ. Atop the corss is a small scroll inscrbed INRI (an abbreviation for the Latin phrase "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum" (Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews), which, according to the Gospels, was placed there by order of Pontius Pilate, the Roman provincial governor who passed sentence on Jesus. Jesus wears the crown of plaited thorns, made by the soldiers to mock him before the Crucifixion. The Crown of Thorns symbolizes the Passion, the final cycle of events in the life of Christ, from his entry into Jerusalem until his death on the cross. The crowned head of Jesus is surrounded by a nimbus, radiant beams of light signifying divinity. At the foot of the cross appear a human skull and bones. In addition to standing as a general symbol of penitence and the transitory nature of life, the skull and bones represent the hill on which the Crucifixion took place, which was known as Golgotha, meaning "place of the skull." According to one apocryphal legend, the Crucifixion occurred on the spot where Adam's bones were buried, in affirmation of Christ's mission as the New Adam.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。