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品名(英)Side chair (one of a pair)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Josef Danhauser【1780 至 1829】
创作年份公元 1810 - 公元 1825
尺寸整体: 37 1/8 × 22 1/8 × 19 英寸 (94.3 × 56.2 × 48.3 厘米)
介绍(中)1815年至1848年间,德国和奥地利的政治和文化氛围较为保守。这一时期及其内部装饰风格都被称为Biedermeier,以诗人路德维希·艾克罗特(1827–1892)在19世纪50年代发明的一个虚构人物命名。尽管这个词引用了德国资产阶级的典型品质(朴实无华、节俭、家庭生活),但比德迈尔家具风格的起源完全是贵族化的。简洁、优雅的造型,简洁的线条和浅色的木饰面,源自18世纪末为德国、奥地利和法国的皇室和王子家庭制作的装饰性家具。[1] 对于这个市场,即使是巴黎的商人,如Canabas、Saunier、Jacob和Molitor[2],也生产出了简单的桃花心木,而这些桃花心木仅因其卓越的材料和卓越的工艺而与众不同。[3] 柏林、慕尼黑和维也纳的橱柜制造商紧随其后,创造了类似的精致家具。[4]

当代水彩画记录了Biedermeier室内设计的特点是在油漆、壁纸和织物上使用强烈的颜色。[5] 因此,大都会博物馆文物保护部的室内装潢专家很高兴但并不惊讶地发现,在博物馆收藏的这把椅子及其副椅子的前展览封面下,有一些深海蓝色的丝线。[6] 一种合适的织物被收购并染色,以匹配这些早期室内装饰的残余。很少有策展人和保护人能有这样一个绝佳的机会来重现一件家具的原始外观,并使用正确的材料,在这种情况下是珍贵的丝绸。落地式座椅上的弹簧内饰是原装的,大部分表面处理也是原装的。[7] Biedermeier时期对真正舒适的座椅家具的追求是其特征:1822年,Georg Junigl在维也纳获得了一项专利,"因为他改进了现代家具装饰的方法,通过特殊的大麻制备和铁弹簧的帮助,他使其具有不亚于马毛装饰的弹性。"[8]


[Wolfram Koepe 2006]

<1。约瑟夫·福尔尼斯。帝国和Biedermeierzeit的Innenräume和Hausrat在Österreich Ungarn。第5版,维也纳,1922年;和Georg Himmelheber。Biedermeier,1815-1835:建筑、绘画、雕塑、装饰艺术、时尚。慕尼黑,1989年。
3.妮可·德·雷尼斯。国内移动:Vocabulaire类型学。2卷。科学分析原理5。法国的纪念碑和艺术财富发明。巴黎,1987年,第1卷,第42-45205页;克里斯托夫,格拉夫·冯·普费尔。死亡Möbel der 4。Hans Ottomeyer,与Ulrike Laufer。格吕克和恩德:《伊迪尔之死》,1815年至1848年。例如。猫Münchner Stadtmuseum博物馆。慕尼黑,1987年;和阿希姆·斯蒂格尔。Berliner Möbelkunst vom Ende des 18 bis zur Mitte des 19。雅胡安德斯。Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien第107页。慕尼黑,2003年。
5。夏洛特·基尔。十九世纪装饰:室内艺术。纽约,1989年,第188-93页;Angela Völker。Biedermeierstoffe:维也纳艺术博物馆和维也纳技术博物馆。慕尼黑和纽约,1996年,第12和69页,图6和61;皮埃尔·阿里佐利·克莱门特尔。"打破传统主义",载于《欧洲装饰艺术》,阿兰·格鲁伯主编,第3卷,《杜·打破传统主义》,第21-127页。巴黎,1994年,第47页。
6。"最近的收购:精选,1996-1997。"大都会艺术博物馆公告55,第2期(1997年秋季),第50页(Wolfram Koepe条目)
7.在六把椅子中(见下文),博物馆被允许选择保存状态最好的两把椅子。1998年,博物馆舍曼费尔柴尔德文物保护中心的保育员Mechthild Baumeister和Nancy C.Britton对它们进行了检查和保护。第二任主席的加入号为1996.417.2。
8。约翰·弗莱明和休·荣誉。企鹅装饰艺术词典。新版,伦敦和纽约,1989年,第842页。然而,这项技术已经存在了一段时间;见Gabriele Fabiankowitch和Christian Witt-Dörring。热诺姆特幻想曲:蒂施勒时代,维也纳,1800–1840年。例如。猫Geymüllerschlössel。维也纳,1996年。
9。"Danhauser的K.K.Priv.Möbel Fabrik"翻译为Danhauser享有特权的帝国和皇家家具制造厂。关于类似的椅子,请参见《舒伯特时代的维也纳:比德梅尔室内》,1815-1848年。例如。猫维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆。伦敦,1979年,第29页,图6,第41页,图15;马西莫·格里福。意大利移动电话:欧洲之声。诺瓦拉,1984年,第38页;格奥尔格·希梅尔赫贝尔。德国Möbels音乐节:Möbel und Vertäfelungen des deutschen Sprachraums von den Anfängen bis zum Jugendstil。第3卷,克拉斯齐斯博物馆,历史博物馆,朱根斯蒂尔。慕尼黑,1973年,图380;安格斯·威尔基。比德梅尔。纽约,1987年,第71页,图54,第137-38148页,图138;格奥尔格·希梅尔赫贝尔。Biedermeier,1815-1835:建筑、绘画、雕塑、装饰艺术、时尚。慕尼黑,1989年,第112、214页,编号121、122;Claudio Paolini、Alessandra Ponte和Ornella Selvafolta。Il bello"ritrovato":古斯托,ambienti,m
介绍(英)The years between 1815 and 1848 in Germany and Austria were characterized by a conservative political and cultural climate. The period and its style of interior decoration are both called Biedermeier, after a fictional character invented by the poet Ludwig Eichrodt (1827–1892) in the 1850s. Although the term invokes qualities typical of the German bourgeoisie (unpretentiousness, thrift, domesticity), the origin of the Biedermeier furniture style was totally aristocratic. The simple, elegant forms with their clean lines and light-colored wood veneer derived from the ornamentally restrained furniture that had been made for the royal and princely households of Germany, Austria, and France beginning in the late eighteenth century.[1] For this market, even Parisian ébénistes, such as Canabas, Saunier, Jacob, and Molitor,[2] produced simple mahogany pieces that were set apart only by their excellent materials and outstanding craftsmanship.[3] Berlin, Munich, and Viennese cabinetmakers followed suit, creating similar, refined furniture.[4]

Contemporary watercolors document that Biedermeier interiors were characterized by the use of strong colors for paint, wallpaper, and fabrics.[5] Consequently, the upholstery specialist of the Metropolitan Museum's Objects Conservation Department was delighted but not surprised to discover some silk threads of a strong aquamarine color beneath the former show covers on the present chair and its pair, which is also in the Museum's collection.[6] An appropriate fabric was acquired and dyed to match these remnants of the earliest upholstery. Seldom are curators and conservators given such a splendid opportunity to recreate the original appearance of a piece of furniture and to do it with the correct material, in this case, precious silk. The spring upholstery on the drop-on seats is original, as are large parts of the surface finish.[7] The quest for truly comfortable seating furniture characterized the Biedermeier period: in 1822 Georg Junigl obtained a patent in Vienna "for his improvement on contemporary methods of furniture upholstery which, by means of a special preparation of hemp and with the assistance of iron springs, he renders so elastic that it is not inferior to horsehair upholstery."[8]

The Museum's side chairs, originally part of a set of six, can be attributed to the firm of Josef Ulrich Danhauser (1780–1829), the leading furniture manufacturer in Vienna.[9] He had many royal patrons, including Archduke Karl von Sachsen Teschen (1771–1847) and Duke Albert von Sachsen Teschen (1738–1822). The Danhauser factory produced some items in large quantities, and these pieces established the firm's reputation throughout Central Europe and Northern Italy.[10]

[Wolfram Koeppe 2006]


1. Josef Folnesics. Innenräume und Hausrat der Empire- und Biedermeierzeit in Österreich-Ungarn. 5th ed. Vienna, 1922; and Georg Himmelheber. Biedermeier, 1815–1835: Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, Decorative Arts, Fashion. Munich, 1989.
2. Joseph Gegenbach, called Canabas (1712–1797); Claude Charles Saunier (1735–1807); Georges Jacob (1739–1814); Bernard Molitor (d. 1833).
3. Nicole de Reyniès. Le mobilier domestique: Vocabulaire typologique. 2 vols. Principes d'analyse scientifique 5. Inventaire général des monuments et des richesses artistiques de la France. Paris, 1987, vol. 1, pp. 42-45, 205; and Christoph, Graf von Pfeil. Die Möbel der 4. Hans Ottomeyer, with Ulrike Laufer. Biedermeiers Glück und Ende: Die gestörte Idylle, 1815–1848. Exh. cat., Münchner Stadtmuseum. Munich, 1987; and Achim Stiegel. Berliner Möbelkunst vom Ende des 18 bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien 107. Munich, 2003.
5. Charlotte Gere. Nineteenth-Century Decoration: The Art of the Interior. New York, 1989, pp. 188-93; Angela Völker. Biedermeierstoffe: Die Sammlungen des MAK— Österreichisches Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Wien, und des Techniscen Museums, Wien. Munich and New York, 1996, pp. 12, 69, figs. 6, 61; Pierre Arizzoli-Clémental. "Néoclassicisme." In L'art décoratif en Europe, ed. Alain Gruber, vol. 3, Du Néoclassicisme à l'Art Déco, pp. 21–127. Paris, 1994, p. 47.
6. "Recent Acquisitions: A Selection, 1996–1997." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 55, no. 2 (Fall 1997), p. 50 (entry by Wolfram Koeppe).
7. Out of the set of six (see below), the Museum was allowed to choose the two chairs in the best state of preservation. They were examined and conserved by Mechthild Baumeister and Nancy C. Britton, Conservators, in the Museum's Sherman Fairchild Center for Objects Conservation in 1998. The accession number of the second chair is 1996.417.2.
8. John Fleming and Hugh Honour. The Penguin Dictionary of Decorative Arts. New ed. London and New York, 1989, p. 842. The technique had been in existence for some time, however; see Gabriele Fabiankowitsch and Christian Witt-Dörring. Genormte Fantasie: Zeichenunterricht für Tischler, Wien, 1800–1840. Exh. cat., Geymüllerschlössel. Vienna, 1996.
9. "Danhauser's K. K. Priv. Möbel Fabrik" translates as Danhauser's Privileged Imperial and Royal Furniture Manufactory. For similar chairs, see Vienna in the Age of Schubert: The Biedermeier Interior, 1815–1848. Exh. cat., Victoria and Albert Museum. London, 1979, p. 29, fig. 6, p. 41, fig. 15; Massimo Griffo. Il mobile dell'Ottocento: Altri paesi europei. Novara, 1984, p. 38; Georg Himmelheber. Die Kunst des deutschen Möbels: Möbel und Vertäfelungen des deutschen Sprachraums von den Anfängen bis zum Jugendstil. Vol. 3, Klassizismus, Historismus, Jugendstil. Munich, 1973, fig. 380; Angus Wilkie. Biedermeier. New York, 1987, p. 71, fig. 54, pp. 137-38, 148, fig. 138; Georg Himmelheber. Biedermeier, 1815–1835: Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, Decorative Arts, Fashion. Munich, 1989, pp. 112, 214, nos. 121, 122; Claudio Paolini, Alessandra Ponte, and Ornella Selvafolta. Il bello "ritrovato": Gusto, ambienti, mobili dell'Ottocento. Novara, 1990, p. 210; and Ian Wardropper and Lynn Springer Roberts. European Decorative Arts in the Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, 1991, pp. 98, 137-38.
10. Georg Himmelheber. Biedermeier, 1815–1835: Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, Decorative Arts, Fashion. Munich, 1989; and Gabriele Fabiankowitsch and Christian Witt-Dörring. Genormte Fantasie: Zeichenunterricht für Tischler, Wien, 1800–1840. Exh. cat., Geymüllerschlössel. Vienna, 1996.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。