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品名(英)Two women wrestling
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Ferdinando Tacca【1619 至 1686】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1675 - 公元 1800
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 13 9/16 × 7 1/2 × 8 3/8 英寸 (34.4 × 19.1 × 21.3 厘米)

我们的青铜器是罕见的成对保存下来的青铜器之一。[1] 女性群体及其变体更为常见。[2] 在法国、意大利或德国作家早期提出建议后,Ferdinando Tacca工作室的一个归属被分配给了20世纪70年代拍卖的一个演员,而Hermitage的一个男性团体被分配给Tacca的圈子。[3] 这种归因很难持续下去。摔跤运动员柔软大方的围腰与塔卡锋利的线性窗帘几乎没有相似之处,旋转的头发与亚历山德罗·阿尔加迪的设计有点相似(因此,矛盾的是,更像罗马风格,而不是佛罗伦萨风格)。虽然男性形象完美的解剖学、卷发、披挂的生殖器让人想起了意大利式的风格,但女性群体的特征强烈暗示了阿尔卑斯山另一边的生产,尤其是示意性的、相当粗糙的身体和奇怪的细节,如左摔跤手额头上的一簇头发。如果我们承认这些团体是由同一位创始人塑造的,那么它们很可能是北欧工作室的产物。对这一点的支持可以在早期的一组女性摔跤手中找到,这些摔跤手现在被认为是德国雕塑家Leonhard Kern。[4] 此外,17世纪末和18世纪初的法国和德国收藏中记录了两个女性群体。[5] 值得注意的是,许多女性团体,比如巴尔的摩的一个小得多的团体,[6]部分都裹着大量的围腰

。两者都是黄铜,尽管成分不同。F.Carå/AR,2021年9月15日。2.London 1976,第TK页。男性和女性群体之间的关系在Tietze Conrat 1918,第61-63页中有记载。有关类似团体的列表,请参见Androsov 2017,第300页(未提及我们的青铜)
4。MMA,1982.60.121;见詹姆斯·大卫·德雷珀(James David Draper)在《林斯基1984》(Linsky 1984)中的文章,第172页,第91页
5.安德烈·勒诺特(AndréLe Nôtre),巴黎(见吉弗里1911年),奥古斯都强者,德累斯顿(见霍尔森1939年,第185页)
介绍(英)The finish and stance of these naked wrestlers—one group of men, covered in loincloths, the other women—point to a late Baroque chronology, possibly the last quarter of the seventeenth century. The groups differ in the way the bodily motion is conceived: balanced and rhythmical in the men’s contest, sclerotic and stiff in the women’s. Despite its in-the-round character, the male group privileges the frontal view, from where both faces can be appreciated. The female bronze must be viewed from two distinct angles—frontal and from the right—to observe the two faces.

Our bronzes are among the rare ones to have apparently survived as a pair.[1] The female group and its variants is encountered more frequently.[2] After earlier proposals of French, Italian, or German authorship, an attribution to Ferdinando Tacca’s workshop was assigned to a cast sold at auction in the 1970s, and a male group in the Hermitage is given to Tacca’s circle.[3] This attribution is difficult to sustain. The soft and generous loincloths of the wrestling men bear little resemblance to Tacca’s sharp, linear drapery, and the swirling locks of hair are vaguely akin to Alessandro Algardi’s designs (paradoxically, thus, more Roman than Florentine). While the academic flavor of the male figures—faultless anatomy, curly hair, draped genitalia—evoke the Italian manner, the features of the female group strongly suggest production on the other side of the Alps, in particular the schematic, rather lumpy bodies and odd details such as the tuft of hair on the left wrestler’s forehead. If we accept that the groups were cast as a pair by the same founder, they are likely a product of a northern European workshop. Support for this may be found in an earlier group of women wrestlers now attributed to the German sculptor Leonhard Kern.[4] Moreover, two female groups are documented in late seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century French and German collections.[5] It is worth noting that many of the female groups, such as a much smaller version in Baltimore,[6] are partially clad in abundant loincloths.

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. Both are brasses, although of differing composition. F. Carò/AR, September 15, 2021. 2. London 1976, p. TK. The relationship between the male and female groups was noted in Tietze-Conrat 1918, pp. 61–63. For a list of similar groups, see Androsov 2017, p. 300 (with no mention of our bronze).
3. Christie’s, London, December 4, 1973, lot TK; Androsov 2017, p. 300, cat. 160.
4. MMA, 1982.60.121; see James David Draper in Linsky 1984, p. 172, no. 91.
5. André Le Nôtre, Paris (see Guiffrey 1911), and Augustus the Strong, Dresden (see Holzhausen 1939, p. 185).
6. Walters Art Museum, 54.647.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。