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品名(中)Drop-Front Desk(屠宰秘书或内阁秘书)
品名(英)Drop-front desk (secrétaire à abattant or secrétaire en cabinet)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Martin Carlin【1725 至 1785】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1771 - 公元 1781
尺寸43 3/8 x 40 1/2 x 12 7/8 英寸 (110.1 x 102.9 x 32.7厘米)
介绍(中)这张精致的两件式办公桌是由橱柜制造商马丁·卡林(Martin Carlin)制作的,他以优雅的家具和塞夫勒瓷器而闻名。中央瓷板背面绘有当年的日期字母,以及塞夫勒工厂的画家埃德姆·弗朗索瓦·布伊拉特(Edme Francois Bouillat,1739/40–1810)的标记。Bouillat是各种花卉装饰的专家,他用一个挂在大蝴蝶结上的花篮来装饰主牌匾。这位秘书的历史有据可查。在18世纪,它为两位截然不同的女性的藏品增色不少。它的第一任主人是受欢迎的女高音歌唱家玛丽·约瑟芬·拉盖尔(1755–1783),她作为一名歌剧女演员,享受着由富有的情人创造的奢华和放荡的生活。她的个人财产于1782年4月公开出售,距离她英年早逝不到一年。目录显示,她拥有这位秘书以及另外两件饰有瓷牌的家具。她收藏的一些塞弗尔装饰性物品可能陈列在秘书的大理石架子上。多米尼克·达盖尔(Dominique Daguerre)和他的合伙人西蒙·菲利普·普瓦里耶(Simon Philippe Poirier)在购买Sèvres牌匾方面拥有实质上的垄断权,他很可能向拉盖尔提供了这件家具,并在1782年的拍卖会上买回了它,但这并没有记录在案。同年5月,俄罗斯大公爵夫人玛丽亚·费奥多罗芙娜(Maria Feodorovna)和她的丈夫保罗(Paul,1754–1801)以北方伯爵夫人的身份访问了巴黎。未来的皇后被玛丽·安托瓦内特(Marie Antoinette)的第一夫人珍妮·路易丝·亨丽埃特·坎潘(Jeanne Louise Henriette Campan,1752–1822)描述为"身高很高,与她的年龄相比非常肥胖,具有德国式的僵硬。"。在巴黎,玛丽亚·费奥多罗芙娜经常光顾时尚商人的商店,她很可能在那里为她在巴甫洛夫斯克的乡村住宅购置了瓷制秘书和其他家具

根据玛丽亚·费奥多罗芙娜(Maria Feodorovna)本人于1795年对其私人房间的详细描述,秘书被安置在她的闺房里。直到1917年革命后占领巴甫洛夫斯克的苏联政府向1931年前往苏联的商人约瑟夫·杜维恩(Joseph Duveen,1869–1939)出售艺术品之前,它一直留在皇宫。
介绍(英)Attributed to the cabinetmaker Martin Carlin, who was known for his graceful furniture mounted with Sevres porcelain, this exquisite two-piece desk was made about 1776. A date letter for that year is painted on the back of the central porcelain plaque, together with the mark of Edme-Francois Bouillat (1739/40–1810), a painter at the Sevres manufactory. A specialist in different kinds of floral ornament, Bouillat decorated the main plaque with a flower basket suspended from a large bowknot. The history of this secretary is well documented. During the eighteenth century it graced the collections of two remarkably different women. Its first owner was the popular soprano Marie-Josephine Laguerre (1755–1783), who as a fille d'Opera enjoyed a luxurious and dissolute existence made possible by her wealthy lovers. Her personal property was publicly sold in April 1782, less than a year before her untimely death. The catalogue indicates that she owned this secretary as well as two other pieces of furniture embellished with porcelain plaques. Some of the Sevres decorative wares in her collection may have been displayed on the marble shelves of the secretary. It is likely that Dominique Daguerre, who with his partner, Simon-Philippe Poirier, had a virtual monopoly on the purchase of Sèvres plaques, supplied the piece of furniture to Laguerre and bought it back at the 1782 sale, but this is not documented. In May of that same year, Maria Feodorovna, grand duchess of Russia, and her husband, Paul (1754–1801), visited Paris incognito as the comte and comtesse du Nord. The future empress was described by Jeanne-Louise-Henriette Campan (1752–1822), first lady-in-waiting to Marie-Antoinette, as being “of a fine height, very fat for her age, with all the stiffness of the German demeanour.” In Paris, Maria Feodorovna frequented the shops of the fashionable dealers, where she is likely to have acquired the porcelain-mounted secretary and other furnishings for her country residence at Pavlovsk.

According to a detailed description of her private rooms written in 1795 by Maria Feodorovna herself, the secretary was placed in her boudoir. It remained at the imperial palace until the Soviet government, which had taken possession of Pavlovsk after the Revolution of 1917, offered works of art for sale to the dealer Joseph Duveen (1869–1939), who had traveled to the Soviet Union in 1931.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。